National Assembly - 25 June 2002

TUESDAY, 25 JUNE 2002 _____


The House met at 14:02.

The Speaker took the Chair and requested members to observe a moment of silence for prayers or meditation.


                          NOTICES OF MOTION

Mr F BHENGU: Madam Speaker, I shall move on behalf of the ANC:

That the House -

(1) notes that Comrade Rusty Bernstein, a founding member of the South African Congress of Democrats - The SPEAKER: Hon Mr Bhengu, would you please take your seat? We are dealing with notices of motion. If you wait until we come to motions without notice, you may move this motion then.

Mr F BHENGU: It is notice of a motion, Madam Speaker.

The SPEAKER: It is notice? You do not wish to move it today? Very well. My apologies.

Mr F BHENGU: Thank you, Madam Speaker. As I was saying, I shall move:

That the House -

(1) notes that Comrade Rusty Bernstein, a founding member of the South African Congress of Democrats and former treason trialist, passed away yesterday;

(2) further notes that Peter Magano of GaRankuwa, who was sentenced to 15 years on Robben Island, and was elected a member of the Provincial Legislature in the North West province in 1994 and at the time of his death was serving as an adviser to the Premier of the North West, the hon Popo Molefe, also passed away last week;

(3) expresses its sincere condolences to the family and friends of the deceased comrades; and

(4) acknowledges the important role these comrades and cadres of our movement played in the struggle for a free, nonracial, nonsexist and democratic South Africa.

The LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION: Madam Speaker, I give notice that I shall move on the next sitting day:

That the House -

(1) notes that the floor-crossing legislation will be examined by the Constitutional Court soon;

(2) notes that the Democratic Alliance supports the principle that, subject to conditions, representatives should be able to follow their consciences and parties should be able to merge; (3) notes further that the DA believes that when floor-crossing leads to changes of governments or administration, the will of the people should be tested and a special election held so that a democratic mandate can be obtained; and

(4) therefore challenges the ANC-New NP alliance to place the people first and politicians second and agree to hold elections in the Western Cape and in KwaZulu-Natal, or anywhere else where a change of administration follows not on an election but on the movement of politicians.

Mr A M MPONTSHANE: Madam Speaker, I give notice that I shall move on behalf of the IFP:

That the House -

(1) welcomes the decision by the OAU not to recognise the government of Madagascar’s President Ravalomanana;

(2) whilst this decision comes six months after the elections in Madagascar, appreciates the fact that the OAU is finally prepared to isolate governments which lack constitutional legitimacy; and

(3) encourages African governments to ensure their readiness to uphold their commitment to constitutional democracy and to desist from changing constitutions whenever it suits their political whims, thereby causing political paralysis which often accompanies such arbitrary actions.

Mrs N R SHOPE: Madam Speaker, I hereby give notice that I shall move on behalf of the ANC:

That the House -

(1) notes reports that three Polokwane police station officers were arrested on Saturday following the death of a policeman, Leonard Hlagala, on Friday;

(2) further notes that the arrested police officers are alleged to have assaulted and killed Inspector Leonard Hlagala; and

(3) commends the SA Police Service for moving swiftly and bringing those who are alleged to have assaulted the police inspector to book.

Mnr F BEUKMAN: Mevrou die Speaker, ek gee hiermee kennis dat ek op die volgende sittingsdag, namens die Nuwe NP, sal voorstel:

Dat die Huis -

(1) kennis neem -

   (a)  van die inisiatief van Abrie Botha, 'n wynboer van Vredendal,
       wat 'n ooreenkoms met sy plaaswerkers gesluit het om 30% van die
       aandele in 'n wingerd van 50 ha te bekom;

   (b)  dat dit 'n positiewe voorbeeld van die bemagtiging van
       plaaswerkers is, wat navolgingswaardig is;

   (c)  dat dit bevestig dat vennootskappe en samewerkingsooreenkomste
       tussen kommersiële boere en hul werkers 'n belangrike
       vertrekpunt is om groter toegang tot grondgebruik, -besit en
       -benutting te bevorder; en

   (d)  dat dit 'n aanduiding is dat die wingerd- en wynbedryf in die
       Wes-Kaap die voortou neem om groter toegang tot geleenthede vir
       die voorheen benadeelde gemeenskappe in die landbou te bevorder;

(2) die pogings van die Wes-Kaapse regering en die georganiseerde landbou in die Wes-Kaap ondersteun om regstreekser en konkreter langtermynsekuriteit en voordele vir plaaswerkers te bevorder. (Translation of Afrikaans notice of motion follows.)

[Mr F BEUKMAN: Madam Speaker, I hereby give notice that on the next sitting day of the House I will move on behalf of the New NP:

That the House -

(1) notes

   (a)  the initiative by Abrie Botha, a wine farmer from Vredendal, who
       has concluded an agreement with his farmworkers to obtain 30% of
       the shares in a 50ha vineyard;

   (b)  that this is a positive example of the empowerment of
       farmworkers which is worth following;

   (c)  that this confirms that partnerships and co-operation agreements
       between commercial farmers and their workers are an important
       point of departure to promote greater access to land use,
       ownership and utilisation; and

   (d)  that this is an indication that the viticulture and wine
       industry in the Western Cape is at the forefront of promoting
       greater access to opportunities for the previous advantaged
       communities in agriculture; and

(2) supports the attempts by the Western Cape government and organised agriculture in the Western Cape to promote more direct and concrete long-term security and benefits for farmworkers.]

Ms N C NKABINDE: Madam Speaker, I will move on behalf of the UDM at the next sitting of this House:

That the House -

(1) notes the Mpumalanga MEC for health’s actions yesterday which attempted to silence the media in reporting the atrocities that occur daily at the Philadelphia clinic;

(2) further notes the contents of the horrific footage that candidly reports the infringements upon patients’ rights to proper medical treatment, leading to certain women performing abortions on themselves at the clinic;

(3) similarly, expresses its disbelief at the actions of the MEC for health in refusing to accept assistance from Aids volunteers, and firing a doctor that did accept and encourage that assistance; and (4) calls on the Minister of Health to urgently intervene to protect patients at public clinics and welcomes the assistance offered by qualified volunteers to lessen the burden on our already overstretched health services.

Ms N V CINDI: Madam Speaker, I shall move on behalf of the ANC:

That the House -

(1) notes that 58 people were arrested for various crimes including rape, attempted murder and theft during a crime prevention operation in Katlehong on the East Rand last weekend;

(2) believes that this reflects the commitment of members of the SA Police Service and the Government as a whole to fight crime in our communities;

(3) commends SAPS for this successful operation; and

(4) calls on all communities to work with police in fighting crime.

Mrs R M SOUTHGATE: Madam Speaker, I hereby give notice that I will move on behalf of the ACDP at the next sitting of the House:

That the House -

(1) notes with concern the recent spate of violent robberies that have been occurring in the Western Cape, in particular the cruel and heartless murder of five petrol attendants in Grassy Park early yesterday morning;

(2) further notes that these five men were honest workers and breadwinners for their families, who braved the cold every night to provide a service to people;

(3) also note that there were no safety measures in place such as surveillance cameras, security personnel, available telephones to phone the police, or an alarm to alert the police that they were under attack, all of which could have prevented this tragedy from occurring; and

(4) calls on the Government to -

   (a)  offer their condolences and support to the  families  and  loved
       ones of the five young men who were killed;

   (b)  do everything in their power to make sure that the murderers are
       brought to justice, and to stand with the  ACDP  in  urging  the
       community to assist the police in doing this; and

   (c)  ensure that garage owners provide  adequate  safety  precautions
       for their staff in future.

Dr A I VAN NIEKERK: Madam Speaker, I hereby give notice that I shall move on behalf of the FA:

That the House -

(1) expresses its concern at the insanity and grossly destructive policies of the Zimbabwean government in the face of widespread famine in the region;

(2) recognises with the DA that the order to commercial farmers to allow crops to rot and not to plant new crops at a time when appeals are being made for food aid for the region, is tantamount to condemning millions of Zimbabweans to death by starvation; and

(3) challenges President Mbeki to end his disgraceful inaction against the man who has become the Pol Pot of Africa.

Mr S D MONTSITSI: Madam Speaker, I hereby give notice that I shall move on behalf of the ANC:

That the House -

(1) notes that the Metropolitan Council of Johannesburg on 20 June 2002 resolved to donate R7,5 million for the construction of the Albertina Sisulu community centre to cater for destitute children and children living with disabilities; (2) believes that -

   (a)  the construction of this community centre  will  provide  for  a
       much-needed service for destitute children and those living with
       disabilities; and

   (b)  this centre will empower these children by providing  facilities
       that will enable them to reach their goals in life; and

(3) commends the ANC-led metropolitan council for embarking on this important initiative.

Dr J T DELPORT: Madam Speaker, I hereby give notice that I shall move -

That the House -

(1) supports all attempts to protect the assets and money of ratepayers and, accordingly, supports the Scorpions’ investigation into corruption in five municipalities governed by the ANC and New NP before the elections of 2000;

(2) believes that if any official or councillor was corrupt or dishonest, he or she must face the full force of the law; and

(3) urges the Scorpions to extend their investigations to the Mpumalanga and Eastern Cape provincial administrations and to the Nelson Mandela Metropole and the mayor, Mr Faku.

Mr H J BEKKER: Madam Speaker, I give notice on behalf of the IFP that on the next sitting day I shall move:

That the House -

(1) notes that the Governor of the SA Reserve Bank has recently announced that the repo rate will further increase by one percentage point, thereby pushing the prime lending rate to 16%;

(2) believes this increase will necessarily negatively impact on the economic growth rate and on job creation;

(3) realises the predicament of curtailing inflation;

(4) calls on the governor and the Minister of Finance to consider ways in which long-term interest factors can be separated from short-term interest rates;

(5) believes that such separation will protect long-term lenders and long- term bonds of industrialists and entrepreneurs from sporadic negative increases; and

(6) is of the opinion that the Governor of the Reserve Bank should only punish the true culprits and short-term speculators rather than those that endeavour to create true economic growth and job creation.

Ms P N MNANDI: Madam Speaker, I shall move on behalf of the ANC: That the House -

(1) notes that -

   (a)  Safmarine  donated  a  building  constructed  from  sea  freight
       containers  to  the  Agape  centre  for  abused,  orphaned   and
       abandoned children in Waterfall, Durban; and

   (b)  the expanded centre is comprised  of  separate  dormitories  for
       boys and girls and a central covered area which functions  as  a
       preschool and, at different times,  a  women's  skills  training

(2) commends Safmarine for making these containers available for the needy; and

(3) calls on other companies to emulate the example set by Safmarine by donating goods and other resources to those in need.

Mr A Z A VAN JAARSVELD: Madam Speaker, I hereby give notice that I shall move on behalf of the New NP: That the House -

(1) notes that the lack of good corporate governance in public enterprises is still a great deterrent to their profitability and ultimately the success of privatisation;

(2) further notes a R10 million loss due to a weaker price as a result of the decision by an executive director, who unilaterally granted Xisaka the right to transport all its scrap iron;

(3) welcomes the Auditor-General’s quick response in the matter and urges him to assist in stamping out poor corporate governance and corruption from public enterprises; and

(4) realises that South Africa cannot afford another ``Coleman Andrews’’ who enriches himself at the expense of the millions of poverty- stricken South Africans.


                         (Draft Resolution)

The CHIEF WHIP OF THE MAJORITY PARTY: Madam Speaker, I move without notice:

That the House -

(1) notes that President Cardoso of Brazil handed over a torch to President Mbeki at the Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro, today as a symbolic gesture from the previous host of the World Conference on Sustainable Development;

(2) welcomes this symbolic gesture; and

(3) affirms the readiness of South Africa to host this historic conference.

Agreed to.


                         (Draft Resolution)

Mr T D LEE: Madam Speaker, I move without notice:

That the House -

(1) notes the tragic railway accident in Tanzania when an out-of-control passenger train crashed into a goods train; and

(2) expresses its condolences to families of the victims of the crash which killed at least 103 people and injured about 800.

Agreed to.


                         (Draft Resolution)

Mr C H F GREYLING: Madam Speaker, I move without notice:

That the House -

(1) notes the innovative project of David Green, a Cape doctor, to assist TB patients by way of SMS messages;

(2) further notes that -

   (a)  the World Health Organisation has recognised  this  project  and
       has also included it in its most recent global report on health;

   (b)  the project has now also been  expanded  to  patients  suffering
       from HIV/Aids, hypertension and diabetes;

   (c)  Dr Green has approximately 3 000 patients in  his  SMS  databank
       who are reminded daily to take their medication;

(3) recognises this project which literally saves the lives of thousands of people daily;

(4) believes that South Africans like Doctor Green, with their attitude and commitment, give South Africa hope and motivate all South Africans to make a positive contribution to our country’s future in their respective professions.

Agreed to.


                         (Draft Resolution)

Mr D H M GIBSON: Madam Speaker, I move without notice:

That the House -

(1) remembers the deaths of 607 South African soldiers who drowned in the English Channel in 1917 when their ship, the SS Mendi, sank after being struck by another ship; and

(2) welcomes the return home of their remains for reburial 85 years after their tragic deaths.

Agreed to.

                       AWARD TO ZACKIE ACHMAT
                         (Draft Resolution)

Mr T D LEE: Madam Speaker, I move without notice:

That the House -

(1) congratulates Treatment Action Campaign head Zackie Achmat on being awarded the Personality of the Year award by the SABS, an annual award for the courageous South African who has made a difference to the lives of others; and

(2) acknowledges his efforts to improve the lives of HIV positive people in our country.

Agreed to.


                       (Second Reading Debate)

The MINISTER OF MINERALS AND ENERGY: Madam Speaker, hon Deputy President and hon members, I also greet the traditional leaders and other leaders in the industry who are with us today.

In my speech today, I intend not to be triumphant but, instead, to extend an olive branch. I did not want to feed into the polarisation that the country is being pushed into - not by Government, not by labour, not by mine owners, but by people who have nothing to lose, who are using their domination of mass communication to distort all of us, and, of course, the lousy Opposition, which pretends to speak for the industry without even the mandate of the industry.

I am here to extend an olive branch because the building of this country and, particularly, turning this industry into a sunrise industry, has always been a vision shared by all stakeholders in the tripartite alliance. This is a joint project and it is our quest to turn this industry around sooner rather than later.

On 26 June 1955, the people of South Africa, led by the ANC, declared that ``the people shall share in the country’s wealth’’. Today, once more, we bring that clause of the Freedom Charter to life. We bring sharing in the country’s mineral wealth to small companies, established companies, artisanal miners, small miners and all our investors, foreign and local.

The Freedom Charter also instructs us that ``the land shall be shared among those who work it’’. The diamond diggers in the Northern Cape, who know very little about technology, but a lot about tilling the land in the hope of finding precious stones, will, in future, be assisted in order to realise value for their sweat.

The Freedom Charter further adds that ``the doors of learning and culture shall be opened’’, and through this Bill we have determined that the Skills Development Act shall apply fully in the mining industry. The workers will be multiskilled and no mine company will be able to operate without opening the doors of learning and culture to the workers. [Applause.] The wisdom of our leadership, as demonstrated in Kliptown, has, once more, shown itself to be timeless and still relevant, even today. It is a pity we did not do this sooner. Anyway, it is not too late.

An HON MEMBER: Is that from a capitalist? The MINISTER: I should like to quote the father of capitalism, Adam Smith:

No society can flourish and be happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.


It is but equity, besides, that they who feed, clothe and lodge the whole body of the people, should have such a share of the produce of their own labour as to be themselves tolerably well fed, clothed and lodged.

If even the father of capitalism implores us to share, I wonder who my friends on the left are actually following now. [Interjections.]

We desire, with a passion, to help the mineworkers who suffer from aching backs, sore limbs and the dust in their faces. We also want to benefit the homesick men in the hostels, whose lives we get a glimpse of every week in Emzini wezinsizwa. That is the road we have travelled.

Those who have eagerly and impatiently waited for decades have argued in their submissions that this Bill does not go far enough. There are those who feel that the Government has gone too far and those, like me, who feel that this is a perfect piece of legislation. Between all these contradictions, I feel that we have reached sufficient consensus, which is typical of us South Africans.

We have travelled a long way since December 1994, when the ANC released the discussion document on a minerals and energy policy. This document started off a series of negotiations and debates around the future of minerals and mining policy for South Africa.

The White Paper on Minerals and Energy was adopted in 1998, and I want to thank Dr Maduna for the sterling work that he did.[Applause.] In November 2000, Cabinet approved the draft Minerals Development Bill, which was released for public comment, and the rest is history.

Those who accuse us of rushing this Bill must have been sleeping through all of this. Those who have been excluded from this industry feel that they have waited for generations - for over a century - for this day, so this could not be said to have been rushed. In the same breath, those who have had access and who have dominated the industry remain valuable contributors and we have no wish to alienate them.

The Bill is not in any way vengeful, but is inclusive and is about accommodation. We remain convinced that, notwithstanding the public positions that we have all taken in the heat of the debate, the Bill is well rounded and many of us will be able to support it. So, even though the current dispensation may have been preferred by the existing actors, especially the establishment actors, the new dispensation is actually not strange to them because this is what they experience in many other countries in which they work.

One of the industry’s main concerns with the Bill was the granting of excessive discretionary power to the Minister. However, a comparative study between the proposed provisions and the provisions of the current Minerals Act of 1991 reveals that the discretionary powers are largely limited by the proposed provisions of the new Bill. The current Act provides for the granting of prospecting and mining authorisation to applicants, provided the regional manager is satisfied with the manner in which the mining is to be done and the ability of the applicant to mine optimally. In terms of the Act, the regional manager just has to be satisfied and does not have any restriction. Yet in the new Bill that we are proposing, there are stringent conditions and criteria that have to be met before we can refuse, and if the applicant meets the criteria, it actually states that the Minister ``must’’. So I am not so sure who is worse off here.

In the current Act, the regional manager may issue a closure certificate which will exempt a mining company from all provisions of the Act when the regional manager is satisfied that the mine has been rehabilitated to his or her satisfaction. There is a lot of ``satisfaction’’ in the current legislation. In the new Bill, it is criteria, not satisfaction, that are critical.

The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Bill has, on the contrary, limited this discretion and it is critical that when stakeholders argue about this, they stick to the facts, rather than perpetuating a myth that does not exist. [Interjections.]

The Minister is also obliged to approve an environmental management programme once the statutory criteria and requirements have been met, in terms of clause 38. The Bill now applies the ``polluter pays’’ principles, which will prevent future ownerless and derelict mines from shifting the rehabilitation responsibility to the state.

The debate has been shifting. During the policy development and drafting, when we had made the first draft, we witnessed the rejection of the Bill to some extent, on the grounds that security of tenure was not secured as the years for the licence were not long enough.

After examining international experience, we have been able to prove that we actually are more generous. We are offering 30 years for a licence, a renewal for another 30 years and, of course, with the ``use it or lose it’’ principle, as long as one is using it one will never lose it. In that case, security of tenure is guaranteed. When that could not hold water as a problem with security of tenure, it was then raised that the fact that BEE is not defined constitutes an insecurity of tenure. We have now defined BEE; it is in the Bill. I do not know now what will be raised next.

The contents of the Bill include national patrimony, the vesting of the mineral rights in the custodianship of the state, redress, the socioeconomic development and uplifting of mining communities, respect for the environment and the ``use it or lose it’’ principle, and, of course, it provides compensation where anybody has a reason to feel that their property has been expropriated.

It is therefore inaccurate to say that there is no compensation in this Bill. The Bill also provides for beneficiation, and I must emphasise that almost all African economies that mine stop at mining, with very little effort made at beneficiating our minerals. In that way, we export jobs.

In this Bill, beneficiation will be entrenched in the sense that as long as the market conditions prevail, the mining companies will be expected to make provisions for beneficiating in South Africa. However, where the market conditions are obviously against beneficiation, it will be possible for the mining companies to export their raw material.

We have been asked why we have legislated redress. I can tell the House that until the last 10 years, to be exact, blacks were prohibited by law from participating in the mining industry. In defining empowerment, we have included equity for new entrants, in particular, in existing and new mines, affirmative procurement, employment equity, which will expect all BEE players in the mining industry to be operational; otherwise their bona fides as genuine empowerment companies will be questionable.

We have also made it compulsory for BEE companies and their partners to have a proper training plan which will ensure that within that company there is upward mobility and there is a skills plan that will benefit the workers. All of those things put together compose what we call, not BEE, but broad-based socioeconomic empowerment.

There are benefits for communities in the form of royalties that will continue to be used for social development. We are also going to encourage the communities, especially the traditional communities, to apply for their licences and assist them to qualify so that, in their own right, they can also mine.

I would like to acknowledge the representatives of the traditional communities who are here with us today, somewhere up there in the gallery. [Applause.] So it is not true that the Government and the Bafokeng are at each other’s throats. We have found one another and we have a unified way forward. [Applause.]

The Bill also makes provision, through the money Bill, for the rehabilitation of ghost towns as well as for ensuring that the dense labour- sending areas where the miners come from will also benefit from the mining industry. The social and labour plan which is also included here, and has been thoroughly discussed with our colleagues in organised labour, will ensure that in the event of retrenchment, provision is adequately made earlier on in the existence of the mine, rather than later, that there is welfare, including housing, for the workers, that a skills development plan is in place and, of course, that the local communities which are affected by retrenchments are also taken on board.

The Bill, as it stands now, is not a Bill for racial polarisation. It is a Bill for all South Africans who must find one another. I would like to see a future where the Koekemoer and Bakgatla sons and daughters own the same mine, where one can find joint ventures between Toronto and Kwa-Mamtane.

We are not, therefore, in this instance, trying to isolate any of the players, but we are not apologetic about the aggressive empowerment that we are going to pursue. For us, that is an important test case. If we fail to redress and to change the ownership patterns, then we should not have bothered to have the Bill at all.

As for the way forward, this has been a highly emotive Bill and we would like all the stakeholders to work together. We would like the Chamber of Mines, as an important employer, to ensure that it is able to find common ground with the other actors that are coming into the industry. After all, these are going to be their partners, and we think that, as an organised employer, they continue to have an important role.

I have also instructed my director-general to work closely with Anglo Platinum, so that they can find accommodation on what is otherwise threatening to divide us and have us fighting it out in court. I hope, without compromising any principles, we will be able to help one another.

I would like to thank many people who have made this possible, starting with my staff and the drafting team which is sitting up there. Khanisukumeni. [Please stand up.] [Applause.] My staff are very young and have given it their all. [Applause.] I would like to thank organised labour for their unfailing support and robust criticism, the Chamber of Mines and black business in all its forms, which united in this Bill. [Applause.]

I would like to thank the NGOs. I would like to thank the churches for continuously calling me and urging me to move ahead. I would like to thank academics, especially Dr Wayne Colliston, for their support. I would like to thank the banks for the sound and frank advice that they have given us, to thank Bridgette Radebe and the junior and small miners that she has led. [Applause.] Jeff can pass the message on.

I would also like to thank the international investors who have done a sterling job in giving us advice and have gone a step further in ensuring that they put in place mechanisms to support BEE. Of course, I would like to thank family and friends - Bonga and Bulelani, who are sitting over there - and, lastly, Cabinet colleagues who have been supporting me. I would like to quote from Minister Manuel’s letter, which I received today. It reads as follows:

Today is a big day for you, and I thought it appropriate to wish you well.

Thanks, Trev. I always appreciate it. [Applause.]

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! We have noted who started the applause for Mrs Bridgette Radebe. [Laughter.]

Mr T M GONIWE: Madam Speaker, hon Deputy President and hon members, on an occasion of such historic significance as this one, it becomes imperative for us to take stock of where we come from in order properly to understand where we are going.

Often we are told by historians that our nation came into existence when Jan van Riebeeck landed in the Cape with the three ships in 1652. Many have forgotten the fact that South Africa was already inhabited by human beings long before the arrival of the white man. Our people had, prior to the arrival of those who purport to have brought civilisation to us, lived in a system which recognised communal ownership of land. In other words, land was held in trust by the chief on behalf and for the benefit of the people.

There was mining. In Southern Africa the oldest mines are at least 26 000 years old and copper mines had tunnels that ran for hundreds of metres underground. But it was this established system of landownership which was later abused to dispossess us of our land.

No one can deny the fact that the current situation was born out of the marginalisation of indigenous South Africans. Nothing illustrates this dispossession more clearly than the loss of our land. Repressive colonial laws in the late 19th century prohibited the registration of immovable property in the name of persons whose parents were both natives. In these circumstances Africans resorted to the expedient of arranging with missionaries to buy land for them which was then registered in the name of the missionary on behalf of the tribe.

One of the colonial masters, Sir Theophilus Shepstone, did not approve of land purchased by Africans being held and registered by missionaries on behalf of tribes. He instructed that all land purchased by or for natives was to be held in trust by the secretary of native affairs for such natives. In early 1880 the government of the Transvaal Republic decided officially that the secretary for native affairs be appointed ex officio as trustee for land purchased by native tribes. After the formation of South Africa, the 1913 Land Act put the nail in the coffin for black landownership.

Why do we link landownership to minerals and mining? We are told by lawyers that South African mining and mineral laws are based on the common-law principle that states that owner of land owns everything below and above the surface of the earth. If blacks could not own land, they certainly could not mine.

Provisions under prior legislation which granted to the landowner the exclusive right to prospect together with the option to acquire a mining lease were not applicable to blacks as they could not legally own land in most of the country. A barrage of legislation that followed specifically banned black people from owning and operating mines, from managing any part of the mining industry and even from working in the mines in any capacity above that of an unskilled labourer.

In case some people in this House have conveniently short memories, we need to remind them that this country had, inter alia, laws on its Statute Book which expressly prevented blacks, merely because they were black, from having access to mineral rights. Section 133 of the Gold Law of the South African Republic, Law 15 of 1898, provided that, and I quote: No coloured person, defined to mean African, Asiatic, Native or Coloured American, Coolie of Chinaman, may be a licence holder or in any way be connected with the working of the diggings, but shall be allowed only as a workman in the service of whites.

Twenty-five years ago, in our own lifetime, mining legislation under which the mineral laws of South Africa were consolidated provided that no prospecting permit would be issued to any coloured person or to any black person. This was repealed only 10 years ago without any significant change in the patterns of ownership.

It is a little-known fact that many indigenous South Africans actually owned and worked diamond claims, firstly on the Vaal River diggings and then in the four diamond mines operational in Kimberley prior to July 1872. In fact, available evidence shows that in mid-1872 at least 80% of all diamond mines were owned and worked by indigenous people for their own account. No compensation was paid to those blacks and coloured persons whose wealth and claims were seized.

In July 1872 the introduction of certain pass and other laws removed all mineral rights ownership from indigenous people and restricted their movement, thus curtailing their economic effectiveness. Cecil John Rhodes’s laws, passed around 1887, it will be remembered, effectively reduced all black people to a life as a source of cheap labour, imprisoned by poverty and excluded from any resource ownership. Had all this never happened I have no doubt in my mind that blacks, too, would have formed their own giant mining houses.

The liberation struggle waged by the oppressed masses of our country, led by the ANC and its allies, was informed by the need to correct these social and economic injustices. The rise of the trade union movement in the mining industry was a direct response of the mineworkers to the effective marginalisation of black workers as mere purveyors of cheap labour. The early struggles of black mineworkers were throttled by the apartheid regime. The mining sector, of course, sat at the heart of the apartheid state, which denied black South Africans economic and political power in their own country.

The spirit which inspired early mining unions is captured in the Freedom Charter, drafted almost 57 years ago by hundreds of ordinary workers, peasants, businesspersons, intellectuals, professionals, youth and women of all nationalities. The Freedom Charter declares, and I quote:

The mineral wealth beneath the soil shall be transferred to the ownership of the people as a whole.

The same spirit found further expression in the mass struggles of the 1970s and, in the 1980s, in the rise of the biggest mining union in the world, the National Union of Mineworkers.

Those of us who were inspired by the dedication of our forefathers and mothers, by their fundamental values of freedom, equality and social justice, by their heroism and resistance, believe and demand that the injustice of our past, which is still part of the current mining dispensation and industry, ought to be dealt with and will be dealt with firmly, once and for all.

It is a known fact that minerals and the mining industry in this country were built on the sweat and blood of the African people. If today we were to count the number of our people who gave their lives and sacrificed their families for this industry, those who oppose this Bill, including the official opposition, should realise that a failure by this Parliament to bring about equity in this sector would amount to a betrayal of their legacy. We cannot allow their suffering to have been in vain.

Hundreds of our best comrades, the likes of comrade Johannes Nkosi, Moses Kotane, Moses Mabida, Bram Fischer, Chief Albert Luthuli, J B Marx, A Nzulu, J Nkosi, E T Mofutsanyana, Joe Slovo, Chris Hani, Oliver Tambo, Govan Mbeki, Steven Tshwete, Peter Mokaba and many more gave their lives for the freedom and social and economic emancipation of the African people and all South Africans. [Applause.]

Mandela, Sisulu, Mbeki, Mhlaba, Goldberg, Kathrada, Motsoaledi and Mlangeni

  • and many others, some of them present here, including our Deputy President - were subjected to prolonged imprisonment and torture. Some were even murdered. Vuyisile Mini, Khayingo, Ruth First, Joe Gqabi - all were murdered for a simple sin: the desire for freedom and social and economic justice and a place under the sun for their brothers and sisters. [Interjections.]

Our struggle for social and economic justice culminated in the first democratic election in 1994 and the adoption of a constitutional dispensation which is the embodiment of the will of all South Africans, black and white. This Constitution promotes the principles of equality and enjoins the state to pass legislation to redress the results of past racial discrimination. [Interjections.]

Mr W J SEREMANE: [Inaudible.]

Mr T M GONIWE: I am coming to you; just hold your horses.

Habitual liars have tried to deny the need to transform the minerals industry. They would rather have us believe in our own oppression and exploitation. They implored us to believe that there is nothing wrong with the mining industry and that it does not need transformation. They argued that skewed ownership patterns are good for the industry and the country. The truth is that the current regulatory framework is only good for the mining bosses and their puppets and the privileged few. [Interjections.]

To expect Africans in particular and blacks in general to be happy when the current regulatory dispensation effectively limits them to menial and dangerous jobs at low wages, when they effectively have no way to own and benefit meaningfully from their own God-given heritage, a heritage for which they have claimed their stake by pain, sacrifice, tears and blood is not only futile but cruel, immoral and criminal. [Applause.]

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon Goniwe, your time expired long ago.

The LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION: Madam Speaker, on a point of order: Is it parliamentary for an hon member of Parliament - I am sorry, I do not know her name, but she is sitting behind the hon Mr Nash - to point her tongue out and to wave her hands in the air? [Laughter.] Is that an appropriate parliamentary form of expression? Perhaps you could rule on that. [Interjections.]

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! Hon Leon, I do not know about an hon member sticking her tongue out. I would have to see it in the video, and then we could determine whether it is parliamentary or not. Hon Goniwe, you make take your seat.

Mr T M GONIWE: Madam Speaker, I just wanted to say that_

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Hon Goniwe, your time has expired.

Mr T M GONIWE: _ the ANC supports the Bill. [Applause.]

Mr I O DAVIDSON: Madam Speaker, I must tell you that the lady who stuck her tongue out and waved at me refers to me as her husband in the committee. [Laughter.]

However, I wish to say something quite categoric at the outset of my speech, and I want the ANC to listen and, more importantly, hear. The DP is in favour of promoting equitable access for all South Africans to the minerals of South Africa. It does believe in the rapid expansion of opportunities for the historically disadvantaged. It does have a firm agenda for the promotion of employment and the advancement of the social and economic welfare of all South Africans.

These are not the issues here before us. What is at issue and what is in this Bill, as currently constructed, separates these issues from considerations of investment and investor confidence. These issues are inextricably linked. Without investors, there will be no black economic empowerment, no job creation, no wealth generation, no social upliftment and no rural development. [Interjections.]

Mr T M GONIWE: We will do it ourselves.

Mr I O DAVIDSON: But first a word about the process. I must inform hon members that the committee set out an exemplary public participation process. Over 80 submissions were received, many of them detailed and with constructive input. When the committee set out to deliberate, however, it made a mockery of that process. Scant attention was paid to the inputs. There was little debate and often, when a debate was attempted, the Chair would purposefully say to his side of the House: ``Do we really want to debate this? The ANC has already decided.’’ This is clearly a new meaning as far as steamrollering is concerned. The process was a disgrace and an insult to those who submitted proposals and a perversion of the institution of Parliament itself.

As for the Bill itself, firstly on the constitutional issue, cogent and detailed submissions were made to the effect that the Bill, as it stood, did constitute a direct assault on the property rights clauses of the Constitution. Although attempts were made yesterday - I repeat, yesterday - to overcome this, my advice is that the Bill remains fundamentally flawed.

In order to have an informed debate, the state law advisor was requested, early on in the process, to table his opinion. We are still waiting. A short verbal opinion was given which, quite frankly, had even ANC members, for once, stunned into an embarrassed silence. It was an opinion short on words and even shorter on substance.

Secondly, it is vital that those investing in our mining industry are afforded adequate levels of security of tenure. While this has been addressed in certain instances, it falls way short in others, namely what area constitutes a mining right and the need to cater for natural extensions to mining operations while preventing hoarding.

This was agreed at Mbulwa, but the Government is fast backtracking from it. Our legislation needs to address the economics involved in deep and complex mineral reefs which require massive investment and very long planning and investment lead times. This Bill achieves just the opposite. The effect is to discourage very large capital-intensive projects, with huge potential job loses. Little wonder that the captains of the industry met in an emergency session with members of the Cabinet over the weekend in a last- minute attempt to achieve a breakthrough on this subject, but to no avail.

To compound the matter, pending applications under the current Minerals Act are now to be considered under the new Act, prompting at least one mining house, as the Minister said, to seek redress in the courts. Section 10 rights under the current Act, which were brushed aside by the chairman as an irrelevance in the current proceedings, were about to be dropped until it dawned on that side of the House that their exclusion would bring Iscor to a grinding halt. Such is the level and the extent to which this Bill has been thoroughly thought through.

Thirdly, while the Bill tightens up the whole question of ministerial discretion in certain respects, in other respects, via the back door, it opens it by linking the fulfilment of key objectives of the Bill - black economic empowerment, the social plan and the new labour plan - to the most important regulatory consents in the Bill, namely the granting of prospecting and mining rights.

These objectives, despite what the Minister says, are vague and ill- defined. We heard that and again across the representations to that committee. Substance was to be given to these concepts in the form of a charter negotiated with the industry. But when we came to finalising that clause, the ANC, in a fit of pique and power-hungry vengeance, even withdrew the requirement that the Minister must consult within the industry in this regard.

Finally, redress to the courts is limited to the judicial review of administrative decisions. An appeal in respect of the law or fact is denied.

What this country needs is a Bill which promotes access to all and addresses issues of empowerment and social objectives while, at the same time, enhancing investor confidence by creating, in line with Nepad objectives, a mining regime that is internationally competitive in every possible respect. In this respect we have failed. [Applause.]

Mr E J LUCAS: Madam Speaker, for more than 100 years the mining industry has formed the backbone of the South African economy. Over the period, the industry has created hundreds of thousands of jobs, provided a lifeline for millions of dependants and created and expanded the foundation for a modern and a vibrant economy.

Even though certain sectors of the industry have been in decline over recent years, the industry remains vital to South Africa’s long-term economic wellbeing. The importance of the mining industry cannot be disputed, but it is also a fact that the industry benefited from apartheid racial discrimination by entrenching patterns of ownership and excluded the majority of South Africans.

Although some progress has been made since the early 1990s, ownership in the industry is still dominated by a minority. Clearly this situation has to change. Another historical development that characterises our mining industry is the fact that mineral rights are owned by private persons and the state. While some may argue that dual ownership of mineral rights has enabled the successful development of mining in our country, it is also a fact that the private ownership of these rights is limiting opportunities for new entrants and new investors to gain meaningful access to the industry.

The Bill, therefore, seeks to transform the mining industry in such a manner that it is brought into line with the realities of the new South Africa, particularly in respect of broadening the ownership base and empowering the historically disadvantaged. The IFP supports these overriding objectives and we therefore support the Bill. [Applause.]

Notwithstanding our generous support, the IFP must express certain reservations and concerns about the Bill. Black economic empowerment is obviously vital to the long-term success of the economy and indeed our democracy. But black economic empowerment should not be boardroom empowerment, where only a select group of historically disadvantaged persons benefit. It also should not mean the exclusive creation of a new range of so-called junior miners or small miners only. Empowerment should mean meaningful participation for historically disadvantaged persons - very importantly, communities - in the ownership and management of mining ventures that will benefit all concerned.

Mining requires billions of rands in initial and ongoing investment and years of preparatory work before the first profits are realised. Our concern is that the investment requirements of modern mining will have the effect of limiting access to the industry for historically disadvantaged persons who do not have the necessary means to raise the necessary funding. If this proves to be the case, the objective of the Bill empowering historically disadvantaged persons will not be met. I do note that the Bill has made some arrangements for financial support.

The question of royalties currently being received by communities from mining operations is a very sensitive one. The IFP feels that the state should ensure that royalties are ploughed back into the communities from which they are derived. If this does not happen, previously disadvantaged communities may find themselves further disadvantaged and disempowered.

The Bill provides that current recipients of royalties will continue to receive them for a period of at least five years if certain criteria are met. The IFP welcomes this amendment but questions why the period has been limited to five years and why no provision has been made for the possibility of new recipients of royalties in future.

The IFP welcomes the fact that the Bill provides for the creation of a socioeconomic empowerment charter that will establish a framework, targets and timetable for the entry of historically disadvantaged persons into the mining industry. However, the ruling party decided at the very last minute that the Minister will not have to consult stakeholders on the charter. The IFP must object strenuously to this ill-considered move.

Since 1994, a prominent feature of our young democracy has been thorough consultation between all stakeholders on matters of policy and law. It is a mystery why the ruling party suddenly decided that in this instance, no consultation should take place on this vital charter. This certainly was not the case when a similar charter was negotiated in the liquid fuels industry. The IFP can only express its sincerest hope that the Minister will consult the industry on the contents of the charter. We acknowledge that she has always walked the extra mile as far as consultation is concerned. We are confident that this will again be the case.

The constitutionality of certain provisions of the Bill has been hotly debated both inside and outside Parliament. The Minister has on numerous occasions stated the Government’s firm belief that the Bill is in line with the Constitution. Other affected parties have equally strongly stated their belief that the Bill is unconstitutional. It should, therefore, come as no surprise if the Bill is challenged in the Constitutional Court before long.

Mining, like all other business ventures, suffers from uncertainty in the legislative and regulatory framework within which operations must be conducted. Doubts about the constitutionality of the Bill are just one manifestation of such uncertainty. The IFP would therefore respectfully suggest to the Minister that it would be in the interest of all stakeholders that the Bill be referred to the Constitutional Court by the Government before it is implemented.

Finally, the IFP feels it was unnecessary for the Bill to be processed by Parliament almost with undue haste. We accept that legislative certainty should prevail sooner rather than later, but the fact is that the Bill cannot be implemented before the accompanying money Bill is approved by Parliament or before the Minister has published the necessary regulations. Surely these practical considerations would have made it possible for Parliament to spend a little more time fine-tuning the Bill. As it is, we can only hope that all possibilities have been covered and that no unintended consequences will result from the Bill.

In closing, I want to reiterate an earlier statement: Although we have some reservations and concerns, the IFP will support the Bill. [Applause.]

Ms L M T XINGWANA: Madam Speaker, hon Deputy President, hon members, ke dumedisa dikgosi tsa heso tsa Bafokeng, tsa Bakwena le tsa Bakgatla. [Ditlatse.] [… I greet our chiefs from the Bafokeng clan and the Bakgatla clan. [Applause.]

We greet the representatives mining industry, who have been with us here throughout the deliberations. I also want to greet the black businesspeople that yesterday broke ranks and stood up for the truth and justice. [Applause.] We thank them very much. I also want to greet oomama naboobaba abalapha namhlanje [the mothers and fathers who are here today], because today we have come to celebrate the Freedom Charter. [Applause.]

The passing of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Bill in this House today, and in the NCOP tomorrow, signifies the celebration of the Freedom Charter adopted at the Congress of the People on 26 June 1955 in Kliptown. The passing of this Bill on the eve of Freedom Charter Day ushers in a new dawn of transformation for our economy.

In the Congress of the People, 47 years ago, our people declared that``the people shall share in the country’s wealth’’, and that the national wealth of our country, the heritage of South Africans, shall be restored to the people’’. This Bill gives effect to the aspirations of our people.

Today, I want to pay tribute to our mineworkers, who have paid with their blood and their lives so that South Africa can be where it is today. [Applause.] I also wish that all of us would remember -

… ooNohombile, ooMaNyawuza, ooMamtaung, ooMamkoena nooMamkhize abafelwe ngamadoda abo ngokuthi awelwe yitafile ngaphantsi emigodini yegolide, eyeplatinum okanye idayimani. [Kwaqhwatywa.]

Emveni koko, ndiza kuthi gqaba gqaba ukuchaza ukuba lo Mthetho uYilwayo usiphathele ntoni na thina, singoomama. Kambe, phambi koko, ndifuna ukugqibezela ngophando phaya kuqabane uGoniwe ngembali yemigodi nento eyenzileyo koomama nabantwana beAfrika. (Translation of Xhosa paragraphs follows.)

[Ms L M T XINGWANA: The Nohambiles, whose husbands have died by being buried in gold, platinum and diamond mines when these collapse. [Applause.]

After that, I will briefly explain what this Bill has to offer us, women. However, before that, I would like to report to comrade Goniwe on the research conducted about the history of mines and the impact they had on women and children of Africa.]

The discovery of minerals in South Africa resulted in the creation of the migrant labour system by the colonial and racist governments of the day in collusion with the captains of the mining industry and the agricultural sector. The advent of the migrant labour system resulted in the socioeconomic underdevelopment of our rural areas, and the impoverishment of the African people and their families, as African men were forced to go and work in the mines, leaving their wives to bring up their children alone in abject poverty over long periods of time. [Interjections.]

Alizange, eli lungu elihloniphekileyo, limshiye lona umfazi walo elamba. Lihlala nomfazi walo iiyure ezingama-24 bonke ubomi balo. [The hon member did not have to leave his wife behind hungry. He stays with his wife 24 hours a day all his life.]

That is not happening to our mineworkers. [Applause.]

The women’s role was virtually to reproduce future generations of cheap, unskilled, poorly paid labour for the mining industry, the agricultural sector and other industries. Today, eight years after our hard-won democracy, 70% of the hostels in the mines are still single-sex hostels. The long forced separation of our families has had a devastating effect on African family life and has destroyed the social fabric of rural African communities, where children grew up without their fathers, who only came home when they were old, sick and about to die … … kuthiwe utata watshipha, waphelela eRhawutini, kungachazwa iingxaki naye utata ajongene nazo. [… it would be said that the father deserted his family and went to stay permanently in Gauteng, and the difficulties he experienced never would be mentioned.]

The single-sex hostels have also contributed in no small measure to the current HIV/Aids pandemic. HIV/Aids infection rates in mining areas, for example Carletonville, are 60% to 70% - over three times higher than the national average. Although most mining houses have embarked on HIV/Aids campaigns, single-sex hostels lead to prostitution, which is also very high in the mining areas and has resulted in these high HIV levels.

Again, the mining industry must take responsibility for these problems. It is sad to note that this has occurred against the backdrop of massive wealth accumulation by the captains of the mining industry and increasing suffering, hunger, disease and poverty for our people.

One just needs to look at the neighbourhoods of the mining areas such as Cullinan. Cullinan is a little England. They have little English houses, little English cars, little English doors, everything a little English museum, when just outside there our people are languishing in poverty. Galeshewe is the same and also our labour-sending areas such as the former Transkei, northern Natal, the Limpopo province, Lesotho and others; one stares poverty in the face when one comes to these areas.

The areas are devastated by famine, cholera, TB, HIV/Aids and illiteracy. Not much has been done by the mining houses to improve matters and to alleviate the suffering in the former Transkei, in Welkom right now, in Galeshewe and in many other areas where our people are languishing in poverty. My own grandfather died of phthisis and TB as a pauper in the Transkei after spending his life-time in the goldmines in Johannesburg. [Interjections.]

I also want to address the biltong issue. Let me quote from the Minister’s speech on her Budget Vote:

… one white company is holding 63% of South Africa’s platinum reserves. In manganese, only two white companies hold 83% of the total manganese reserves and in the gold, also two white companies hold 51% of the total reserves. In diamonds, one white company controls 95% of South Africa’s production.

Abanantloni. [They are not ashamed.] [Laughter.] [Applause.]

Those who are asking for biltong still want some more, over and above 80%, 60% umntu emnye. [per person.] [Laughter.] Is this justice? Is this fairness?

Hayi, thina asiwufuni lo mqwayito, othi makutye umntu abe mnye nomkakhe. Futhi lo mqwayito womile, awunawo nomhluzi. [Kwahlekwa.]

Thina sikhule kuxhelwa emakhaya, sikhule kubizwa abantu xa kuxheliwe, inyama ithatyathwe ibekwe esithebeni, ifike indoda nemela yayo, isike, isikele nabantwana, zikhona nezithebe zamakhosikazi. Sithi: Mamlambo, thabatha inyama yesizwe uyibeke esithebeni abantu batye. [Kwaqhwatywa.]

Bubuvuvu nobuxoki into yokuba abatyali-zimali bayalibaleka eli lizwe. Amakhosikazi amaxhaphetshu KwaZulu-Natal emba udongwe, amalahle eNew Castle, eNdwedwe. Amakhosikazi, ngoku emba igolide eBarbaton. Amakhosikazi afuna ukuya kuqeqeshwa ukuze enze izitya ngoluya dongwe, ukuze enze iithayile zophahla, izitena kunye neethayile zodonga.

UMphathiswa ubathumela ngomso oku eIndiya, besiya kuqeqeshelwa ukukwazi ukwenza eziya zitya, bazizobe, singaphindi sizithenge eItaly, singaphindi sizithenge eNgilani. [Kwaqhwatywa] Siza kuzithenga apha ekhaya. Siza kudala amathuba empangelo.

Amakhosikazi athi ukuba uplatinum akayifuni le platinum nale dayimani makayizise apha kuwo. Akaxakekanga wona; anguVukuzenzele. Akasayi kuthi thina asingabo abathengisi bamajikazi, singabembi-migodi. Asisayi kuzuza. Kudala sazuza ngexesha likaCharlotte Maxeke singooVukuzenzele, sizenzela. Aza kuzenzela amakhosikazi, Mphathiswa.

Asisayi kubanika lo mqwayito. Sidiniwe kukudibana nedayimani yethu sele iseNgilani, singayazi ukuba iye kanjani. Sidibana negolide eNgilani kunye neemoto eJamani. Sifuna ihlale apha le ntsimbi yenza injini, siyiqale phantsi injini yemoto. Ndicela uMphathiswa wezoRhwebo noShishino noMphathiswa weZemali bahlangane noMphathiswa weZimbiwa naMandla. Kwithuba leminyaka eli-10, masibe sele sinayo eyaseMzantsi Afrika imoto; siyiqale phantsi. [Kwaqhwatywa.]

Zii-SMMEs ngapha namakhosikazi. Zininzi iinkampani ezifuna ukusinceda. OoCorobrick balapha eMzantsi Afrika benza ilinge lokuseka ishishini kunye namakhosikazi, ooTyco baseAustralia, ooAfro-ore baseKhanada. Ziintsomi ezi zithethwa apha lilungu elihloniphekileyo uDavidson ezithi abatyali-zimali bayabaleka. Ufanele kukuba uhlala eMars, akahlali apha kule planethi yethu. Abatyali-zimali bahleli apha eMzantsi Afrika, yaye baqhubela phambili. (Translation of Xhosa paragraphs follows.) [No, we do not want this biltong that can be had only by a man and his wife. And, this biltong is dry; it does not even have gravy. [Applause.]

We grew up in homes where we used to slaughter, and the meat would be put in reed trays, a man would take out his knife, cut a piece, cut pieces for the children, and there would be reed trays of meat for women too. We say: Daughter of the Mlambo clan, take the nation’s meat and put it on a tray and let the people eat. [Applause.]

It is utter nonsense and a lie that investors are running away from this country. Women are busy digging clay, coal in New Castle, at Ndwedwe. Women, at this moment, are miners in Barberton. Women need to be trained to do pottery so that they could make roof tiles, bricks and wall tiles.

The hon the Minister is sending them to India, they will be leaving tomorrow to attain training in making these dishes and decorate them, so that we do not have to buy them from Italy and England any longer. We will buy them here, at home, in our country. We are going to create jobs. Women say that if platinum magnates do not want platinum and diamond, they should bring it to them. They are not that busy to take up that task; they have taken up the Vukuzenzele campaign. They will not say that they do not sell necklaces, but are miners. We shall not gain. We have been gaining since the time of Charlotte Maxeke, doing for ourselves. Women are going to do things for themselves, hon Minister.

We shall not give them this biltong. We are not content with the fact that we find our diamond in England, not knowing how it got there. We find our gold in England and cars in Germany. We want the steel that is used to make cars to remain here; we want to build a car from scratch. I would like to appeal to the hon the Minister of Trade and Industry and the hon the Minister of Finance to meet with the hon the Minister of Minerals and Energy. In ten years time, we should be able to produce a car from its beginning in South Africa. [Applause.]

On the other side it is SMMEs and women. There are many companies that want to assist us. Companies like Corobrick based in South Africa are making an effort in conjunction with women, to establish business; Tyco from Australia is another one as well as Afro-ore from Canada. The hon member Mr Davidson is only telling folktales when he says investors are withdrawing. He must be living in Mars, and not on the same planet as us. Investors are in South Africa to stay and they are making progress.]

They have set aside funds to assist in empowering our people. They are ready for joint ventures and are waiting to talk to the Minister.

UMphathiswa simnika iinyanga ezintathu. Eziya nyanga zintandathu zinde. Makagqibe laamqulu. UMphathiswa uza kuchola-chola iingcebiso. Umntu makanga bingoxakekileyo, makafumaneke. Sifuna ukugqiba ngalo mcimbi. [Kwaphela ixesha.] [Kwaqhwatywa] (Translation of Xhosa paragraph follows.)

[We give the hon the Minister three months. The period of six months is too long. She should complete that document. The hon the Minister will be open to ideas and suggestions. One must not be too busy; one should be available. We would like to finalise this matter. [Time expired.] [Applause.]]

Mr A H NEL: Madam Speaker, let me say upfront, so that there can be no misunderstanding, that we support the objects of the Bill in so far as there must be equitable access to mineral and petroleum resources and the opportunities for previously disadvantaged persons must be substantial and meaningful. We also support the promotion of economic growth and employment and the advancement of the social and economic welfare of all South Africans. I know no one, here in Parliament or outside in the industry, who does not agree with this.

What we in the New NP cannot support is the structure of the Bill, in that it may affect the right to own property, and we believe that mineral rights are property rights.

Dit is ‘n uiters belangrike stuk wetgewing wat vandag hier voor ons dien, want dit raak nie slegs die mynbedryf nie, maar ons ganse ekonomie. Alhoewel die mynbedryf nie vandag meer so ‘n groot deel van die BBP uitmaak soos vroeër nie, is dit een van die vertakkings van die ekonomie wat die meeste buitelandse investering trek. Om dié rede is die persepsie wat die onderhawige wetgewing, wat oor eiendoms- en besitreg gaan, gaan skep, van die uiterste belang. Die struktuur van die wetgewing maak dit baie duidelik dat die staat die bewaarder van die mineraalbronne van Suid-Afrika is. Dié feit beteken nie per se dat die staat die regte op die bronne oorneem nie, maar wanneer ‘n mens verder daarop let dat dié wetgewing alle verwysings na mineraalregte in vorige wette of dele van wette verwyder, begin kuratorskap ‘n heel ander betekenis kry.

Die wyse waarop die struktuur van die wetgewing onsekerheid bring ten opsigte van die besitreg van minerale, kan mos nie vir ons land goed wees nie. Uiteenlopende menings bestaan oor of die bewaring wat die staat oor die mineraalbronne oorneem, neerkom op onteiening, en of die vergoedingsbepaling voldoende is om te beantwoord aan artikel 25(2) van die Grondwet. Bekende regspraktisyns het ‘n baie sterk saak uitgemaak as sou die wetgewing onteiening teweegbring, en nie voldoen aan die reg op besit van eiendom, soos vervat in die Grondwet, nie.

Die staatsregsadviseurs het weer gesê dat die staat die reg het om mineraalregte te ontneem, soos vervat in artikel 25(1) van die Grondwet, omdat die staat ‘n verpligting het om die natuurlike hulpbronne in die land billiker te verdeel. Ek is nie ‘n regsgeleerde nie, maar my regverdigheidsin sê vir my dat, ondanks die feit dat ek saamstem dat natuurlike hulpbronne beter verdeel moet word, die staat nie sy verpligtinge, soos in die Grondwet verwoord, kan afskuif op gewone mense wat regte volgens legitieme wette bekom het nie. Een van die medevoorsitters van die komitee se mening was dat sekerheid oor of die wetgewing aan die voorskrifte van die Grondwet beantwoord, slegs deur die Konstitusionele Hof uitgewys kan word. Ek stem daarmee saam. (Translation of Afrikaans paragraphs follow.)

[It is an extremely important piece of legislation that is before us today, because it does not only concern the mining industry, but our entire economy. Although today the mining industry does not form such a large part of the GDP as it did before, it is one of the sections of the economy which attract the most offshore investment. For this reason the perception that this legislation is going to create, which concerns the right of possession and ownership, is of the utmost importance. The structure of the legislation makes it very clear that the state is the custodian of the mineral resources of South Africa. This fact does not mean that the state is taking over the rights to the resources per se, but when one notes that the legislation removes all references to mineral rights in previous laws or parts of laws then custodianship starts getting a completely different meaning.

The manner in which the structure of the legislation brings about uncertainty with regard to right of possession of minerals surely can not be good for our country. Then there are different opinions about whether the custodianship of the mineral resources, taken over by the state, amounts to expropriation and whether the compensation clause would be a sufficient answer to section 25(2) of the Constitution. Well-known law practitioners have made a strong case that the legislation brings about expropriation and does not comply with the right to ownership of property as contained in the Constitution.

On the other hand, constitutional law advisors have said that the state has the right to expropriate mineral rights, as contained in section 25(1) of the Constitution, because the state has a responsibility to distribute the natural resources in the country more fairly. I am not a lawyer, but my sense of justice tells me that, apart from the fact that I agree that natural resources should be better divided, the state can not devolve its responsibilities, as expressed in the Constitution, on ordinary people who obtained rights in terms of legitimate laws. The opinion of one of the co- chairpersons of the committee was that certainty on the legislation that must answer to the prescriptions of the Constitution can only be identified by the Constitutional Court. I agree with this.]

The question that we must ask is: Is there another way? I think there is. We all know that land and mineral rights have been taken away from indigenous people in the past. We have tried to redress the land issue by passing legislation in this House to achieve land restitution. And we follow a policy of land reform to get a more equitable ownership of land.

But, in the case of minerals, through this Bill, we take away people’s rights, even those of communities like the Bafokeng. [Interjections.] I think this is wrong. The Minister should have made use of methods like restitution and reform to get a more equitable dispensation. Instead, she uses methods, through this Bill, which could probably divert foreign investment to countries which have more friendly systems and security of tenure.

We are in a global economy, whether we like it or not, and the Minister should take cognisance of that. The fight in the world today is to lure foreign capital to one’s country with incentives and friendly regulations, not chase them away with prescriptions of how they may or may not use their money.

Ter afsluiting, wil ek sê baie verbeteringe is aan die wetgewing aangebring. Hiertoe het alle betrokkenes, asook komiteelede van alle partye, meegehelp. Dit is nogtans ‘n jammerte dat, ná ‘n lang proses van meer as twee jaar, die indruk gewek is dat die afhandeling van die wetgewing deurgehaas word. Met meer tyd tot hul beskikking, kon die komitee, die departement en alle betrokkenes met beter wetgewing na vore gekom het.

Ons sal die wetgewing steun, met tekortkomings en al. [Applous.] Stadig! Stadig! Ons sal dit steun indien geen onsekerheid bestaan oor die aantasting van die eiendomsbepaling in die Grondwet nie. Daarom doen ons ‘n beroep op die Minister om die Regering se erns oor die regte in die Grondwet te bewys deur die President te adviseer om dié wetgewing na die Grondwetlike Hof te verwys voordat hy dit onderteken. Ek herhaal: so ‘n onderneming sal dit vir ons moontlik maak om die onderhawige wetgewing te steun. [Applous.] (Translation of Afrikaans paragraphs follows.)

[In conclusion I would like to say that many improvements have been made to the legislation. All role-players, including committee members of all parties, contributed to this. It is regrettable, however that after a long process of more than two years, the impression has been created that the finalisation of the legislation is being rushed. With more time, the committee, the department and the role-players could have come up with better legislation. We will support the legislation, warts and all. [Applause.] Slowly, slowly! We will support it if there is no uncertainty regarding the way the property clause in the Constitution is affected. That is why we are appealing to the Minister to prove the Government’s seriousness regarding the rights in the Constitution by advising the President to refer this legislation to the Constitutional Court before signing it. I repeat: Such an undertaking would enable us to support this legislation. [Applause.]]

Mna M N RAMODIKE: Ke a go leboga, mohlomphegi Motlatša-Sepikara. Maloba ge re be re le ditherišanong tša Codesa kua Kempton Park, bao re ilego ra tšea karolo, re ile ra kwana ka molomo wa lehlabula gore Molaotheo o moswa wa naga o fe bathobaso ditokelo tša mahumo a meepo a lefase la gabo bona. Molaotheo woo o tlago ka mohlomphegi Tona o fa bathobaso ditokelo tša mahumo a meepo nageng ya bago bona. Ga o ba amoge ona! Re le ba UDM re a o thekga. [Legoswi.] (Translation of Sepedi paragraph follows.)

[Mr M N RAMODIKE: Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker. Some time ago, during the Codesa negotiations, at Kempton Park, those of us who participated in the negotiations agreed unanimously that the new national Constitution must give black people, Africans, mineral rights in the land of their birth. The constitutional amendment which the Minister is bringing to this House gives black people mineral rights in the land of their birth. It is not taking it away from them! The UDM supports the Bill. [Applause.]]

We indeed recognise that the task of drafting this Bill and piloting it through to Parliament has been tough, long and bumpy. The UDM appreciates the inclusion of preferent, prospecting or mining rights in respect of communities in terms of clause 104 and the inclusion of exemptions from certain provisions of the Act.

These clauses address the concerns expressed by the UDM in our written submission, in which we made some proposals concerning the land surface rights. These clauses will, to some extent, redress the injustices flowing from the failure of the previous colonial and apartheid regimes to afford recognition and dignity to land rights held in terms of indigenous law.

The UDM recognises that the fundamental principles of this Bill are, indeed, internationally accepted and that the Bill seeks to address the inequalities, imbalances and injustices of the past. The UDM also recognises that the Bill seeks to eradicate all forms of discriminatory practices in the mineral and petroleum industries.

We recall the special provisions of the constitutions which governed the former bantustans during those dark days of apartheid which were designed to reserve matters for legislation and administration by the former self- governing territories, and specifically mineral and land rights. These provisions prevented and prohibited black people from owning mineral and mining rights and from having any say in matters related to mining. Black leaders and all black South Africans were placed in invidious and precarious positions, and were made aliens in the land of their birth. This was one of the worst types of oppression, suppression and depression by the former apartheid regime.

The Bill seeks to address that bitterness and those atrocities. It is against this background that the UDM finds it difficult to oppose the Government’s commitment to transform the mineral and petroleum industries in South Africa. We support the Bill. [Applause.] We welcome in particular the expansion of opportunities for historically disadvantaged persons to enter the mineral and petroleum industries to benefit from the exploitation of the nation’s mineral resources. Our emphasis in this regard is that the mineral wealth should benefit the communities in whose area mining takes place.

Gone are the days when our people were only regarded as reservoirs from which privileged and lily-white mining companies could draw labour. Our people support black economic empowerment and they want to be capacitated.

South Africans should learn from Zimbabwe. The delay in the implementation of the land programme in Zimbabwe has led to today’s political crisis. We want an amicable transformation of the mining industry in this country, and not the Zimbabwean way of doing things.

The key areas of concern for various stakeholders and the mining industry during the public hearings were security of tenure and the constitutionality of the Bill. There is a remedy or solution to the latter, namely to establish whether the Bill is constitutional or not. Instead of holding this important Bill to ransom, the UDM proposes that the President should refer the Bill to the Constitutional Court for a decision on its constitutionality. Security of tenure means that the mineral rights holder must have an adequate period within which to carry out exploration and/or mining operations, that he or she has a virtually automatic right to mine, subject to compliance with applicable regulations, and, finally, that there are clear obligations in order to maintain his or her rights, subject to clear and objective cancellation criteria.

This Bill provides for an exploratory licence term of five years and a mining period of 30 years. In comparison with Latin America and African countries, this Bill is very reasonable and the UDM supports it. [Applause.]

Ms N S MTSWENI: Madam Speaker, hon members,and the hon the Minister, silotjhisa emakhosini sithokoza bona nibe nathi namhlanje.[We pass our greetings to the Chiefs. We are grateful that they are here with us today.] South Africa is well endowed with world-class mineral resources and mining operations. Minerals will continue to play a central role in the development of our economy.

Geologists estimate that half of our minerals endowment has been used up in the last hundred years. We have no time to waste in ensuring that the other half is used in truly developing the nation as a whole. The development of our world-class resources depends, to a large extent, on opening up access to investment from both local and international sources.

We must replace the current apartheid-era system with a system that promotes transparency and access and ensures that the mining industry contributes to national development. We need a world-class regulatory framework to ensure this. Those who feel threatened by change have said that what we are proposing to do is unusual and very risky. I will compare the Bill with the regulatory system in a few other countries where these companies happily do business.

According to the World Bank’s estimates in Strategy for Africa 1992, virtually all African states have used the approach which can be called ``permanent sovereignty’’ over their natural resources in line with various UN resolutions in early 1960s. This approach is in common with all countries in the world, and does not prevent the allocation of secure, legal mining rights to private parties, nor does it imply that the rights cannot be tradable.

However, it does establish that the state can regulate access to resources and has a legitimate interest in the manner of its exploitation.

Security and continuity of tenure of mineral rights is essential if there is to be sufficient incentive to undertake high-risk exploration with substantial work commitment and then marshal the large sums necessary for development. The investor needs to be assured of the right to proceed from exploration to mining, provided predefined criteria are met.

The mining licence must be of sufficient duration and secure enough to make the exploration and development commitment worthwhile. Typically an exploration licence may be for a period of three years with possibly one or two renewals for the same period, whereas mining licences might be for a period of 20-30 years with similar renewal periods.

In a paper presented in an International Bar Association conference, Professor Cameron defined security of tenure as ``a reasonable legal entitlement for extraction rights after successful completion of the exploration phase.’’ In fact, the Bill provides fair administrative action by setting objective criteria to provide predictability and guide the Minister on how to exercise his or her discretion. For instance, the Bill provides that the Minister must grant or refuse applications for mining rights when certain criteria and requirements have been met, whereas in other foreign countries where some of our mining companies happily invest billions, the Minister’s discretion is extremely wide.

The Bill has opened up opportunities for new entrants and enables them to partner with existing companies. Many foreign investors have already embarked on joint ventures with these companies. They are applauded for this initiative.

The ANC cannot overlook the international campaign against the Bill that was orchestrated by the big mining industries in South Africa. The ANC wishes to remind everybody in the House that a mineral is a national asset and, hence, government is the custodian. This is not a new concept; in most countries mineral rights are vested in the state, as I will illustrate.

The Bill provides for security of tenure which compares favourably with the security of tenure provided for in legislation abroad.

One of the key pillars of this Bill is to bring the South African mining legislative and regulatory framework in line with the international best practice. In Australia, for example, prospecting licences may be granted for a period of four years, with no specific provision made for renewal. For mining the period is 21 years and can be renewed for another 21 years. In Namibia a prospecting licence is granted for three years, renewable for another two years. A mining licence is granted for 25 years and is renewable for another 15 years. No licence for life for mining is envisaged. In Zambia the licence is granted for 25 years and renewable for a further period of 25 years. This is also the situation in Tanzania. In Canada a mining licence may be granted for a period of 20 years and renewed for a further period of 10 years. In South Africa, by contrast, we give a generous renewable period of 30 years.

In all these countries, access to the mineral source is granted by the state concerned. Security of tenure is not dependent on a mineral right being granted for the life of the mine. There is no reason why we should do otherwise. In terms of the Bill, the granted rights are transferable and, tradable and can be mortgaged to facilitate funding for projects. If one compares it with the situation in foreign mining countries - Australia, for instance - transferability is subject to the Minister’s approval.

The same applies to Botswana, Zambia, Tanzania and Canada. Therefore the approach that South Africa has taken is in fact in line with the rest of the world. In conclusion, our particular apartheid-era mineral rights system has resulted in a few companies owned by a tiny white elite controlling the whole industry and not allowing smaller or new entrants. Contrary to the hysteria from the established industry, investors are queuing up to invest in South Africa’s mining industry and after today there will be more security of tenure and more transparency. This Bill will ensure that this development benefits the nation, generating jobs and developing and empowering millions of our people.

Truly, this is a better life for all. The ANC supports this Bill. [Applause.]

Mnr P J GROENEWALD: Mevrou die Speaker, die VF sal nie die onderhawige wetsontwerp steun nie. [Tussenwerpsels.] As `n mens eerlik wil wees, dui dit op niks anders nie as ‘n nasionaliseringsproses, en hoewel die VF nie in die komitee dien nie, wil die VF sy standpunt baie duidelik stel. Die agb Minister kom na vore en sê dat daar wel vergoeding sal wees vir sover dit mineraalregte betref. Die vraag is: vergoeding uit wie se perspektief? Dié van die agb Minister? In die huidige stadium het die hele debat in verband met dié wetsontwerp ontaard in ‘n rassedebat, met die groot mynmaatskappye aan die een kant en, aan die ander kant, die swartbemagtigingsmaatskappye.

Die agb Minister lees klaarblyklik nie die koerant nie. Sy weet nie wat aangaan nie. Dit is die werklikheid, want ‘n ander aspek is ook dat dit nie net oor swart bemagtiging gaan nie. Die mineraalsektor is een van dié groot werkgewers in die land wat reeds werk verskaf. Die vraag is: gaan dit hier werklik oor swart bemagtiging of gaan dit eerder om ‘n paar swartes wat net nóg verder verryk gaan word?

In my wêreld, Noordwes, is daar baie delwers wie se bestaan en voortbestaan afhanklik is daarvan. Die vraag is net in watter opsig hulle behoorlik vergoed gaan word, ook vir hulle mineraalregte.

Die laaste vraag is: hoekom is dit so dat dié wetsontwerp nou skielik deur die Parlement gevoer moet word? Hoekom kon daar nie nog verder gepraat word met die groter rolspelers nie? Sodoende kon ons verseker dat ‘n behoorlike ooreenkoms bereik word, sodat, met behoorlike konsensus, met dié ingrypende wetgewing vorentoe gegaan kan word? [Tussenwerpsels.] (Translation of Afrikaans speech follows.)

[Mr P J GROENEWALD: Madam Speaker, the FF will not support this Bill. [Interjections.] If one wants to be honest, then this is nothing more than a nationalisation process and although the FF does not serve on the committee, the FF wants to put it very clearly: The hon Minister comes forward and says that there will indeed be compensation with regards to mineral rights. The question is: Compensation from whose perspective? That of the hon Minister? At this stage the whole debate around this Bill degenerated into a racial debate with the big mining companies on the one side and on the other side, the black empowerment companies.

The hon the Minister clearly does not read the paper. She does not know what is going on. This is the reality, because another aspect is also that this is not only about black empowerment. The mineral sector is one of the biggest employers in the country which already provides work. The question is: Is this really about black empowerment or rather about a few blacks who are going to be enriched even more? In my world, North West, there are many miners whose existence and survival are dependent upon this. The question is in which respect they will be compensated properly, also for their mineral rights.

The last question is: Why is it so that this Bill must now suddenly be pushed through Parliament? Why could we not have further talks on this with the bigger roleplayers? By so doing we could have ensured that a proper agreement was reached so that we could have gone ahead with consensus with this incisive legislation. [Interjections.]]

The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF COMMITTEES: Hon members, the next speaker will be making her maiden speech. [Applause.] Hon member, you may proceed. This is the welcome that you have received in Parliament. It is a noisy Parliament, but one learns to cope with it.

Ms J MOLOI: Chairperson, hon members, ladies and gentlemen, we present here today a Bill that seeks to radically transform the South African economy and bring about major changes, particularly the transformation of infrastructural development. This Bill seeks to redress the monotonously racial ownership within the mining industry, which has been left in the hands of a few individuals over a period of many years. It has been left unregulated, something which is amazing, with no consideration of human resource development. Mining did not consider that those who were working in the mines were human beings who also needed to benefit from that industry.

Because mining is risky and unsafe, thousands of mineworkers have died. We all know the sad stories about what happens in the mines and workers faced with unhealthy living and working conditions. This industry has been reaping the benefit of the mineworkers’ sweat, leaving their poor families to care for them on their way to the grave, owing to the unhealthy working conditions. After they have worked themselves to exhaustion they go home without anything in their pockets and are merely burdens to their families. This is a situation we could not endure indefinitely.

This Bill comes at a time when South Africa is faced with the mammoth task of not selfishly transforming just itself, but meeting the challenge of transforming the entire African continent. That is one of the major questions and challenges that are passed back to the South African Government at this point in time.

Can we come up with a sustainable economy that actually proves that we are able to drive the transformation aspect on the African continent? The implementation of aspects of this Bill will serve as a statement to the whole world to prove that as South Africans we have the potential and the capacity to sustain ourselves economically. This therefore cannot serve as a battlefield. We cannot afford that, considering the seriousness of the challenges that are facing us. We have to really take this quite seriously.

When we achieve this goal it will mean that we then have a key to open many other doors that will bring about major challenges for the poor in this country. This Bill does not only look at black economic empowerment in order to deracialise capital. It is not limited to that. It also focuses on the social plan that seeks to develop the communities where mining operations are taking place. It has therefore introduced a new aspect, namely that of broad-based socioeconomic empowerment. This aspect is captured in Chapter 7, clause 100 of this Bill. This becomes a reason for all of us to celebrate the introduction of this law. It looks at all spheres of society, both the BEE, which is black economic empowerment, and the socioeconomic aspect.

What does broad-based socioeconomic empowerment mean to our ordinary people? No more shall we have foreign investors digging our minerals and leaving ghost mines, ghost towns and unhealthy mine pollution. That is tantamount to looting and it is unacceptable.

I would just pause to refer to a very practical situation that is known about by all South Africans and happened in two of the provinces in this country. In Limpopo the communities of Penche and Mafefe were affected by the asbestos mine which was left by the foreign mine investor from Britain and people working there were infected and went home very ill. There were no health plans put in place for them or anything that could help them. It also affected a community in the Northern Cape. The two premiers from these two provinces had to go to Britain and argue this case and fight for these people. This situation cannot be tolerated. It shows that it is necessary to regulate this industry in order to avoid this kind of scenario. This case went on for a long time and it took a lot of time and money to ensure that the people were covered in terms of health conditions that affected them so badly. I am sure we all now agree that we cannot leave this situation unregulated.

Since this industry will be regulated, all the mining activities should meet the outlined requirements, which include a social and labour plan. Let me just amplify the importance of having a labour plan. What will happen when all the resources are exhausted? Life cannot only be limited to digging out the minerals. We need to be sure about what will happen if those all reserves have been taken out.

Communities will be involved in skills training with the introduction of this Bill. Technology, business partnerships and mainly the development of co-operatives will change the lives of the needy and the poor. There will be a lot of life and activities that will be taking place in order to ensure that we redress the poor state and conditions of our people. The labour plan will introduce the new concept of considering mineworkers an important human resource factor entitled to a human resource skills development plan. There should be a plan for dealing with skills development in this industry.

An employment equity compliance plan is also needed and will have to be monitored. Housing plans for employees are needed so that we move away from the ridiculous single-unit cells. We all know that in the past there were hostels where our dignified men were subjected to living conditions that were quite horrible. The unfortunate part is that the dignity of the men was reduced to nothing in those hostels. We therefore say that the introduction of this Bill should ensure a housing plan for employees.

A health and safety plan which includes combating HIV/Aids will also be part of the package. It is also important, from time to time, to introduce the literacy aspect within the mining industry. The literacy programme within the mining industry is significant and the implementation of the Bill will activate the mining sector. At the moment, statistics from the Mining qualifications Authority, and these are quote recent, tell us that 99,68% are black males, 1,26% are females and 0,67% are disabled. We have to improve these statistics.

This reminds me that through the initiatives that the NUM embarked on, a pilot project was conducted to involve women and see how they could fund themselves in the mine, without disadvantaging them and assuming that they may not be able to make it. That project needs to be supported in order for us to ensure that they are also asserted within this male domain.

The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF COMMITTEES: Order! Hon member, your speaking time has expired.

Ms J MOLOI: I would like to conclude by saying: Mayibuye! [Applause.]

The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF COMMITTEES: For the hon member’s education, when the orange light begins to flash, it means that you have to start winding up.

The hon member Rev Tolo has drawn my attention to the fact that up in the gallery there are a number of young children who have travelled all the way from the Sekhukhune district in the Limpopo province. I am quite certain that I have the support of all hon members in welcoming them here and saying to them that we hope that their visit to Parliament will have sparked in them an abiding interest in politics. [Applause.]

Miss S RAJBALLY: Chairperson, may I take this opportunity to congratulate the hon Moloi on her maiden speech. She did very well. [Applause.]

The Bill seeks to bring the mineral and petroleum resources of South Africa under the sovereign control of the Government so that the sector may be controlled, planned and pursued with a vision of sustainable development and equitable access maintained.

The MF notes that South Africa is a mineral-rich country. Noting the previous squandering of state funds and resources, we hope that under the watchful eye of our new Government, the potential and substance of these resources will be guarded to the advancement and betterment of all society. All South Africans own these resources and the state, appointed as legal custodian, has to implement provisions to protect them.

The MF agrees with Government policy that the introduction of previously disadvantaged persons into the minerals and mining industry is certainly liberalising, and the problem of poverty and unemployment may be helped in this manner. Sustainable development and economic growth are key factors that our society is working towards. The mineral and mining industries certainly have a lot of potential that may benefit this process in the long run.

The MF appreciates the constitutional provisions that this Bill seeks to uphold by ensuring that the nation’s mining and petroleum resources are developed in an orderly and ecologically sustainable manner. The MF supports this Bill. [Applause.]

Mr D M DLALI: Chairperson, Minister of Minerals and Energy and other Ministers, the Freedom Charter still unites, and South Africans accordingly say, the people shall share in the country's wealth'', andthe land shall be shared amongst those who work it’’. It goes on to state, there shall be work and security'', andthere shall be houses, security and comfort’’. Our national Constitution also guarantees the social and economic rights of all the people of South Africa.

It is clear that there are those who do not want other people to have comfort and share the same cake. We have to overcome the enormous racial, gender and geographical disparities that continue to exist in the distribution of wealth, economy and opportunities. These disparities are themselves a fetter to the growth and expansion of the economy and wealth in our society.

The discovery of diamonds in Kimberley, upon which the South African economy was later established, paved the way for the colonist conveyance of interest. Both Boer and Briton found reciprocal accommodations as their interests coalesced. Their closed ranks confirmed the fact that the treaty of Vereeniging of 1902 guaranteed them the undivided authority over the land that they had usurped. Unity, while desirable for both the settler communities, was deemed unsuited for the indigenous people. For the latter, separate reserves and enclaves were prescribed and preordained.

Modern South Africa was in the making. The Union of South Africa Act in 1910 settled the marriage of Afrikaners and Britons. They excluded the majority of black populations, impervious to the petitions, deputation and nationwide outrage that accompanied their intentions.

The internationally accepted right of the state to exercise sovereignty over all mineral resources within the state itself was internationally accepted.

The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF COMMITTEES: Order! Hon members, will you please allow the person who is speaking to be heard? If you do need to have a conversation, then conduct it in an undertone, certainly not in the voluble manner in which you are doing so at present.

I hope that this admonishment will stand and that you will co-operate with the Chair. Carry on with your conversations, but please, Mr Grobler, I am requesting you to do so in an undertone. Hon member, you may proceed.

Mr D M DLALI: We must also understand and accept that mineral resources are the common heritage of all South African people, and the state is the custodian thereof, for the benefit of all South Africans. South Africa is therefore not breaking new ground or acting out of step with other democratic and mature societies.

Strong mining countries such as Canada and Australia have provisions similar to those before Parliament today. Many of the new developing nations which are attracting massive amounts of foreign interest, investments and capital in the mining sectors, such as Chile, Brazil, Tanzania and Ghana, enshrine the principle of the state being the custodian and public trustee of mineral rights.

For example, in terms of the National Water Act, there has been no constitutional concern about the vesting of rights in the state. Why now? Why mineral resources? This Bill before us today does address the access to the nation’s mineral resources being not only possible but also meaningful and ensuring security of tenure in respect of prospecting and mining operations.

It is clear, in this Bill, that existing mining companies have security of tenure. The historically disadvantaged and marginalised communities will now have potential access to the resources of South Africa. Mining and rural communities will have environmental protection and development, and the state will become the custodian and public trustee of the nation’s mineral resources.

The effect of the Bill is to create a state licensing system which will bring our mining legislation into line with the rest of the world’s and will therefore eventually dispose of the common law system which has frozen out the junior and small-scale operators in this country.

Security of tenure is not an issue at all. These lawyers, the Chamber of Mines, De Beers, Anglo Plats and others are confusing the issue of ownership. If a person has possession of something for five to 30 years, that is still owning it. Nobody can claim ownership except that person as an owner. Once the person has been granted a mining licence, it is that person’s and no one can take it away, unless he or she is not doing the work. That is the ``use it or lose it’’ principle. This is more than enough in terms of security of tenure. After 30 years, it is also renewable. What more does a person want?

The media, Business Day in particular, have made statements on this Bill which have misled the public. I just wonder whether those very journalists and researchers have ever read this Bill. Or is their mission to represent the interests of the big white minority companies in this mining sector?

Business Day of 11 June asked, and I quote:``Is the new mining Bill Nepad- unfriendly?’’ This statement argues that this South African Bill appears to run against international trends, but the writers of this very same article know very well that they are wrong. They are misleading the public. I appeal to them to stop misleading the public. They must first read the Bill, and then tell South Africans the honest truth about what this Bill is all about. Firstly, the two researchers were saying:

… it does not allow for the automatic transfer of old to new order rights, compromising security of tenure.

That is not correct. The Bill guarantees the right of conversion from old- order right to a new right, and the Bill also says that the Minister must convert the old-order mining right into a new mining right. What more do they want? The Minister, in this section, is obliged to make the said conversion. It is obligatory. Do hon members not understand that?

I understand that the transformation is painful to those who enjoyed the riches of this country for so long. Now it is time for the indigenous people to enjoy the benefits of the fruits of their own country. The time is now for all South Africans to share the fat cake called the mining sector.

There are those who do not want to see the blacks, Africans in particular, doing things for themselves, and want them to continue being treated as cheap labour, servants of their masters. There are those who do not want to see black Africans, in particular, having food on their plates, put there with their own hands, without being employed and exploited by those big businesses. They want blacks to continue in terms of the common-law principle of master and servant for the rest of their lives and those of their succeeding generations, while these big capitalists are enjoying, with their succeeding generations, the riches of our country.

They also believe that blacks cannot do anything for themselves and just want to be employed. Now is the time for Vukuzenzele, and the indigenous people are more than ready to take the challenge thereof and run with it. Not tomorrow. They have been waiting for this opportunity for decades, for years, but they were denied the opportunity.

Now, the ANC Government is saying to the nation: ``Vukuzenzele, feed yourselves, your kids and your generations! You have been waiting for too long and struggled for this opportunity. The ball is in your court to run with it. The ANC has made it possible for you, the indigenous people, to do it, and it is your duty not to fail the ANC Government in its endeavours to redress the imbalances of the past. Now is the time to claim back what is yours, what was stolen from you, what belongs to you, what belongs to all South Africans, to all those who live in this country and to those who produce its wealth.’’

I want to return to these two journalists. They must tell south Africa what is correct and what is wrong in Business Day of 11 June. I quote further:

It has been estimated that, in its latest form, the Bill could cost between 200 000 and 300 000 current and potential jobs in the South African mining industry, a sector which employed an average of 409 546 people directly in 2000.

Who estimated these figures? Who collected them? What did this person want to achieve? These claims are unfounded, untrue and wrong. I want them to go out of this debate today and tell the readers of this paper and South Africa what this Bill seeks to achieve and to address in a positive way, not in the negative manner in which this has been done for the past few weeks. There is also an unfounded claim that the Bill in its current form does not put South Africa on a competitive footing with other regions, and does not exemplify the job growth environment that Nepad stands for. The question will be: Which regions are these? What job growth environment are we talking about? These are unfounded allegations.

This Bill, instead, is going to open up more opportunities, create more jobs, secure more jobs or guarantee jobs, housing for workers and health and safety for the miners and, more importantly, deal with these subcontractors as part of the definition of employees, to protect these workers who are employed as subcontractors and have no benefit and no protection at all. [Time expired.] [Applause.]

Mr P J NEFOLOVHODWE: Chairperson and hon Minister, for the first time, I can say with no reservation that you have made Azapo’s politics simpler. [Applause.] [Laughter.] Azapo has always maintained that the rampant market forces have failed to ensure equitable redistribution of wealth and, therefore, have disqualified themselves as saviours for the poor. The Bill before us translates into Azapo’s futuristic objectives in that it effectively cuts the umbilical cord of the relationship between colonial and apartheid mining and the new society which we are all building. [Applause.]

The Bill, as Azapo understands it, transfers control of all mineral rights from individuals and companies to the state, thereby transferring mineral custody to the state. In this way, the Bill seeks to change ownership patterns that, for decades, were concentrated into a few hands, especially those of white males.

The 25% which is available to black economic empowerment groups, while small, is nevertheless an important window of opportunity for disadvantaged groups in our society. The fact that this Bill is linked to social responsibility and the development of communities is something that Azapo cannot fault.

The Bill, indeed, marks a turning point in our country. It marks the beginning of a new relationship in the mining industry and, to Azapo, that is transformation.

Azapo supports the Bill and salutes those who were responsible for drafting it. [Time expired.] [Applause.]

Mr B G BELL: Chairperson, Ministers, fellow members and guests, I rise to speak on behalf of the DP, a member of the DA, in debating the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Bill.

This piece of legislation has caught the imagination of the entire country. As a committee, we received a large number of presentations from the public and mining houses. It is a pity that, because it was decided to rush this Bill through Parliament, no notice was taken of these opinions.

There are two distinct camps. One is for the Bill, and the other camp, although supporting the general principles and objectives, with which we agree, differs on a number of very important clauses.

The principle of the state owning all mineral rights is not uncommon in the world scene, although not all countries subscribe to this. In South Africa, over the last century, mineral rights became a marketable commodity and could be severed from the surface rights. The result was that ownership was spread over a large portion of the population. [Interjections.]

Rights belong to the communities, mining houses and individuals, mainly farmers, and then the state owns 45% of these mineral rights. Why they cannot hand that over immediately, I do not know.

In order for the state to be custodian over all mineral rights, expropriation must take place. This expropriation is in dispute. The state differs with the general public in the interpretation. A further consequence is that, when the state grants a mining right to a potential miner, the mining right allows the miner to enter a farm and virtually take it over, so that he can mine the minerals. This amounts to expropriation of the surface and compensation should be payable. The Bill disputes this, and only when the farmer refuses to allow the miner to enter his land, thereby committing a criminal offence, do the miner and the state have to enter into negotiations with the farmer. I ask the Minister to note that this aspect must be sorted out satisfactorily. In an attempt to stop the mining companies from hoarding large areas, it was found necessary to redefine ``mining area’’ in the Bill. The definition suggested was that the mining area would be confined to only the area in the mining right. This definition is totally unworkable as it is possible, for instance, that plant, villages, workshops, reduction works and office blocks may be erected outside the mineralised area and would not necessarily form part of the mining right. The consequences of this scenario are huge. The final clause may save the situation.

Another section that presents problems is the section on beneficiation. The desire to beneficiate all minerals mined is what all of us share. But this dream is impractical, for a number of reasons. The lack of investment, market shortage and our labour laws are but a few. The change to notifying and consulting in this clause will soften it.

I trust that, in the administration of this very important legislation, the development of the nation’s vast mineral resources will be placed first and not be clouded by the idealistic policies which have often come to the fore in the discussions on this Bill. [Applause.]

Mr J H NASH: Mr Chairperson and hon Minister, I received a special instruction from East London, from my dear wife, to leave the microphones alone. [Laughter.]


Mr T D LEE: And leave me alone too! [Laughter.]

Mr J H NASH: This is indeed an historic debate as this Bill represents the transformation of an industry which controls the commanding heights of the economy, functioning on the basis of monopolistic practices. The transformation of the mining industry was the bedrock of our struggle for emancipation. At last we are coming to grips with the issues that are going to fulfil our aspirations as a people.

In the past few weeks we have benefited from public hearings in Cape Town, the Northern province, the Northern Cape, the North West province and the Free State. We listened to many of the best legal teams, or the prophets of doom, utilising all sorts of scare tactics to frighten the living day-light out of the committee. [Laughter.] The committee was taken on a guided tour through international treaties and the pitfalls of nationalisation as well as constitutionality. It was really time for the legal eagles to cash in.

I must say that if it had been the intention of the ANC to nationalise the minerals and petroleum industry we would not have spent the time and the money on a long-drawn-out parliamentary process. When will all South Africans realise that this party takes democracy seriously? [Applause.] We were subjected to threats by innuendo from the international community, who would not invest in South Africa, and even the possibility that the passing of the Bill would derail Nepad.

Nepad would commence on the organic initiative of the continent, as investors only enter markets that already show stability and growth potential. The mining, agricultural and energy sector would form the key to African economic development, and therefore economic activities in this sector could not remain in the hands of an unproductive monopoly. It was, rather, free economic activity that would generate the necessary finance for the development of the key sectors of the continent. Upon these sectors would arise a manufacturing industry.

The veiled threat that, if the Bill is passed, it would negatively affect Nepad was ever present. It seemed to me that the industry’s support for Nepad would depend on the protection of past monopolies. Does the industry honestly believe that, when the objectives of the Bill are shown to international friends, they would not agree to the internationally accepted right to exercise sovereignty over mineral and petroleum resources and, most of all, to expand opportunities for historically disadvantaged men and women?

Knowing the history of this country, do we really think that the countries that are keen to help in the Nepad process would turn their backs on South Africa? No. The mining captains, the distinguished lawyers and the Democratic Alliance or DP, whatever their title is, must note that those countries would have shown us far more loyalty than they did in their submissions to the committee, whose support for Nepad was dependent on the Bill disappearing from the scene. Those are the conditions which the mining houses put to us: You must support Nepad, so please get rid of this Bill''. Thepistol to the head’’ approach. That is what they were using against us.

I want to say today that long before this Bill came to Parliament, many countries showed an interest in our mineral industry. In fact, they showed far more interest and loyalty than the legal teams and the mine captains of this country in their submissions at the hearings. We South Africans must stop projecting a negative image of our country by bad-mouthing progressive policies which encourage foreign investment. [Applause.] We must follow our international friends who want to bolster the mining industry, thereby transforming the industry from a sunset industry into a sunrise industry.

Furthermore, we should follow the lead of those countries which offered to assist the small-scale miners with expertise and training, as empowerment among local mining houses is nonexistent. Our local industry was premised on complete protection. Monopoly ownership of mineral rights allowed ad infinitum the vast areas to remain unexplored and undeveloped, preventing free economic activity occurring, especially among the historically disadvantaged.

It should be clearly understood that in a competitive environment there is no shortage of investors. We need not be scared that the international community will not invest, as the prophets of doom have mentioned here a thousand times already and as they also mentioned in the hearings. In fact, investors find creative ways of making money and are operating profitably under different types of regulatory regimes. Those countries will come to South Africa in spite of all these gloom-and-doom stories which we heard.

Our mining industry needs to free itself from the shackles of apartheid and enter the international stage on the basis of currently prevailing international economics. Mining activities in South Africa will have to be benchmarked against current international practice to increase efficiency while creating empowerment at the same time.

The Minister, for her part, went a long towards meeting the industries by agreeing to a charter, which the Chamber and others requested. This clearly shows that the Government is prepared to meet the industry and labour to deal with concerns expressed. In fact, the industry kept on saying that they agreed with the broad principle of the Bill, which stood in direct contrast with the total onslaught which their legal teams presented. I must protect my two chairmen against the onslaught by Mr Davidson. [Interjections.] The honourable Mr Davidson, I should say. Just imagine, simply because he could not get his way in the committee, suddenly the committee is biased. The committee gave everyone their fair share.

I must also mention, in front of the royal Bofokeng representatives here, that one thing which I was very impressed by was the fact that the Bafokeng came to Cape Town and said to us: We do not want the minerals for ourselves only.'' Everyone who spoke said that they wanted to share the minerals with everyone else in South Africa. [Applause.] What did the mining houses and our good friends in the DA decide? They decided that they wanted to keep the monopoly as long as they live, to keep themwhites only’’, to keep them for themselves. [Time expired.] [Applause.]

The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF COMMITTEES: Order! Hon members I would like to encourage all the wives of all hon members to instruct their husbands to co- operate fully with the Chair, as does Mrs Nash. [Interjections.]

The MINISTER OF MINERALS AND ENERGY: Chairperson, hon members, comrades in the gallery, it has been a good day. [Applause.] Judging by this debate, there are no issues. Really, there are no issues. Davidson is scratching for stories_

Kufuneka amoshe. Uze apha ukuza kumosha, qha. Ndithi kumaqabane lo mcimbi ugqityiwe, ucalanye. [Uwele-wele.] [He has to spoil. He is here only to spoil. I am saying to the comrades that this matter has been fully addressed. [Interjections.]]

This is a good Bill. I would like to congratulate the committee, including Davidson - Shame! [Laughter.] Of course I congratulate my two co-chairs and the study group of the ANC, who literally worked day and night. Mr T D LEE: Chairperson, on a point of order: Could the Minister please refer to Mr Davidson as ``the hon Mr Davidson’’. [Interjections.]

The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF COMMITTEES: Yes, you are perfectly correct. All members here are hon members.

The MINISTER: OK, the hon Davidson. We are on first-name terms. I would also like to assure the members of the New NP and the IFP that we take their advice on issues of constitutionality very seriously. I will advise the President to consider the importance of ensuring that we can test this before it is signed. I will give that advice. [Applause.]

I also want to assure members that the ANC members in the NCOP will propose an amendment which will further tighten, not just in the transitional period, but also beyond this period, the issues of compensation so as to ensure that the issue of property rights is not compromised in any way. This is just to demonstrate that we are very serious about ensuring that this Bill is constitutional. [Applause.]

A lot of people have made allegations here about what investors will do and not do.

Uyazi, abanye abakaze bayibone ne investment ukuthi yinto enjani! [You know, some people have never even seen what investment looks like.]

They are making allegations here about hearsay. I talk to investors. Minister Erwin, Minister Manuel, the other Ministers and I govern this country. We are taken seriously, not those members. We know what they have to say about this economy, this Bill and what their intentions are in this economy. It is because of what we have learned from them that we have been strengthened to move forward. We are not worried about what these members are saying in relation to investment, because as far we are concerned.

Mr W J SEREMANE: [Inaudible.]

The MINISTER: Shut up, wena Seremane! [Laughter.]

Today, because we are fighting for black people, and I am sure the hon Seremane has forgotten who he is, he is fighting the loudest.

The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF COMMITTEES: Order! Hon Gibson, are you rising on a point of order?

Mr D H M GIBSON: Yes, I am, Chairperson, the hon the Minister is also forgetting who and where she is. Will she please refer to the hon Mr Seremane in respectful terms and not tell him, ``Shut up, Seremane!’’ [Interjections.]

The MINISTER: Okay, Shut up, honourable Seremane! [Interjections.]

Mr K M ANDREW: Chairperson, on a point of order: Surely telling a member, honourable or otherwise, to shut up is unparliamentary? [Interjections.]

The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF COMMITTEES: Order! Hon member, I think you know from long experience that in the cut and thrust of politics, one can be very robust. Therefore I would like state that this is part of a robust debate and it is parliamentary. [Applause.]

The MINISTER: Chairperson, I would also like to assure members that the money Bill is on the way. The Minister of Finance and the director-general have assured me that the Bill will be coming to Parliament within the time that we agreed with them. So as far as this is concerned there is no problem.

I want to advise members who also tried to speak on behalf of the industry in South Africa that the industry does not appreciate this. They do not appreciate this because those members continue to misrepresent their case. The industry speaks to us, and that is why we have an understanding which these members do not understand. They should not speak on behalf of di kgosi, in particular the Bafokeng, because they are here to speak for themselves. The DP should stop pretending that they have a constituency that they do not have. [Applause.]

I would also like to inform the hon Groenewald that I am shocked at his patronising attitude towards black people. He tells us that this has been too quick. Is 300 years of oppression not long enough for him? I could not believe that he could stand here and tell us that we are rushing this Bill. For those people who have waited it could not have happened too soon. This is our country, just as it is his, and our people want to enjoy the same things that his people enjoyed for many years when they excluded everybody else.

Tonight maqabane slya e St Francis kwa-Langa maksisuka lapha. [Tonight, comrades, from here we are going to St Francis in Langa township.] Viva to Azapo. [Applause.]

Debate concluded.

Question put: That the Bill be read a second time.

Division demanded.

The House divided.

AYES - 242: Abrahams, T; Abram, S; Ainslie, A R; Balfour, B M N; Baloyi, M R; Baloyi, O S B; Bekker, H J; Benjamin, J; Beukman, F; Bhengu, F; Blaas, A; Bloem, D V; Bogopane, H I; Booi, M S; Botha, N G W; Buthelezi, M N; Cachalia, I M; Chalmers, J; Chiba, L; Chikane, M M; Chohan-Kota, F I; Cindi, N V; Coetzee-Kasper, M P; Cronin, J P; Davies, R H; De Lange, J H; Dhlamini, B W; Diale, L N; Didiza, A T; Dithebe, S L; Dlali, D M; Doidge, G Q M; Dowry, J J; Du Toit, D C; Duma, N M; Durand, J; Dyani, M M Z; Fankomo, F C; Fazzie, M H; Ferreira, E T; Fihla, N B; Fraser-Moleketi, G J; Frolick, C T; Gandhi, E; Gcina, C I; Geldenhuys, B L; Gerber, P A; Gomomo, P J; Goniwe, M T; Goosen, A D; Greyling, C H F; Gumede, D M; Hajaig, F; Hanekom, D A; Hendrickse, P A C; Herandien, C B; Hlaneki, C J M; Hogan, B A; Holomisa, S P; Jassat, E E; Jeffery, J H; Joemat, R R; Jordan, Z P; Kasienyane, O R; Kati, J Z; Kgarimetsa, J J; Kgauwe, Q J; Kgwele, L M; Komphela, B M; Koornhof, G W; Kota, Z A; Kotwal, Z; Lamani, N E; Landers, L T; Le Roux, J W; Lekota, M G P; Lishiva, T E; Lobe, M C; Lockey, D; Louw, J T; Louw, S K; Lucas, E J; Luthuli, A N; Lyle, A G; Mabena, D C; Maduna, P M; Magashule, E S; Magazi, M N; Magubane, N E; Magwanishe, G; Mahlangu, M J; Mahlawe, N; Mahomed, F; Maimane, D S; Maine, M S; Makanda, W G; Makasi, X C; Malebana, H F; Maloney, L; Manuel, T A; Maphalala, M A; Mars, I; Martins, B A D; Masala, M M; Maseka, J T; Mashimbye, J N; Masutha, M T; Mathibela, N F; Matsepe-Casaburri, I F; Maunye, M M; Mayatula, S M; Maziya, A M; Mbadi, L M; Mbombo, N D; Mbuyazi, L R; Mdladlana, M M S; Mguni, B A; Middleton, N S; Mkono, D G; Mlambo-Ngcuka, P G; Mnandi, P N; Mngomezulu, G P; Mnumzana, S K; Modise, T R; Modisenyane, L J; Moeketse, K M; Mofokeng, T R; Mohamed, I J; Mohlala, R J B; Mokoena, D A; Molebatsi, M A; Molewa, B G; Moloi, J; Moloto, K A; Mongwaketse, S J; Montsitsi, S D; Moonsamy, K; Morkel, C M; Morutoa, M R; Morwamoche, K W; Moss, M I; Mothoagae, P K; Motubatse, S D; Mpaka, H M; Mpontshane, A M; Mshudulu, S A; Mthembi-Mahanyele, S D; Mthembu, B; Mtsweni, N S; Mudau, N W; Mufamadi, F S; Mutsila, I; Mzizi, M A; Mzondeki, M J G; Nair, B; Nash, J H; Ndzanga, R A; Nefolovhodwe, P J; Nel, A C; Nel, A H; Nene, N M; Newhoudt-Druchen, W S; Ngaleka, N E; Ngcengwane, N D; Ngculu, L V J; Ngubeni, J M; Nhleko, N P; Nhlengethwa, D G; Nobunga, B J; Nqodi, S B; Ntshulana-Bhengu, N R; Ntuli, B M; Ntuli, M B; Ntuli, S B; Nzimande, L P M; Olckers, M E; Olifant, D A A; Oliphant, G G; Omar, A M; Oosthuizen, G C; Phadagi, M G; Phohlela, S; Pieterse, R D; Pretorius, I J; Rabie, P J; Radebe, J T; Rajbally, S; Ramakaba-Lesiea, M M; Ramgobin, M; Ramodike, M N; Ramotsamai, C M P; Rasmeni, S M; Reid, L R R; Ripinga, S S; Roopnarain, U; Saloojee, E; Schippers, J; Schneeman, G D; Schoeman, E A; Schoeman, R S; Scott, M I; Seaton, S A; Seeco, M A; Sekgobela, P S; September, C C; September, R K; Shilubana, T P; Shope, N R; Sibiya, M S M; Sigcau, S N; Sigcawu, A N; Sigwela, E M; Sikakane, M R; Simmons, S; Sithole, D J; Skhosana, W M; Skweyiya, Z S T; Slabbert, J H; Smith, V G; Solomon, G; Sonjica, B P; Sosibo, J E; Sotyu, M M; Thabethe, E; Tinto, B; Tolo, L J; Tshabalala-Msimang, M E; Tsheole, N M; Turok, B; Vadi, I; Van den Heever, R P Z; Van der Merwe, S C; Van Jaarsveld, A Z A; Van Wyk, A (Anna); Van Wyk, A (Annelize); Van Wyk, J F; Van Wyk, N; Vos, S C; Xingwana, L M T; Zondi, K M; Zondo, R P; Zuma, J G.

NOES - 35: Andrew, K M; Bell, B G; Borman, G M; Clelland-Stokes, N J; Cupido, P W; Da Camara, M L; Davidson, I O; Eglin, C W; Farrow, S B; Gibson, D H M; Gore, V C; Grobler, G A J; Groenewald, P J; Heine, R J; Jankielsohn, R; Kalyan, S V; Lee, T D; Leon, A J; Lowe, C M; Maluleke, D K; Moorcroft, E K; Mulder, C P; Mulder, P W A; Ntuli, R S; Opperman, S E; Pillay, S; Schalkwyk, P J; Selfe, J; Seremane, W J; Smuts, M; Sono, B N; Swart, P S; Taljaard, R; Van Niekerk, A I; Waters, M.

Question agreed to.

Bill accordingly read a second time.


                       (First Reading debate)

Mrs R R JOEMAT: Chairperson, hon members, I hope that we are also going to have a song after this Bill has been passed. I rise here on behalf of the ANC to support the Bill before us. When the Minister of Finance delivered his Budget Speech in this House in February this year, he handed out grapes. Let us now see whether these grapes will taste sweet or sour for us.

The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF COMMITTEES: Order! Hon members, those who are leaving the Chamber should do so quietly and quickly so that we can continue with the proceedings.

Mrs R R JOEMAT: I will cover only certain aspects of this Bill that affect individual taxpayers. Other speakers will cover other aspects in this Bill. Let us unpack what the Minister said in his Budget Speech and see what impact it will have on taxes for individuals. Thereafter, I hope we will understand and appreciate that all will have to contribute and sacrifice certain perks that were previously enjoyed and tax-deductible.

The scrapping of certain tax perks and deductions for certain individuals and businesses will net approximately R100 million for the Receiver of Revenue. Besides accruing from revenues gained, savings will also come from better utilisation of staff. Assessors will now use less time in having to assess, scrutinise and check up on deduction claims.

Looking at tax structures in other countries, one will find that most countries have limited deductions in favour of a scheduled approach. Our Government is moving towards a more definitive split between business and employment income. [Interjections.]

The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF COMMITTEES: Order! Order! Carry on, hon member.

Mrs R R JOEMAT: They are also doing away with the general type of deduction for employees. This will simplify the tax system.

Let me give the good news first. The deductions that will still be allowed are pension, medical-aid and retirement fund contributions. The threshold of R1 000 for medical expenses has been removed. Taxpayers aged 65 and below will now be able to claim the amount of medical expenses which exceeds 5% of their taxable income. Exemption on interest has increased. Taxpayers under the age of 65 years can now claim an amount of R6 000, whereas previously it was R4 000. The increase for taxpayers who are over the age of 65 years is from R5 000 to R10 000. The primary rebate has been increased from R4 140 to R4 860. [Interjections.]

Chairperson, could we ask the Leader of the Opposition to shut up! [Laughter.] [Interjections.]

The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF COMMITTEES: Order! Order! Hon Leader of the Opposition, order! Hon members, I have asked you to behave. I can name you, but I have asked you please to conduct whatever conversation you are conducting in an undertone so that it does not disturb the general order of the House. That is the rule and it is a rule to which all of us are bound. And I would like all of the hon members here to adhere to that rule, both in spirit and to the letter.

Mrs R R JOEMAT: Thank you, Chairperson. Donations to certain approved public benefit organisations will be allowed, but official receipts issued by the public benefit organisation must be produced.

Now for the news that is not so good, but is fair. Travel deductions will continue, but only if expenses can be proved by receipts. The following deductions will also affect MPs. For periods when an individual is away from home on business or work-related travels, claims for accommodation have been removed and the allowance for meals has been limited to R65 per day.

Entertainment and deemed subsistence allowances for individuals will be abolished if they do not affect the actual income of the employee. With these adjustments in this Bill, employees’ income will clearly be defined.

Any payment received in respect of employment is included in an employee’s gross income in terms of the definition of ``gross income’’.

However, certain benefits flowing from employment are not paid in cash, and these benefits in kind need to be determined. One may ask what kinds of benefits these are. For example, an employee might enjoy a motor vehicle or accommodation owned by the company, and in some instances enjoys both of these benefits. These benefits need to be calculated by way of formulae.

This Bill provides specific provisions for the calculation of the value that must be placed upon each benefit that accrues to an employee. The commissioner will use market value for some types of fringe benefit and cost price for others.

Other allowances are generally paid to employees to meet expenditure incurred on behalf of an employer. The portion of those allowances which is not expended must be included in the employee’s taxable income. The most common types of allowance are travelling, subsistence, uniform, cellphone and entertainment allowances.

These adjustments will bring some fairness to our income tax laws and close some loopholes. There are very creative remuneration structures and this is unfair to the majority of workers that only work for a straight salary package. We see juristic persons become companies with the aim of dodging tax, and then they can claim a wide range of benefits. This becomes a disadvantage to those who do not enjoy such benefits.

Tax evasion is a problem for our country. This is seen in the example the Donald King case, which is currently before Sars, of alleged tax evasion amounting to R900 million. The urgency of fairness in our income tax system must be recognised.

The concern was raised of the increasing tendency to grant wide discretionary powers to the commissioner. Whilst the intention behind this amendment is supported, the committee believes that appropriate checks and balances must be suitably managed, be transparent and free from subjective judgment and be accountable. The commissioner and his team of qualified tax assessors will carry out these functions.

A formal process for appealing against any penalties or any other charges has been established. This enhances the facilitation of transparency and ensures higher levels of compliance. The commissioner may also settle a dispute, but must comply with the provisions prescribed by the Minister of Finance.

I want to refer to two types of relationship in nature and in humans. In the first kind, one party benefits and prospers and grows. The other party suffers and is harmed.

Mense van dié aard kan vergelyk word met bosluise. [People like these can be compared to ticks.]

These are the tax dodgers - the parasites who benefit while others have to pay taxes. The second type of relationship is one in which both parties derive benefits from the relationship. They both grow and prosper like the bee and the flower - the bee gets the nectar and makes honey, while the flower gets the pollination and bears the fruits. This is the type of mutual relationship towards which we must strive.

But what is more important is to achieve the benefit that is economic growth by increasing competitiveness, raising employment levels and reducing poverty. That is why taxes must be fair and must be paid, so that all can benefit, especially the poor. The majority party supports this Bill. [Applause.]

Ms R TALJAARD: Chairperson, hon members, the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill is a mixed bag of taxation proposals flowing from both budgets. It also includes important provisions in terms of tax administration and the administrative powers of the Commissioner of the SA Revenue Service.

The good news in terms of this Bill is that it gives legal content to the welcome tax relief announced in February. The burden of personal tax has been reduced through rates and bracket adjustments, with a R15 billion cut mainly benefiting low- and middle-income earners, while the top marginal rate has also been cut from 42% to 40%.

This matter must receive more attention in an era of global skills mobility, where the top marginal rate is still considered a disincentive to retaining and attracting skills.

On average, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit, taxes for those earning under R150 000 per year are reduced by 25%, while the tax threshold for pensioners under 65 has been raised to R27 000. But, while we are formalising the welcome tax relief today, we need to take cognisance of the impact of relatively high inflation and the vagaries of fiscal drag. Economists, according to the Economist Intelligent Unit, calculate that after adjustment for this inflation effect, roughly only half the tax concessions are realised, especially for earners in the lower- and middle- income brackets. This, unfortunately, is the bad news.

The extension of tax relief to SMMEs through redefining SMMEs as those with a turnover of up to R3 million is welcome, but a tax compliance burden audit for small business, looking at all levies and taxes, is overdue. Perhaps Sars, the National Treasury and the Department of Trade and Industry can conduct such an audit as an urgent priority.

The DA welcomes the proposals that seek to formalise and categorise the tax- exempt status of public benefit organisations and the Ninth Schedule in the Bill, but urges Sars and the National Treasury to continue engaging with civil society in terms of their concerns in relation to the policy decisions behind parts I and II of the schedule, as well as the possible retrospective effect of letting the Minister of Finance list in accordance with the Ninth Schedule.

While this Bill creates an employment incentive and skews that incentive to target it at the unemployed, the benefit of the incentive must not falter due to administrative inefficiencies within the Setas, as the learnership registration process will be the key to unlocking the benefit. The efficiency of the Ministry of Labour and the Setas in this regard will be critical, and Parliament will be keeping a watchful eye.

The DA believes, however, that only higher levels of job creation and job- creating economic growth can dent South Africa’s unemployment crisis on a meaningful scale and that the incentive is merely a small social security net in the context of low levels of jobless economic growth. In a context where the Minister of Finance does a jig on the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Bill, with the consequences for foreign direct investment and job creation, we will have to see what measures an employment incentive can effect, and the impact it can make, when such action is conducted in this House by the Minister.

The Taxation Laws Amendment Bill tackles a soft target by doing away with tax-deductible allowances under the guise of claims of administrative efficiency. While the Sars aim to create a simple list of deductible allowances to increase efficiency, the DA believes that efficiency will be hampered by the new onerous burden of receipt verification inherent in the new proposed changes. During deliberations the committee expressed concern about the increase of the administrative powers of the Commissioner of Sars. The Bill furthermore seeks to establish a new dispute resolution and arbitration-type arrangement for Sars to the exclusion of other appeal mechanisms. While they could increase administrative efficiency through these provisions, these powers will be controversial until such time as a specified and codified taxpayers’ charter is adopted to give concrete substance to the obligations that befall Sars under the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act.

Revenue collection has exceeded projected revenue for the past few years, primarily due to marked efficiency gains by Sars. This factor has more than compensated for other areas where projections were not met, such as privatisation and the GDP growth rate, thereby enabling the National Treasury to stick to its fiscal balance targets. However, these efficiency gains and the focus on the soft target of the formal sector’s gap or noncompliance, correct as this is in terms of tax morality, cannot be expected to effect and offset shortfalls elsewhere in the budget ad infinitum.

In this regard, the National Treasury and Sars will have a number of tax policy questions to confront. Critical for future revenue growth and the integrity of the tax system will be the performance of Sars in terms of the tax policy objective of broadening the tax base. The tax base will, of course, broaden as a result of the new residence-based tax system and capital gains tax, whatever the merits and demerits of these taxes may be.

While corporate tax evasion has been addressed by Sars, in terms of the tax gap project, the key challenge remains that of taking the growing informal sector formally into the tax net.

In their submission to the Portfolio Committee on Finance on the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill, Sacob made the following observation:

The impact of these major tax reforms has yet to be tested. As a broad observation on the taxation measures introduced, Sacob believes that there has been a marked emphasis on the redistributive powers of taxation. Insufficient attention has been given to the potential effect - adverse or otherwise - those measures have had on economic growth.

Sacob’s observation highlights one of the key challenges for this Parliament: growing oversight and scrutiny powers over the impact of the policy and legislative measure we take. In the realm of tax, the need for this oversight is particularly pronounced. Having made these broader policy comments, the DA supports this Bill.

Mr H J BEKKER: Mr Chairman, the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill of 2002 results from the Budget, or the Estimates of Revenue. The IFP has accepted and applauded the Minister’s Budget Speech, and therefore we also accept the underlying clauses and we will vote for the Bill.

Die onderhawige wetgewing is gevolglike wetgewing. In die verlede is goedig daarna verwys as die sogenaamde rommelkaswetgewing. Dit beteken dat uitvoering gegee word aan die begrotingsvoorstelle van die Minister van Finansies. (Translation of Afrikaans paragraph follows.)

[The legislation is consequential legislation. In the past it was good naturedly referred to as the so-called omnibus legislation. It means that the Budget proposals of the Minister of Finance are being implemented.]

In terms of this legislation, several limitations on employee deductions are introduced.

As it is applicable to other taxpayers, of course it will also apply to members of this Parliament. This is particularly applicable with regard to travelling, accommodation, meals and incidentals. The deemed R150-per-day deductible item is being withdrawn. Where the employer pays for accommodation, the deemed expense is now reduced to R65 per day. The R2 500 per year for hospitality of a casual nature is also being withdrawn.

Transfer duty is being rationalised in the sense that property below R100 000 will not attract any duties. Five percent will be payable on property values between R100 000 and R300 000; and above R300 000, the duty is now 8%.

Remuneration of directors will also be subject to PAYE and Unemployment Insurance Fund contributions as well as the skills levy. On several items, stamp duties are being scrapped.

The good news is with regard to the basis of small business development. A small business corporation, in terms of its definition, includes any close corporation or company registered as a private company in terms of the Companies Act and it must comply with certain criteria. These criteria include the requirement that the gross income for the year of assessment, in terms of the present Bill before us, not exceed R3 million; that none of the shareholders or members hold any shares or interest in any other unlisted company; that not more than 20% of the gross income consist of investment income and income for rendering a personal service as defined; and that the company not be an employment company.

Small business corporations are subject to a graduated tax rate of 15% on the first R150 000 of taxable income and may write off investment expenditure in the year in which it has occurred.

Small business development is a key element of the Government’s strategy for economic growth and job creation. The proposals contained in the Budget Review this year build on the tax concession granted in the 2000-01 Budget.

With regard to customs and excise duties, several positive amendments are being made and greater control is being exerted in terms of that.

The IFP will support the Bill. [Applause.]

Mr F C FANKOMO: Chairperson and hon members, I am pleased to take the stage and debate on the huge improvements contained in the Tax Laws Amendment Bill of 2002. These improvements came about through a constructive interaction between Sars, the Department of Finance, the Portfolio Committee on Finance, the private sector and the nonprofit sector.

Since the coming to operation of the new Constitution, the ANC-led Government has been committed to transparency and people’s participation in the rebuilding of the newly formed democracy by bringing more people to contribute to legislation. Thus, the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill introduces amendments to, among other laws, the Transfer Duty Act of 1949, the Estate Duty Act of 1955 and the Skills Development Levies Act of 1999, which my speech will focus on.

Transfer duty was levied on the acquisition of fixed property in South Africa. Therefore the rate for the property acquired by natural persons was 1% on the value up to R70 000, 5% on the value from R70 000 to R250 000 and 8% on the value above R250 000. However, to further encourage the acquisition of property and to ensure a more equitable distribution of the transfer duty burden, these rates had to be amended. Therefore, no duty will be payable on the first R100 000 of the value of a property, 5% will be paid on the value of a property from R100 000 to R300 000 and 8% on the value of property above R300 000. This new rate structure was applied in respect of property acquired, or rights or interest in property renounced, in terms of the agreement entered into from 1 March 2002.

The Minister of Finance proposed that those institutions or boards established by or under any law which are exempted from from income tax under section 10(1)(cN) of the Income Tax Act of 1962, and which previously qualified for transfer duty exemption as they were regarded as religious, charitable and educational institutions, no longer qualify for transfer during exemption according to section 30 of the recommendation of the commissioner. Thus the Minister proposed that the institutions, boards and bodies established by law, which carry on public benefit activities as contemplated in section 30, be exempted.

The acquisition of certain properties by the natural person is exempted from transfer duty to provide relief to low-income groups. This includes the acquisition of a dwelling house or residential apartment held under sectional title with a value of R70 000 or less and the acquisition of unimproved land to erect dwelling houses with a value of R300 000 or less.

The Estate Duty Act of 1955 provides for the reduction from the total value of all property included in the estate of the value of any property which accrues to a public benefit organisation which is exempted in terms of the Income Tax Act of 1962. Thus, the introduction of the new provisions in the Income Tax Act of 1962 which regulate the tax exemption of public benefit organisations necessitated the amendment of section 4(h)(i) of the Estate Duty Act, as these institutions, boards and bodies were no longer exempted from income tax under section 10(1)(cN) of the Income Tax Act of 1962. Therefore the introduction of section 4(h)(iA) of the Estate Duty Act of 1955 was to ensure specific inclusion under the exemption of property which accrues to any institution, board or body created by law.

With regard to the Skills Development Levies Act of 1999, the amount of the skills development levy paid by an employer was based on the amount of the remuneration paid or payable or deemed to be paid or payable by that employer to its employees during the month. Thus, in the past, the remuneration paid by a private company to its director was excluded from the employees’ tax provision. However, this was amended in the fourth schedule to the Income Tax Act of 1962 to include directors in the employment tax system by the introduction of paragraph 11C, which deems certain amounts to be paid by the private company to a director of the company. All these changes took effect on March 2002. According to the Skills Development Levies Act of 1999, the deemed amount of remuneration is also included for the reasons of determining the liability of any employer for the skills development levy. Therefore, inclusively, the deemed and actual remuneration would be taken into account in the determination of the employer’s liability for skills development. However, for the purposes of the Skills Development Levies Act, the deemed remuneration has not been taken into account in these amendments.

The exemptions relating to the religious and charity institutions were amended to bring them into line with the public benefit organisation provision in the Income Tax Act of 1962. We therefore, as the ANC, support these amendments of the taxation laws. [Applause.]

Dr P J RABIE: Mr Chairman, hon Minister and hon members, the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill is a lengthy and highly technical Bill and introduces amendments to a number of Acts which range from the Insurance Act of 1943 to the Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act of 2002.

The proposed amendment to section 8(1) of the Income Tax Act of 1962 clarifies employee deductions. It also clarifies taxation where an employee’s remuneration is derived in the form of commission based on sales turnover. Another aspect of section 8(1)(a)(i) is the definition of ``principal’’ as an employer or the holder of an office. Paragraph (c) refers to incidental costs incurred by employees and the amounts deemed to have been expended.

The amendment of section 2 of the Transfer Duty Act of 1949 will encourage the acquisition of property and will lead to a more equitable distribution of transfer duties. Allow me briefly to accentuate the following. No duty will be payable on the first R100 000 of the value of the property, 5% will be payable from R100 000 to R300 000 and 8% will be payable on the value of a property above R300 000. It is my opinion that the proposed new rate structure will enable previously disavantaged members of our society to acquire fixed property, a key prerequisite to alleviating poverty.

The amendment of section 4A of the Estate Duty Act of 1955 will increase the basic deductions of R1 million to R1,5 million in respect of a deceased estate. This is a significant deduction. We appeal for the review of the entire Estate Duty Act of 1955.

Belasting op aftreefondse moet ook spoedig hersien word, omdat duisende belastingpligtiges se staat van bates en laste radikaal verander vanweë omstandighede soos inflasie en die versterking of verswakking van die rand teenoor ander geldeenhede.

‘n Belastingstelsel moet ook ‘n kultuur van ondernemerskap en innovering bevorder, en ek is baie bly om te sê dat, volgens die finansiële tydskrifte, ons huidige belastingstelsel nie die gees van ondernemerskap en entrepreneurskap verwater het nie. (Translation of Afrikaans paragraphs follows.)

[The taxation of retirement funds should also be reviewed before long, because the schedule of assets and liabilities of thousands of taxpayers is changing rapidly due to circumstances such as inflation and the rise and fall of the rand against other monetary units.

Any system of taxation should also promote a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation and I am very happy to say that, according to financial magazines, our present system of taxation has not weakened our spirit of free enterprise and entrepreneurship.]

Section 12E of the Income Tax Act of 1962 provides for the deduction of certain plant and machinery operations. Again, I think this will spur growth in our manufacturing sector, especially smaller businesses and so forth.

The significance of section 18A in particular is that a group of public benefit organisations sharing a common purpose may register as a co- ordinating body and apply for tax exemption.

Clause 22(k) of the Bill provides for a five-year period to allow PBOs to reorganise their affairs to avoid jeopardising their tax-exempt status.

I know that my time is running out. This is a very important piece of legislation. The New NP supports this Bill. [Applause.]

Dr G W KOORNHOF: Chairperson and hon members, clauses in this Bill give practical effect to announcements of the 2002 Budget, and I will not refer to the individual proposals in detail, as they have been widely publicised and debated.

The major feature of the Bill is increased discretions given to the Commissioner for the SA Revenue Service. He receives powerful mechanisms to settle tax disputes out of court. It is reported that both the Margo and Katz commissions have indicated that such a trend should be avoided at all, if possible.

We therefore appeal to the Minister to ensure that the granting of such wide discretion to the commissioner should be accompanied by proper and transparent reporting.

A second concern regarding the Bill relates to section 18(A) status, that is the deduction of donations to certain public benefit organisations. At present the upgrading and renovating of schools and clinics, especially in the remote areas of the country, do not qualify for section 18(A) status or benefits. Sars has undertaken to take this matter back to the Minister, instead of awaiting the next cycle of the process. The Minister may want to inform this House of his response.

It is estimated that the Revenue Service will save in the excess of R100 million through limiting deductions and restructuring allowances, apart from revenue gains through the scrapping of tax deductions. We are grateful, however, that a number of important deductions will remain in place, including those for pension, medical aid and on retirement fund contributions. What is not included in the Bill is taxation on the banking industry, on the mining industry and on the retirement industry. We appeal to the Minister to be very sensitive regarding such taxes in future. We trust that the process will be consultative and that he will consult widely with all stakeholders on a transparent basis, if he decides to initiate any such taxes.

In conclusion, this Bill will put additional strain and pressure on Sars to perform. We hope and we trust that Sars has embarked on comprehensive and applicable training programmes for their employees in order to meet the increase demands of performance prescribed in this Bill. The UDM supports the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill. [Applause.]

Mr L M GREEN: Chairperson, hon Minister, members, owing to the limited time given to me, I just want to comment only on the tax-exempt status of NGOs.

The ACDP is happy to see that the tax-exempt status of NGOs has been clarified. The list for qualification has significantly expanded, providing great relief for many involved in this service. Tax benefits have always been an important factor serving nonprofit organisations and we wish to commend the Minister for expanding tax relief for NGOs. It is encouraging to see that many NGOs are applying for tax exemption. The requirement that organisations must register for income tax or tax-exempt purposes will help the sector to achieve greater coherency in how its donations can enjoy the maximum benefit. The burden of inconsistent fund applications or misappropriation of donations may be controlled, especially as public benefit organisations will be required to ensure that decision-making powers are not vested only in one single individual.

Another area where organisations may derive benefits through section 30 of the Income Tax Act is the proposal that, in terms of the dissolution of an organisation, the assets may be transferred to any institution, board or body which is exemp from tax'' and which carries onany public benefit activity’’.

The advantage of this proposal will help organisations identify other similar members who may benefit from the assets in the event of dissolution.

The whole idea of nonprofit organisations is to ensure that the public benefit through their services. Office bearers of such an organisation or any other person ought not to expect benefits beyond the reasonable objects of the organisation.

It is with these few comments in mind, that the ACDP supports this legislation.

Miss S RAJBALLY: Chairperson, the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill appears to amend a number of Bills. This may be for our convenience, so that we are not bogged down with many individual amendments, but it makes it hard to cover everything at once.

Nevertheless, the MF has no objections to the provisions suggested. The amendment made regarding exemptions from income tax is welcomed and understood in the light of the fact that the categories exempted should benefit the community. It will, however, be felt that such an exemption is richly deserved by the public at large, who suffer and struggle to put food in the mouths of their children and for whom the paying of income tax is virtually impossible.

The MF does not object to the payment of tax, as it is due, but the devastation of tax on small salaries that have to cover large families is burdensome. Taking 18% from a modest salary may appear reasonable, but with today’s cost of living and the needs that have to be met, apart from luxuries, these taxes are burdensome and often rob taxpayers of the rewards of long hours of hard work.

Further provisions set by the hon the Minister concerning estate duties are agreed to without objections.

The MF unfortunately is limited in addressing this Bill to the best of our ability by time constraints, but voices no objection to the amendments made. We find them relevant and support the Bill. [Applause.]

Ms B A HOGAN: Mr Chairperson, this Taxation Laws Amendment Bill is significant for a number of reasons; not the least is the learnership incentives.

Some time ago it was announced that in order to encourage employment and job creation, certain tax incentives would be put in place. The National Treasury and Sars, in consultation with other departments, have brought in a very interesting way of introducing this wage incentive, and that is through the learnership incentive.

Basically it means that should a person employed by a company enter into a learnership agreement, the total annual remuneration of that employee, to a maximum of R25 000, could be deducted for tax purposes and once again on completion. That would be 70%. For a person who was previously unemployed it would be the total remuneration on the signing of the learnership agreement and on completion thereof.

This is a very well-crafted incentive for job creation and for skilling our population. As Ms Taljaard has said, it is critically dependent on how well our Setas are operating. Our Minister of Labour is here, and he has assured us that they are looking very closely at the operation of the Setas. I wish business well when they look at these issues, because certainly it will assist us in going forward with tax incentives.

Besides the numerous forms of tax relief that are given, the other most significant part of this legislation deals with the relief given to public benefit organisations. This dispensation, which was first introduced in the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill of 2000, completes the cycle on the benefit given to public benefit organisations. For the first time in this country’s history significant tax relief is given to public benefit organisations, and civil society will, no doubt, benefit greatly from this.

However, there are one or two matters that I would like to raise. I know that we are at the start and have to go carefully, but we do know that the most significant tax relief that is given to NGOs is the donations tax, a tax relief given to those people who donate to public benefit organisations. This is an important tax relief because it encourages those who have, particularly corporations, to make donations to worthy causes. The fiscus loses but civil society gains through gaining alternative means of income.

The Treasury and Sars have been very precise in formulating which activities would receive this kind of tax relief. It falls under welfare and humanitarian activities. Basically, tax relief can be granted if one donates to organisations involved in the care or counselling of or the provision of education programmes relating to abandoned, abused, neglected, orphaned or homeless children and the care or counselling of poor and needy persons, where more than 90% of those persons are over the age of 60. There is also provision of health care to poor and needy persons, the care or counselling of terminally ill persons, the prevention of HIV infection, the care, counselling and treatment of persons afflicted with HIV/Aids and a whole range of concessions given for people involved in educare, training for the unemployed and the establishment of transfrontiers.

What we have here is donations relief which is very focused on the absolute poor and, we would almost say, the indigent people of our society. That is right. Over time I hope that we do come to review these very narrow restrictions, because I do believe that a flourishing social society is to the benefit of us all. I am not merely talking about the alleviation of poverty. I am also talking about organisations involved in cultural activities that enrich our societies and do not only deal with poverty relief. We are talking about a wide range of institutions which would benefit from donations from the corporate sector. If we are able to get these donations to move towards these other activities as well, I think it would be to the greater benefit of civil society.

The ANC has no difficulty in supporting this Bill. One of the issues that have been raised, though, is the issue of the regulation of tax advisers. The Minister has announced that that issue is going to be looked into in more detail. We all know there is a whole motley crew of people who provide tax advice, so certainly better regulation would be welcomed, as people do suffer from the lack of regulation.

Also, a lot of discussion in our committee was about whether the commissioner was receiving undue powers. I certainly have not made up my mind about this issue, but I do believe it might be useful for the commissioner, at some stage, to come before the committee to outline what new powers have been given him. Certainly, when I look at the powers given to him in terms of internal review procedures in the present Act, they do not strike me as undue powers. They fall within the terrain of the promotion of administrative justice and the requirements of that legislation. Nevertheless, I do think it is an issue that we need to come back to from time and time. When the committee has an opportunity we would like to engage with the commissioner on these issues.

The ANC supports this Bill. We want to congratulate Sars and the National Treasury, once again, on the extraordinary care and attention they take in addressing every issue that is raised by every person who appears before our committee. I say this every time. There is seldom a department that produces a comprehensive response to every issue raised by every person who makes a submission to our committee. It is an example of democracy in action and want to congratulate them on the ongoing way in which they respect democratic institutions in this country. [Applause.]

The MINISTER OF FINANCE: Chairperson, I would like to express sincere support to all the parties, because all the parties support the amending Bill before us. I would also like to share with colleagues here some good news about taxation and tax administration. On this past Sunday evening we launched the Southern African Tax Institute, where the first courses are being run for tax administrations from different African countries. There are some 60 participants from 16 countries who are undergoing training, alongside our South African representatives - that is, employees of Sars and the National Treasury. That is very good, because we then will develop a cadre of people on the continent who approach matters similarly.

Having said that, let me try to respond to some of the issues that have been raised by members. Hon Rabie raised the matter of the retirement funds and I would like to advise that that is a work in progress. We gave an undertaking that we would review the process and would come back here.

A number of members raised the amendments in section 18(A) and the relationship with public benefit organisations, and I would like to advise members that that also is work in progress. We have a meeting with the Nonprofit Partnership scheduled, so that we can deal with the issues that they are encountering as the voice of advocacy for public benefit organisations.

In respect of the issues raised by the hon Koornhof on the taxation of the banking sector and the mining sector, the first point to make is that, clearly, we have to be mindful of the contributions to the economy of these sectors. However, having said that, it is also imperative that we enjoy the support of members of this House to ensure that taxes are paid in terms of the laws passed by this House.

The discussions in respect of the banking sector, which we have reported on in this House previously, are essentially about going out there to collect taxes which have been due, and, clearly, there are going to be issues we have to deal with in a lot more detail, going forward. Amongst those would be that complex area of taxation, namely the taxation of financial derivative instruments. We are not alone in respect of the challenge here. There are very few countries that are dealing with these issues now, partly because there are no accounting standards for financial derivatives.

These will be big issues, so our engagement with the financial services industry in the future would require of us to ensure that we can place issues on an equal footing. In saying that, clearly, the approach to the retirement funds industry, as opposed to the funds themselves, needs to also be informed by the range of instruments that an industry like the retirement fund industry would use, often for tax minimisation and sometimes in that grey area between avoidance and evasion.

The hon Rajbally raised a point on which I am sure all in this House agree with her, namely the importance of trying to secure the earnings of low- income earners. It is for that reason that we have raised the tax threshold, so that people under the age of 65 earning below R27 000 do not have to pay tax, and people over the age of 65 who earn under R42 650 do not have to pay tax. The threshold is something we have moved up. It was R16 500 when I first became Minister of Finance, and it is something that we remain very mindful of, to try and secure the earnings of low-income earners.

The hon Hogan raised the issue of the regulation of tax advisers. Clearly, it is something that we remain in discussion about with the SA Institute of Chartered Accountants and the Public Accountants’ and Auditors’ Board, because they understand as well that these kinds of issues bring the profession into disrepute.

What we have said to them is that people take the best advice and, in fact, pay for professional advice, and if the advise is less than honest and less than rigorous, the taxpayer is then left with a huge tax burden later, and the adviser merely walks on. So the issue of regulation is important to protect the interests of taxpayers in their engagement with the Revenue Service but also in the interest of securing the good name of the profession.

The hon Taljaard raised a few issues. Let me just try and deal with three of them briefly. The first point is that I would like to suggest that she is patently incorrect in arguing that growth and redistribution are contradictory. They are not. By advancing issues of redistribution, we are growing the access of people to finance, we are growing the markets and we are growing the economy. It is important that we recognise that these are mutually supportive.

I do not suppose that we will ever agree on that, because our perspectives on this would be very different. However, societies that are more equal are societies that tend to grow better. In respect of a quote which I think I have now heard for the third time this week as an authoritative statement from the Economist Intelligence Unit, let us not fetishise them. They are economists and, like anybody else, they change their minds. Let us not construct an altar before the Economist Intelligence Unit.

In respect on the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Bill, I think the hon member is, again, patently wrong in saying that the Bill will, in any way, damage foreign direct investment. In the past few months, we have engaged with mining companies, both South African and foreign, and many of the foreign companies are, in fact, enthused by the fact that for the first time, some of them will have access to rights that were locked up by South African companies that may have acquired these rights as a result of the robbing of people of their land.

That is how mineral rights were acquired in South Africa, and if we retain these as locked up, we lock out not only South Africans who have been historically disempowered and impoverished, but also foreign direct investors.

I have it on good authority from the companies themselves that that they are interested in what we are doing because it is unlocking value and unlocking potential, and they are looking to partnership with South African blacks in the mining industry, going forward. [Applause.]

Thank you very much for the support on these issues. [Applause.]

Debate concluded.

Bill read a first time.


                       (Second Reading debate)

Bill disposed of without debate.

Bill read a second time.

                      HUMAN AND PEOPLE'S RIGHTS

Report adopted without debate.

The House adjourned at 18:22. ____



National Assembly:

  1. The Speaker:
 (1)    Message from National Council of Provinces to National Assembly:

     Bill, subject to proposed amendments, passed  by  National  Council
     of Provinces on 25 June 2002 and transmitted for  consideration  of
     Council's proposed amendments:
     (i)     Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International
          Criminal Court Bill [B 42B - 2001] (National Assembly - sec
          75) (for proposed amendments, see Announcements, Tablings and
          Committee Reports, 25 June 2002, p).

     The Bill has been referred to the Portfolio Committee on Justice
     and Constitutional Development of the National Assembly for a
     report on the amendments proposed by the Council.


National Assembly and National Council of Provinces:


  1. The Minister of Foreign Affairs:
 Bilateral Agreement between the Government of the Republic of South
 Africa and Germany, tabled in terms of section 231(3) of the
 Constitution, 1996, concerning:

     (a)     Technical Cooperation Agreement for the "Public Sector

     (b)     Technical Cooperation Agreement for the project "Study and
          Expert Fund";

     (c)     Technical Cooperation Agreement for the project "Urban
          Upgrading and Development Programme";

     (d)     Technical Cooperation Agreement for the project
          "Broadening Agricultural Services and Extension Delivery";

     (e)       Technical   Cooperation   Agreement   for   the   project
          "Reorientation of Protected Areas (TRANSFORM)".

     (f)     Explanatory Memorandum to the Agreements.

COMITTEE REPORTS National Assembly:

  1. The Speaker:
 The Speaker of the National Assembly,  as  Chairperson,  presented  the
 First Report of the Rules Committee of the National Assembly, dated  21
 June 2002, as follows:

 The  Rules  Committee  of  the  National  Assembly  having   considered
 proposals for the amendment of  the  Rules  of  the  National  Assembly
 recommends the following amendments to the Rules:

 Replace Chapter 10 with the following Chapter:


 Part 1: General

 Notice and placing of questions

 107.   (1)   Except as otherwise provided in these Rules  or  with  the
 prior consent of the Speaker -

 (a)    notice must be given of each  question  by  placing  it  on  the
     Question Paper;

 (b)    no question for oral reply may be asked  on  the  day  on  which
     notice thereof is given.

     (2)     A member who wants  to  give  notice  of  a  question  must
          deliver to the Secretary, for placement on the Question Paper,
          a signed copy of the notice, indicating the day on  which  the
          question will be put.

     (3)     Questions delivered to the Secretary before  12:00  on  any
          working day may appear on the Question  Paper  on  the  second
          sitting day thereafter and not earlier.

     (4)     Subject to Rules 108(7),  110(3)  and  111,  the  Secretary
          must place the questions on the Question Paper in the order in
          which they are received.
     (5)     No question may be addressed to any  person  other  than  a
          member of the Cabinet.

     (6)     If a notice of a question offends against the  practice  or
          these Rules the Speaker  may  either  amend  the  question  or
          return it to the member who submitted it.

     (7)     A member may give notice or take charge of  a  question  on
          behalf of an absent member if the member has  been  authorised
          to do so by the absent member.

     Part 2: Questions for oral reply

 Form and arrangement of questions

 108.   (1)   A member who wants an oral reply to a question must  write
 the words "for oral reply" on the copy of the notice  of  the  question
 delivered to the Secretary in terms of Rule 107(2).

 (2)    A question for  oral  reply  may  not  contain  more  than  five
 (3)    If the Speaker is of the opinion that a question  deals  with  a
     matter of a statistical nature, the Speaker  may  direct  that  the
     question be placed on the Question Paper for written reply.

 (4)    Questions for oral reply are limited to two questions per member
     per question day.

 (5)    The restrictions imposed by Subrule (4)  and  by  Rules  109(5),
     110(4) and 111(5) do not apply to questions -

     (a)     approved as urgent questions in terms of Rule 112;

     (b)     standing over in terms of Rule 114(2)(a) or 115(1); or

     (c)     transferred from written to oral reply  in  terms  of  Rule

 (6)    A question that is submitted for oral reply must  be  placed  on
     the Question Paper for reply at least six  working  days  prior  to
     the Question day on which it is to be replied to.

 (7)    An authorised representative of a party may before 12:00 on  the
     Wednesday before  the  question  day  on  which  questions  put  by
     members of that party are to be answered, notify the  Secretary  in
     writing of the order in which those questions are to be  placed  on
     the Question Paper.

 (8)    Questions that cannot be placed on the Question Paper  for  oral
     reply because of quotas must be placed  as  questions  for  written

 (9)    The sequence of questions on the Question Paper rotates  without
     interruption for the duration of an  annual  session  according  to
     the order in which  members  of  the  respective  parties  may  put
     questions. That order is determined by the Chief Whips' Forum  from
     time to time.

          NOTE: Appropriate amendment to Rule 221 (Functions and  Powers
          of Chief Whips' Forum) requires consideration.

 Questions to Ministers

 109.   (1)   Questions for oral reply by Ministers must be  dealt  with
 in accordance with three clusters of portfolios of government  affairs,
 as determined from time  to  time  by  the  Chief  Whips'  Forum  after
 consultation with the Leader of Government Business, and  published  in
 the ATC.

          NOTE: Appropriate amendment to Rule 221 (Functions and  Powers
          of Chief Whips' Forum) requires consideration.

 (2)    The clusters  rotate  on  a  weekly  basis,  so  that  questions
     relating to  each  respective  cluster  are  answered  every  third
     question day (subject to Subrules (3) and (4)).

 (3)    If a Minister is absent on a day when questions relating to  the
     relevant cluster are to be answered and  those  questions  are  not
     answered by another  Cabinet  Member  or  by  the  Deputy  Minister
     concerned, the Speaker may, if requested to do so by the member  in
     whose  name  a  question  to  that  Minister  stands,   and   after
     consultation with the Leader of Government Business, direct that -

     (a)     questions to that Minister be placed on the Question Paper
          for the first question session for Ministers following that
          day; and

     (b)     an additional 30 minutes be added to the question time for
          that session.

 (4)    Questions to Ministers must not be scheduled for a day on which
     the President is scheduled to answer questions in the Assembly.

 (5)    The number of questions to a Minister is limited to ten
     questions per question day in respect of any one department of

 (6)    Where the order in which questions are put to Ministers
     according to Rule 108(9) is interrupted at the end of a question
     session, the next question session to Ministers starts from the
     point where the order was so interrupted.

Questions to Deputy President

  1. (1) Questions to the Deputy President must be scheduled for a question day once every second week.

    (2) If that day falls within a week in which-

     (a)   the President is scheduled  to  answer  questions  in  the
           Assembly; or
     (b)   the Deputy President is scheduled to answer  questions  in
           the Council,
 questions to the Deputy President must not be scheduled for that  week,
 but for the following week.

 (3)    Questions to the Deputy President have precedence over questions
     to Ministers.

 (4)    The number of questions to the Deputy President  is  limited  to
     four questions per question day.

 (5)    Where the order  in  which  questions  are  put  to  the  Deputy
     President according to Rule 108(9) is interrupted at the end  of  a
     question  session  to  the  Deputy  President,  the  next  question
     session to the Deputy President starts from  the  point  where  the
     order was so interrupted.

 (6)    Notwithstanding Rule 107, questions to the Deputy President must
     be submitted by party representatives in prioritized  order  before
     12:00 on the Monday 9 days before the Question day  on  which  they
     are to be answered.

 Questions to President

 111.   (1)   Questions to the President must be -

          (a) scheduled for a question day at least  once  per  term  in
              accordance with the annual Parliamentary programme; and

          (b)  limited  to  matters  of   national   and   international

     (2)     All other questions relating to the Presidency must be
          directed to the Deputy President or the Minister in the

     (3)     Questions  to  the  President  must  be  submitted  to  the
          Secretary before 12:00 on  the  Monday,  16  days  before  the
          question day on which they are to be answered.

     (4)     The Secretary must submit the questions to the Speaker  for

     (5)     The number of questions to the President is limited to  six
          questions per Question day.

     (6)      Where  the  order  in  which  questions  are  put  to  the
          President according to Rule 108(9) is interrupted at  the  end
          of a question  session,  the  next  question  session  to  the
          President starts  from  the  point  where  the  order  was  so

 Urgent questions

 112.   (1)   A member may, with the permission of the Speaker, place an
 urgent question for oral reply on the Question Paper for a question day
 on which such a question would not normally be dealt with.

     (2)     A member who wants to  place  an  urgent  question  on  the
          Question Paper must deliver a signed copy of the  question  to
          the Speaker before 12:00 on the Tuesday in the week  preceding
          the week in which the question  is  to  be  answered,  clearly
          indicating that it is an urgent question.

     (3)     The Speaker must consult the Leader of Government  Business
          before approving an urgent question.

     (4)     If the Speaker approves an urgent question, it must  appear
          on the Question Paper before or on  the  Friday  of  the  week
          preceding the week in which the question is to be answered.

 Times allotted and time limits

113.    (1)  Questions for oral reply have precedence on Wednesdays.

       (2)   The time allotted for questions is two hours.

       (3)   The reply to a question is limited to three minutes but if
             the presiding officer is of the opinion that the matter  is
             of sufficient importance an additional two minutes  may  be

       (4)   In respect of each question, four supplementary questions
             may be asked.

       (5)   The member in whose name a question stands or who takes
             charge of a question in terms of Rule 107(7), must be given
             the first opportunity to ask a supplementary question.

       (6)   A member who asks a supplementary question may make a
             statement or express an opinion, but may not speak for more
             than one minute.

       (7)   A supplementary question may not consist of more than one

       (8)   The reply to a supplementary question is limited to two

 Unanswered questions

 114.   (1)   Replies to questions for oral reply which have not been
             reached at the end of the time allotted on a question day
             must be submitted in writing to the Secretary for inclusion
             in the Official Report of the Debates of the Assembly.

       (2)   If a reply to such a  question  is  not  received  by  the
             Secretary by 12:00 on the Thursday following  the  question
             day concerned -

             (a)   the question must be regarded as standing over; and

             (b)   in the case of a question  that  has  stood  over  in
                   terms of (a) or Rule 115(1) from a previous  question
                   day, the Question  Paper  must  be  endorsed  to  the
                   effect that the question has not been replied to.

       (3)   Subrule (1) does not apply where questions to  a  Minister
             are put on the Question Paper for  the  following  question
             day in terms of a  direction  by  the  Speaker  under  Rule

Questions standing over

     115.    (1)   A question for oral reply  must  stand  over  if  the
                   person to whom it is addressed -

                   (a)   so requests, either in the  Assembly  when  the
                        question comes up for reply, or  by  notice  in
                        writing to the Secretary before  the  start  of
                        question time on the day for which it is on the
                        Question Paper; or

                   (b)    is  not  present  in  the  Assembly  when  the
                        question comes up for reply and the question is
                        not replied to by someone else on  his  or  her

             (2)   Subject to a direction  by  the  Speaker  under  Rule
                   109(3), a question  that  stands  over  in  terms  of
                   Subrule (1) or Rule 114(2) must be -

                   (a)   placed on the Question Paper for reply  on  the
                        next question day on which the person  to  whom
                        it  is  addressed  is  scheduled  to  reply  to
                        questions; and

                   (b)   must be published at the end  of  the  Question
                        Paper, but may be prioritised in terms of  Rule

           (3)     A question for oral reply may not  stand  over  more
                   than once.

           (4)     If a question standing over is not answered,  either
                   orally or in terms of Rule 114(1) the Question  Paper
                   must be endorsed to the effect that the question  has
                   not been replied to.

     Part 3: Questions for written reply

 Form and placing of questions

 116.   (1)   A question for written reply -

             (a)   may be placed on the Question Paper for  any  working

             (b)   must be delivered to the Secretary  before  12:00  on
                   the Tuesday of the week during  which  it  is  to  be
                   placed on the Question Paper for reply.

       (2)   A question for written reply may not contain more than  15

       (3)   Questions for written reply are limited to three questions
             per member per week.

       (4)   The restriction imposed by Subrule (3) does not apply to
             questions referred to in Rule 108(8).

     (5)     If a question standing over is not answered, either  orally
          or in terms  of  Rule  114(1),  the  Question  Paper  must  be
          endorsed to the effect that the question has not been  replied

 Written reply not given

     117.(1) If the  responsible  Cabinet  member  has  not  replied  in
          writing to a question within 10 working days of  the  day  for
          which the question was set down for  written  reply,  and  the
          member in whose name the question stands, or who takes  charge
          of a question in  terms  of  Rule  107(7),  so  requests,  the
          Secretary must place the question on the  Question  Paper  for
          oral reply.

     (2)     If a reply to a question placed on the Question  Paper  for
          oral reply in terms of Subrule (1) is submitted in writing  to
          the Secretary not later than 12:00  on  the  Question  day  on
          which it is to be replied to, the question must not be  called
          in the House.

Report to be considered.

  1. Report of the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development on the Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Bill [B 42B - 2001] (National Assembly - sec 75), dated 25 June 2002:

        The  Portfolio  Committee  on   Justice   and   Constitutional
        Development, having considered the Implementation of the  Rome
        Statute of the International Criminal  Court  Bill  [B  42B  -
        2001] (National Assembly - sec 75) and proposed amendments  of
        the National Council of Provinces (Announcements, Tablings and
        Committee Reports, 25 June 2002), referred to  the  Committee,
        reports the Bill with amendments [B 42C - 2001].

Report to be considered.

  1. Report of the Portfolio Committee on Housing on the Disestablishment of South African Housing Trust Limited Bill [B 3B - 2002] (National Assembly - sec 75), dated 25 June 2002:

        The Portfolio Committee  on  Housing,  having  considered  the
        Disestablishment of South African Housing Trust  Limited  Bill
        [B 3B - 2002]  (National  Assembly  -  sec  75)  and  proposed
        amendments   of   the   National    Council    of    Provinces
        (Announcements, Tablings and Committee Reports, 12 June  2002,
        p 693), referred to  the  Committee,  reports  the  Bill  with
        amendments [B 3C - 2002].

Report to be considered.

  1. Report of the Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration on Retention of Service, dated 25 June 2002:

       The Portfolio Committee on Public Service and  Administration,
       having considered the request for approval  by  Parliament  of
       retention of service beyond the  age  of  65,  recommends,  in
       terms of  section  16(7)  of  the  Public  Service  Act,  1994
       (Proclamation No. 103 of 1994),  that  the  services  of  High
       Commissioner Thandi Lujabe-Rankoe be retained until 31  August

Report to be considered.

  1. Report of the Portfolio Committee on Housing on Study Tour to KwaZulu- Natal and North West, dated 12 June 2002:

    The Portfolio Committee on Housing, having undertaken a study tour
    to KwaZulu-Natal from 1 to 4 April 2002 and to North West on  from
    7 to 11 April 2002, reports as follows:

    I. Introduction A multi-party delegation of the Committee undertook a study tour to KwaZulu-Natal from 1 to 4 April 2002 and North West from 7 to 11 April 2002. The delegation to KwaZulu-Natal was under the leadership of Ms Z Kota (Chairperson), and consisted of eight members and one official, namely Ms M N Buthelezi (ANC), Ms M P Coetzee-Kasper (ANC), Mr G D Schneemann (ANC), Ms M S Maine (ANC), Ms S H Ntombela (ANC), Ms J A Semple (DP), Mr B W Dhlamini (IFP), Mr D G Mkono (UDM) and Ms A Jojozi (Committee Secretary). The delegation to North West was also under the leadership of Ms Kota. It consisted of nine members and one official, namely Mr D C Mabena (ANC), Ms M S Maine (ANC), Mr J H Nash (ANC), Ms S H Ntombela (ANC), Mr G D Schneemann (ANC), Mr W M Skhosana (ANC), Ms J A Semple (DP), Mr B M Douglas (IFP), Mr D G Mkono (UDM) and Ms A Jojozi (Committee Secretary).

 II. Objectives of tour

 The Committee went on tour with the following objectives:

 * To fulfil  its  monitoring  and  oversight  function,  the  Committee
     intended to establish progress made with the "Housing  the  Nation"

 * To have exchanges of  views  and  experiences  with  both  provincial
     portfolio committees on housing, mayors of different  areas,  local
     ward councils, contractors and developers.

 * To visit various  housing  projects  such  as  the  People's  Housing
     Process, rural housing  projects,  hostel  redevelopment  projects,
     projects developed by women and other inner city Developments.

 * To establish whether units constructed are in  line  with  norms  and
     standards stipulated in the housing policy.

 The aim of the government is for all South Africans to  have  permanent
 residential structures with secure tenure, where there will be privacy,
 water and adequate sanitary facilities, including  waste  disposal  and
 domestic electricity supply. For the housing challenge to be  met,  the
 aim of the government is to establish  a  sustainable  housing  process
 through a national housing strategy which will  eventually  enable  all
 South Africans to secure housing in a safe and healthy environment  and
 within  viable  communities  in  a  manner  which  contributes  to   an
 integrated society.

 III.   Observations

 The Committee would like to commend MEC D Makhaye and MEC D Africa,  as
 well as departmental officials, for the support given to the  Committee
 during the tour and for the good work they have done in  ensuring  that
 the lives of the poor are improved. Homeless people have been  provided
 with  shelter  and  this  was  evident  in  the  interaction  that  the
 delegation had with the different communities.

 IV.    KwaZulu-Natal

 A.  Visit

     1.  Introduction

          The  delegation  visited  10  housing  projects  in  different
          municipal areas. On the second day  of  the  site  visit,  the
          delegation met with the MEC, Mr D Makhaye. He provided a brief
          outline of the future plans of the Department in ensuring that
          the poorest of the  poor  are  sheltered.  The  tour  included
          meetings with mayors of the different municipalities. Projects
          visited included visits to low-income housing projects, hostel
          projects, middle-income  housing  projects  and  the  People's
          Housing Process. Officials of the Department  accompanied  the

     2.  Meeting with MEC D Makhaye

          In the meeting the MEC raised the following:

          From 1994 to date, about 224 169  housing  opportunities  have
          been created. In the same period, a total  of  90  281  houses
          have been built. A total of 155 670 service  sites  have  been
          completed. Under the guidance of Minister Makhaye, the rate of
          housing delivery in the province has increased by 80% for  the
          financial year 2000-01, compared to previous years.

     3.  Size of housing units

          National norms and standards stipulate that no  house  smaller
          than 30 m2 will be  built.  This  is  vigorously  enforced  in
          KwaZulu-Natal, with the  result  that  proposals  for  housing
          projects where houses less than 30m2 will be  built,  are  not
          even considered. The Minister is adamant that he is not  going
          to approve project proposals where norms and standards are not

     4.  Rural housing programme

          The Department reaffirms its commitment  to  ensure  that  the
          lives  of  people  in  the  rural  areas  are  improved.   The
          Department will work with Amakhosi and municipalities to fast-
          track  the  rural  housing  programme.  With  regard  to  this
          programme, the Department has approved rural housing  projects
          valued at R210 million between December 2000  and  July  2001.
          The Department subscribes strongly to the  notion  that  rural
          housing projects should be in line with the  Integrated  Rural
          Development Strategy (IRDS). This  will  ensure  that  service
          delivery impact is maximised and that a co-ordinated  approach
          to rural development is  enhanced.  Another  R37  million  for
          rural housing projects was set aside for 2001-02.

     5.  Slum clearance

          The programme to rid the province of slums was borne out of an
          observation that, although normal housing projects  benefitted
          mainly former slum dwellers, there was need to have a specific
          programme for slums in order to fast-track the  betterment  of
          the lives of the people. Slum clearance has grown to be one of
          the most successful of the Department's  programmes.  This  is
          evidenced by the  fact  that  towards  the  end  of  2002  the
          Department launched the  biggest  slum  clearance  project  in
          partnership with the  Ethekwini  Unicity  Council.  This  R200
          million project, which is already under way,  is  expected  to
          provide housing to 10 850 families who  have  been  living  in
          slums in and around the greater Durban area. All urban housing
          projects that the Department has launched, should be  regarded
          as "slum clearance projects" because  most  beneficiaries  are
          from slums.

     6.  Rehabilitation of houses damaged during political violence

          Promoting sustainable peace is a priority of  the  Department.
          It recognises the damage and pain caused by political violence
          in the souls and homes of ordinary South Africans. To try  and
          reduce the pain suffered by the people,  business  plans  were
          prepared and the Department received an amount of R25  million
          allocated from the  Provincial  Peace  Fund.  During  2000-01,
          houses damaged during political violence  in  different  areas
          (Mpumalanga,  Ezakheni,  Wembezi,  Kwa  Mashu,  Imbali)   were
          identified for rehabilitation. As a result of the  success  of
          these projects, a "crisis of achievement"  scenario  has  been
          created, as more and  more  communities  are  approaching  the
          Department for help to rehabilitate houses  damaged  in  their
          areas. However, the money allocated for that is  exhausted  at

     7.  Housing projects for flood victims

          The Department has been getting projects under way,  aimed  at
          housing families affected by the floods of late 1999 and early
          2000. A total of R24 million was allocated to  the  Department
          for the reconstruction of flood-damaged houses. A R7,2 million
          project has been completed in Mkhuze, and similar projects are
          under  way  in  Mahlabathini,   Mpumalanga,   Mpophomeni   and
          Impendle, totalling R21 million. In Macambini, Chatsworth  and
          Ezimokodweni a total of R1,2 million  has  been  paid  out  in
          cheques to communities, depending on the extent of the damage.

     8.  Fighting fraud and corruption

          The fight against fraud and corruption  has  been  intensified
          and is yielding results. Forensic investigations are conducted
          by independent firms to look into  allegations  of  fraud  and
          corruption. For example,  a  developer  who  had  carried  out
          shoddy work,  was  asked  to  rectify  it  at  his  own  cost.
          Developers who have  received  double  payments,  are  already
          paying back the Department, while some  cases  of  fraud  have
          been referred to  the  SAPS.  Action  is  also  taken  against
          corrupt  officials  within  the  Department.  Fraud  has  been
          discovered within the Department and some  officials  involved
          have been arrested. The investigation is still continuing. The
          aim is to eliminate corruption within the  Department  and  to
          crack the  whip  on  those  officials  not  performing  up  to
     9.  HIV/AIDS

          The incidence of HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal is  too  high,  and
          there is still no cure for it. The Department believes  itself
          to be the  only  housing  Department  to  have  established  a
          housing policy for HIV/AIDS victims and to approve houses  for
          HIV/AIDS patients. The AIDS project  involves  the  Department
          providing funds to institutions who wish  to  provide  cluster
          homes for persons affected by HIV/AIDS, in particular children
          who are orphans as a result of the syndrome, for  as  long  as
          the institution in its discretion deems it necessary, and  for
          those abandoned by  families  because  of  their  HIV  status.
          Subsidies are also provided for families that care  for  AIDS-
          infected children.

     10. Human settlement redevelopment pilot programme

          It is the policy of  the  Department  to  improve  the  socio-
          economic conditions of people living in dilapidated houses and
          informal settlements. All spheres  of  government  agree  that
          there is need to build  on  the  experience  gained  from  the
          programme of special presidential projects on  urban  renewal.
          In the overall quest for more efficient and  productive  urban
          and rural areas, and to move away from apartheid  patterns  of
          the past, the Department supports the projects under the human
          settlement redevelopment pilot programme.  To  implement  this
          initiative the Department  has  embarked  on  a  programme  to
          improve the quality of the living  environment  by  addressing
          the legacy of the dysfunctional.

     11. Empowering emerging contractors

          Economic empowerment of the previously disadvantaged group  is
          one of  the  Department's  key  focus  areas.  The  Department
          utilises and will  continue  utilising  emerging  contractors,
          including women contractors and developers.
     12. Hostel redevelopment programme

          The objective of the programme is  to  promote  humane  living
          conditions  and  improve  the  quality  of  life   of   hostel
          residents.  The  Department  is  striving  towards  converting
          single accommodation to family units.  Affected  residents  as
          well as  informal  residents  are  relocated  to  new  housing
          projects via the project-linked subsidy  scheme.  Negotiations
          were entered into with a number of local authorities to manage
          the upgrading programme. A total of R60 million was  allocated
          for upgrading and redeveloping hostels.

     13. Problems experienced by Department

          (a) When the government took  over  in  1994,  there  were  no
              specifications in respect of  contracts.  Some  structures
              built by developers were as small as 18 to 20m2. This  was
              discussed with the developers, but  the  Department  could
              not take  them  to  court,  as  the  contracts  signed  by
              developers had no specifications. From 1999,  though,  the
              quality of houses has dramatically changed.

          (b)  Some  municipalities  do  not  have  the   capacity   and
              experience   financial   constraints.   Once   they    are
              capacitated, they will be able to operate efficiently  and

     14. Conclusion

          The Department is replacing  the  "Developer-Driven  Paradigm"
          with a new "Community-Driven Housing Process".

 B.  Meeting with Ethekwini Municipality

     The Executive Mayor of Durban, Mr O Mlaba, briefed the  delegation,
     as follows:

     In the past,  houses  were  built  for  the  people,  and  now  the
     municipality is focusing on building  human  settlements.  Most  of
     the houses that the delegation saw, were  houses  that  were  built
     based on the old policies formulated by  the  previous  government.
     They were approved by the old administration  under  old  policies.
     The KwaZulu-Natal administration is still operating under  the  old
     administrative systems, hence the problems  experienced.  According
     to new housing policies, all projects  should  have  tarred  roads,
     water-borne sewage and units built should not be  less  than  30m2.
     The municipality is  now  trying  to  investigate  whether  housing
     policies in place are working well for the people. Over 30% of  the
     costs of developing projects are contributed by the city council.

 C.  Meeting with Newcastle Municipality - Madadeni K Housing Project

     The meeting took place  at  the  municipality  offices,  where  the
     delegation  met  local  councillors,  members  of  the   provincial
     housing committee and developers. The delegation  was  welcomed  by
     the Council, but due to time  limits  had  to  rush  to  the  first
     project in Madadeni K.

     1.  Background to Project

          R25 million was handed over to the Newcastle Local Council  by
          the MEC for Housing, Mr Dumisane Makhaye, for use in the  slum
          clearance project. The funds were  to  be  utilised  to  build
          homes for families living in squatter camps around  Newcastle.
          The MEC donated a further R936 000 to 624 families whose homes
          were devastated by the storms which hit Newcastle in  February

     2.  Project profile

          The Department approved  R3,2  million  to  build  258  double
          housing units to house different families. The units built are
          70m2, split into two and separated by a wall, with each family
          getting 35m2, with full waterborne sewerage and  piped  water.
          The houses have  one  bedroom,  a  lounge,  a  kitchen  and  a
          bathroom with a toilet and shower. There is only one water tap
          in the house. Where possible, the Department has ensured  that
          it is beneficiaries from the same family who  share  the  70m2
          dwelling, in order to avoid squabbles.  The  project  employed
          about 140 local people, who  later  received  building  skills
          certificates from Fideco Homes. These certificates were to  be
          accredited by the Department of Labour.

          The developer recommended to undertake the development is  Mrs
          Claudette Keene of Fideco Homes, who has been involved in  the
          building industry for nine years. Fideco Homes has achieved  a
          Merit  Housing  Developer  Award  for  2000.  Mrs  Keene   has
          established a good working relationship with the Department.

          The Department has made an effort to keep the greenery  (trees
          and grass). Some relatives (extended  family)  who  share  the
          same 70m2 have decided to extend them and occupy them  as  one
     3.  Problems experienced

          (a) The fact that there are two families living under the same
              roof is creating conflict between the neighbours,  because
              one complains about the noise the other one is making.

          (b) Two families occupying the same 70m2  have  been  fighting
              because the one wants to take over the other one's  space.
              (For example, a brother wanting to take over the house  of
              his sister.)

          (c)  Most  of  the  houses  have  cracks   because   of   poor
              workmanship. For example, door handles are  loose,  floors
              and walls are damaged  and  roofs  are  leaking,  but  the
              developer has promised to rectify these (K126 & K955).

          (d) The structural design of the toilet wall is a problem. The
              wall does  not  go  up  to  the  roof,  and  this  creates
              problems when someone is using  the  toilet  while  others
              are enjoying their meal. This forms a health hazard.

          (e) The community made it clear that they are not  happy  with
              the houses and that they prefer stand-alone houses.

          (f) The occupant of K92A complained about her  toilet  system,
              that was not installed properly. The  toilet  is  blocked,
              and this results in  sewage  overflowing.  She  complained
              that Fideco Homes is aware of  the  problem  but  has  not
              assisted in reparing  the  toilet.  Mrs  Keene  of  Fideco
              Homes promised that  she  would  ensure  that  the  toilet
              would be fixed.

          (g) More houses still need to be built in the area,  as  there
              are many people without shelter.

          (h) The project  is  not  a  women  empowerment  project.  The
              developer was told that women  are  to  be  included,  not
              only as workers but also as shareholders.

     4.  Recommendations

          (a) The Committee recommends  that  in  future  only  separate
              houses be built, regardless of whether the  occupants  are

          (b) The  developer  should  address  complaints  laid  by  the
              beneficiaries relating to poor workmanship.

 D.  Meeting with Mooi River Municipality

     The Mayor could not attend the meeting, as he  was  not  well.  The
     town secretary gave a brief background of the  three  projects  the
     municipality  and   highlighted   the   problems   experienced   in
     Bruntville, as follows:

     The Bruntville problem  started  in  1999  and,  according  to  the
     Department, it is a policy issue that needs to  be  rectified.  The
     provincial housing committee visited  the  project  previously  and
     will be addressing the matter with the  relevant  authorities.  The
     Department has also promised to address the problem  together  with
     the council and  to  ensure  that  the  houses  in  Bruntville  are
     occupied. There are beneficiaries on the waiting list  who  can  be
     located in these houses. The problem is that there is no  procedure
     or  policy  that  can  be  used  to  allocate  the  houses  to  new
     beneficiaries, as other people already own the houses.

 E.  Bruntville Housing Project

     1.  Project profile

          The size of the houses is 30m2. The houses were built in  1995
          when the minimum  requirement  was  28m2.  The  value  of  the
          projects is about R7 741 800.

     2.  Problems experienced

          (a) Some of the houses have been built on a flood plain, which
              resulted in some houses being flooded when it rained.

          (b) Certain houses have been built on top  of  springs,  which
              resulted in them being continually damp.

          (c) Water sewage pipes are clearly visible above  the  ground,
              making them vulnerable to vandalism and water wastage.

          (d) Sewer waste is flowing into some yards that are lower than
              those of their neighbours.

          (e)  Unoccupied  houses  were  vandalised  (e.g.  window   and
              doorframes  were  removed.  Beneficiaries  have   deserted
              their  houses  and  have  left  Mooi  River  because   the
              factories that they used to work in have closed  down.  To
              be able to address this  problem,  the  municipality  will
              have to take responsibility of the houses. The  Department
              will hand over the houses to  the  municipality.  However,
              the municipality  cannot  allocate  these  houses  to  new
              beneficiaries. They  have  to  inform  the  owners  first,
              which they do by advertising  in  the  newspapers.  Should
              they not respond, the houses are then allocated  to  those
              on the waiting list.

          (f) Certain houses have  deep  cracks  in  walls,  bacause  of
              structural defects.

          (g) Most of the people in the area are unemployed and there is
              high crime rate.

     3.  Recommendations

          (a) The Committee is interested in finding  out  exactly  what
              the Department intends  doing  to  ensure  that  there  is
              economic activity in Mooi River. It  recommends  that  the
              Department interact with and  request  the  Department  of
              Trade and Industry to assist in identifying possible  ways
              of ensuring that economic activity  is  restored  in  Mooi

          (b) The developer should repair the cracks in the walls.

          (c) The MEC should try and ensure that:

              *   Mooi  River  municipality  speed  up  the  process  of
                   identifying beneficiaries who will occupy the  vacant
                   houses. Advertisements should be on the radio as well

              *   Flowing sewer waste be rectified so that it  does  not
                   result in residents picking up from diseases

              *    The Bruntville town Planner, engineer  and  developer
                   submit an explanation as to why the  sewerage  system
                   was not properly installed  and  why  there  was  bad
                   workmanship in the units.

 F.  Meeting with Mngeni Municipality

     The delegation was briefed by the technical  director  on  problems
     experienced by the municipality. He briefed the delegation  on  the
     home development  project,  which  has  three  phases.  The  phases
     differ in terms of quality; the project  was  developed  by  Howick
     TLC. With reference to phase 3 of the  project,  beneficiaries  are
     on the waiting list, as houses are still not complete.  The  houses
     are  small  and  of  low  quality,  with  very  small  yards,   bad
     foundations, and inferior roofing and window panes.  There  are  no
     proper tarred roads in the area. The units that are occupied,  have
     been improved and renovated mostly bt the beneficiaries. There  are
     no Peoples Housing Process, but emerging  contractors  are  awarded
     tenders where they qualify.  Houses  being  built  at  present  are
     38m2. Women in Howick have not been involved in building  projects,
     as they still need training in building skills. The whole  province
     has been under a moratorium as regards  individual  subsidies;  the
     Department  is  helping  those  who   submit   individual   subsidy

 G.  Meeting with Msunduzi Municipality

     1.  Briefing by Mayor of Msunduzi

          (a) Rental stock

              The  Council  owns  substantial  rental  stock  and  these
              generate some income to sustain the  organisation  and  at
              the same time offer housing to  the  homeless  and  needy.
              The previous Council created a s21  company  and  some  of
              the present Council members  are  board  members  of  this
              company. No projects  were  implemented  by  the  previous
              Council, as they had encountered many  problems.  Problems
              experienced  included  resistance  from  non-ANC  and  IFP
              housing board  members.  The  Council  is  grappling  with
              issues of  providing  good  service  to  the  people.  The
              problem is beneficiaries who are not  satisfied  with  the
              size of the houses they are offered.

          (b) Slum clearance

              Houses have been built in order to do away  with  informal
              settlements  in  the  area.  The  Council  is  hoping   to
              relocate people to the new  houses  by  the  end  of  June
              2002.  2 000  houses  have  been  built  and  two  of  the
              projects are in  Greenfields.  The  Council  welcomes  the
              increase in subsidy as  it  will  benefit  the  people  by
              affording them better  houses  when  combined  with  their

     2.  Recommendation

          The Committee is concerned about  councillors  who  are  board
          members, as this may affect their objectivity.

 H.  Meeting with Matatiel Municipality

     The Mayor gave a brief background of the Harry Gwala Park  Project.
     He highlighted the following points:

     The size of the houses built in Harry Gwala range from 30  to  35m2
     but there are also houses that are 17m2. Some  people  who  qualify
     for 30m2, have been allocated 17m2. This creates a problem, as  the
     Council does not understand how it could have  happened.  There  is
     another project in Matatiel, the Njongoville Project,  where  small
     houses have been built for the people. Some  of  the  beneficiaries
     were not happy with the size of the houses and  developers  offered
     to give them loans to the amount of R10 000. These  loans  were  to
     assist them to extend  their  houses.  Some  of  the  beneficiaries
     could not pay back the loan and developers  sold  their  houses  to
     those who could afford it. The MEC is aware of the problem  and  is
     trying to resolve it legally. A library and a shopping centre  were
     also built, both by women.

     Harry Gwala Park - Matatiel Area C - Rural Project

     1.  Project profile

          The project has about 1 124 sites and is a rural project which
          is developer-driven. The project was approved  in  March  1999
          and was started  on  1  April  2002.  The  expected  date  for
          completion is 30 July 2002. One of the reasons for  the  delay
          is the fact that beneficiary approval was  delayed  due  to  a
          change in beneficiaries. Provision  for  schools,  clinics,  a
          créche and a community hall has been made. The houses are 30m2
          and 35m2 and will be electrified with waterborne  sewage.  The
          Council has approved R1,6 million for building a taxi rank.  A
          community hall will be built soon. A  R780  000  contract  has
          been awarded for  a  walkway  bridge.  Trees  have  also  been

     2.  Problems experienced

          The  community  issued  the  delegation  with  a  summary   of
          grievances and the Mayor assured the  delegation  that  issues
          raised have been addressed.

          The community is complaining of the following:

          (a) Some people who  previously  qualified  for  vacant  plots
              cannot  afford  to  build  houses  as   some   have   been
              retrenched and do not have a source of income.

          (b) Some people have been allocated more than one house  while
              others sell theirs or lease them.

          (c) They are not happy that Stedeone Construction was  awarded
              the tender. They believe that  it  does  not  deserve  the
              contract, as they came third in the tendering process.

          (d) They are questioning the criteria  used  when  houses  are

          (e) Some people use their houses for business purposes.

          (f) The  developer  approached  beneficiaries  who  wanted  to
              extend their houses and offered them a loan  of  R10  000.
              Some beneficiaries could not afford to pay back  the  loan
              and the developer repossessed their houses.

          (g) Funds allocated for the walkway bridge were never utilised
              as the bridge has not yet been built.

     3.  Recommendations

          (a) The Department should ensure that  people  who  previously
              qualified for vacant plots are placed on the waiting  list
              for the subsidy.

          (b) The matter of developers  repossessing  houses  should  be
              dealt with legally and the Minister should be  made  aware
              of it.

 I.  Meeting with Greater Kokstad Municipality

     The municipal manager highlighted the following points:

     The Bhongweni project has not  been  successful  as  the  developer
     went bankrupt. This has left the project  incomplete.  6 000  units
     with 33m2 units have been built in the last  two-and-a-half  years,
     and a tender to complete an additional 100 units has been put  out.
     The cost of installing  electricity  was  about  R10  million,  but
     installation  has  not  been  completed.  About  400   houses   are
     unoccupied   and   the   Department   is   struggling   to   locate
     beneficiaries. No complaints have been received  on  the  standards
     and quality of the houses. Within the  Kokstad  Municipality  there
     are six rural projects,  and  the  municipality  is  succeeding  in
     delivering houses. Local people are utilised to build houses;  they
     were  also  utilised  to  build  houses  in  the  People's  Housing
     Process. Kokstad has, however, stopped  implementing  the  People's
     Housing Process. Another project  was  approved  for  the  People's
     Housing Process, but the community  opted  for  a  developer-driven

     The Housing Board and the Department of Housing  were  very  useful
     and  co-operative  in  ensuring  that  the  tender  processes  were
     approved quickly in Kokstad.

 J.  Bhongweni

     Project profile

     6 000 units have been built in the past two-and-a-half  years.  The
     developer went bankrupt and the project is not complete.  In  phase
     I, 400 houses are unoccupied, as beneficiaries  have  vanished  and
     the  Department  is  struggling  to  locate  them.  200  of   those
     beneficiaries have been located. The  houses  that  were  initially
     built, were 25m2, and now 30m2 houses are being built. The size  of
     the houses to be built in phase 2 of the project will be 40m2.

 K.  Meeting with Ugu Municipal Housing

     Within Ugu Municipality,  two  projects  that  will  be  community-
     driven have been approved. 733 houses will be built  in  the  first
     project and 2 000 units in the  second  project.  R18  million  was
     approved for the two projects. There are delays in commencing  with
     the projects and the  Council  is  grappling  with  initiating  the
     People's Housing  Process.  Initially  there  was  no  director  of
     housing in the municipality, but one has been  appointed  recently.
     Developers are facing huge challenges, including shortage  of  land
     to build houses.

 L.  Gamalakhe Tin Town - People's Housing Process - Port Shepstone

     1.  Background to project

          The community of Tin Town initiated the construction of houses
          as there was a great shortage in the area. They realised  that
          given a chance to build or organise the  extensions  to  their
          homes themselves, they could achieve a greater level of  value
          for money. The Gamalakhe Tin  Town  project  was  approved  in
          March 1998 and was completed in December 2000. The project was
          managed by  a  partnership  between  the  housing  development
          committee formed by the  community,  known  as  the  Gamalakhe
          Development Trust, the provincial  government  and  the  local

          The community identified its housing problem and  initiated  a
          programme to provide its own housing.  The  houses  they  were
          living in before, were tin houses (shacks).  The  project  was
          funded by the Department.

     2.  Project profile

          People of the community constructed the houses utilising their
          own  skills.  They  also  provided  personnel  to  manage  the
          material supply programme. Certain members  of  the  community
          also managed the allocation procedure, which included all  the
          documentation. The action of the community in completing their
          own houses  encouraged  more  social  responsibility  and  the
          managing of their own affairs on a broader  scale.  They  used
          the People's Housing  Process  to  achieve  the  objective  of
          completing 600 houses for families with incomes below R1  500.
          The houses included individual water  and  sewer  connections,
          which  were  included  in  the   budget.   The   blocks   were
          manufactured   by   the   community   and   this    stimulated
          entrepreneurship within the community. The community committee
          continues to tackle ongoing community needs such  as  security
          and health.

          The houses have one bedroom and a bathroom with a  toilet  and
          shower. The tin shacks that the beneficiaries used  are  still
          at the back of the two-roomed  houses.  The  project  won  the
          nomination for best housing  project.  The  beneficiaries  are
          happy  with  their  houses  and  they  are  grateful  to   the
          Department for providing them with decent homes.

 M.  Bhobhoyi Show House

     The show house has been finished and the project has been  approved
     but no houses have been built yet. The show house  has  been  built
     with good quality material and  has  tiles  for  roofing.  The  top
     structure  costs   about   R10 445   and   services   R7 245.   The
     beneficiaries will be trained to build the houses  themselves.  The
     project is part of the People's Housing Process, and the  developer
     will also be involved in building the houses.

 N.  Kwa Dukuza

     Shakaville Men's Hostel

     1.  Background to project

          Preliminary investigations to upgrade the  hostel  started  in
          1994 (upgrade existing building with new  ablution  facilities
          and shower  area).  The  tender  to  upgrade  the  hostel  was
          advertised on  4  November  1998.  Consultants  Csko  Coltzee,
          Steyn, Kruger, Oelsen (?) from Richard's Bay were appointed by
          the Department of Housing as project managers. In  July  1999,
          the Department awarded  the  tender  to  a  local  contractor,
          Multipro Construction Company, for an amount of R352 000.

     2.  Project profile

          The men's hostel consists of three blocks with 44 rooms and  a
          population of approximately 100 residents, including families.
          The hostel upgrade was completed in December  1999.  A  hostel
          committee is in place and residents pay R40 for rental,  which
          includes  communal  water,   maintenance,   bed   rental   and
          caretaking. Rentals are collected  and  paid  into  the  local
          authority's account. Each  room  has  a  pre-paid  electricity
          meter. The local authority is presently doing emergency day-to-
          day maintenance and administration of the hostel.  The  family
          units have one room, which is used as a bedroom and a kitchen.
          There is a communal bathroom with toilets and showers. A woman
          is employed to clean the yard and the bathroom.

     Shakaville Women's Hostel

     1.  Project profile

          On 23 November 2000 the Kwa Dukuza  Municipality  awarded  the
          tender to an  emerging  contractor,  Macingwane  Security  and
          Gardening Services, for an amount of  R116  000.  Construction
          commenced in January 2001 and was completed in May  2001.  The
          women's hostel has one block with 36 female  residents.  There
          are 11 rooms and a bathroom with toilets  and  showers.  There
          are about two to three occupants sharing one room and using it
          as a bedroom and kitchen. The plan is to allocate these  women
          to family units that are going to be built. There is a  hostel
          committee in place and the residents pay R40 for rental, which
          includes  communal  water,   maintenance,   bed   rental   and
          caretaking. Both the men's and women's hostels are well kept.

     2.  Recommendation

          The issue of more than one person sharing  a  room  should  be
          discouraged. One person should  be  allocated  to  a  room  as
          occupants deserve privacy.

     Shakaville Family Units

     R294 000 is available from the Department as a  pilot  project  for
     the construction of family units. This aspect  is  presently  being
     discussed with the  hostel  development  committee  and  the  local

 O.  Newlands West - People's Dialogue

     1.  Background to project

          To access land for the  housing  project,  the  South  African
          People's Homeless Federation, on behalf of the community,  had
          to negotiate with the Durban Metro and  the  Department.  Land
          was allocated to the community and loans to build houses  were
          accessed  from  uTshani  Fund  by  those  who  qualified.  The
          beneficiaries are still waiting  for  their  subsidies  to  be
          approved. Once they are, they will be able to pay  back  their
          loans with the subsidy grant. The Durban Metro  arranged  with
          different organisations to offer the community training on the
          maintenance of the project. The community had saved  money  to
          assist them to contribute towards subsidies.

     2.  Project profile

          The houses are 56m2 in size, with four rooms - two bedrooms, a
          lounge, a kitchen and a bathroom with a  toilet  and  bathtub.
          They were built by women. Each house has a waterborne sewerage
          system and a water tap. The houses are big with two doors, one
          in the kitchen and the other in the lounge. The loan  accessed
          from uTshani Fund is R10 000 and beneficiaries  have  to  make
          repayments of R120  every  month.  Some  beneficiaries  raised
          additional funds to build bigger houses.

     3.  Stakeholders involved

          (a) Durban City Council

          (b) International organisations

          (c) Newlands community

     4.  Problems experienced

          (a) The project has been  delayed  because  the  beneficiaries
              cannot  afford  to  proceed  with  construction   due   to
              financial constraints.

          (b)  15  beneficiaries  have  passed  away,  which  makes   it
              difficult for their loans to be repaid.

          (c) There  is  corruption  with  regard  to  the  delivery  of
              building material. Building material  is  often  delivered
              to those who do not qualify  for  delivery.  Some  of  the
              houses of beneficiaries who are first on the waiting  list
              are still not complete due to allocation  of  material  to
              the "wrong" beneficiaries.

          (d) The community believes that officials are not honest  when
              they say their subsidies are not yet  approved.  They  are
              suggesting  that  the  Council  should  intervene  in  the

          Despite the problems experienced by the community, this is  an
          exceptional projects, as it  incorporates  the  RDP  principle
          that puts people at the centre of its development.

     5.  Recommendations

          (a) Local government should implement job creation projects to
              assist in fighting unemployment amongst the  residents  of
              Newlands West.

 P.  Kwa Dabeka Hostel - Pinetown

     1.  Project profile

          The hostel consist of  nine  multi-storey  buildings  and  has
          about 11 230 formal residents and 3  770  informal  residents.
          The Department is doing emergency day-to-day  maintenance  and
          administration. So far an amount of  R26,5  million  has  been
          spent for upgrading electrical distribution boards and partial
          external upgrading of block H.

          In order to embark on a  pilot  project  25  dormitories  were
          converted to make provision for 25 family units in block A.  A
          further R20 million was made available to  continue  with  the
          upgrading programme. Another R20 million was made available to
          continue  with  the  upgrading  programme  and  also  for  the
          provision of  family  units.  Rentals  are  collected  by  the
          Department and deposited into the Inner  West  City  Council's
          account. Rental ranges from  R11  to  R25,  depending  on  the
          number of residents per room. The tender  was  awarded  to  35
          different contractors. Local people were  trainied  to  assist
          with the renovations. The units have a  bathroom  with  basin,
          toilet and shower, two bedrooms, lounge  and  a  kitchen.  The
          community was consulted before the renovations were done.

     2.  Observations

          When the delegation  arrived  in  the  afternoon,  electricity
          lights were on and there  were  water  leakages.  The  general
          appearance of the outside surroundings was not good.

     3.  Recommendations

          (a)  Control  measures  should  be  addressed  by  the  hostel

          (b) Maintenance of the hostel needs to  be  improved  and  the
              environment cleaned on a continuous basis.

 Q.  Thokoza Women's Hostel - Central Durban
     The Thokoza Women's hostel consist  of  three  hostel  blocks  with
     1 010 formal residents and 990  informal  residents.  Thus  far  an
     amount of R14 million  was  spent  on  upgrading  the  hostel.  The
     Ethekwini Municipality is presently doing, at its own cost, day-to-
     day maintenance  and  administration.  Rent  is  collected  by  the
     Ethekwini Municipality and ranges from R6,65 to  R50,50,  depending
     on the number of residents per room. The kitchen  and  toilets  are
     communal. The general appearance of the hostel is  good  as  it  is
     kept clean.

 R.  Comments

     The Committee intends to revisit KwaZulu-Natal. The  programme  was
     drafted in such a way that it did not cater  for  distances  to  be
     travelled. This resulted in the delegation spending little time  in
     the areas visited.

     Despite the challenges faced by the province,  delivery  of  houses
     is being speeded  up.  Rural  houses  are  built  and  new  housing
     projects  are  started.  It  is  obvious  that  the  Department  is
     committed to ensure that the lives of the poor are improved.

 V.  North West

 A.  Visit

     1.  Introduction

          The   delegation   visited   eight   projects   in   different
          municipalities and  also  met  with  Mayors,  councillors  and
          relevant ward councillors of the different areas. It met  with
          the housing MEC, Mr D  Africa,  on  the  third  day,  and  was
          accompanied by officials from the Department  for  the  entire

     2.  Meeting with MEC

          The challenges of housing and infrastructure are vast and much
          has been done but much remains to be done to ensure equitable,
          sustainable and intergrated settlement development  throughout
          the province. More than 16 000 houses were  delivered  in  the
          province during  the  2001-02  financial  year.  In  order  to
          eradicate the backlog of some 396 000 houses, an amount of  R7
          billion is required. Integration at  all  levels,  with  other
          sectors, other spheres of government, will be the only way the
          Department can coherently make a  difference  to  housing  and
          infrastructure delivery.

     3.  Project-linked programme

          This programme entails the establishment of townships and  the
          transfer of full title to individuals. It comprises  94  urban
          and peri-urban projects to  the  value  of  more  than  R1,474
          billion. A total of 41 357 dwellings have been constructed and
          more than 100 000  subsidies  approved  under  this  programme
          during the first six months of the 2001-02 financial year.

     4.  Project-linked rural housing programme
          The  rural  housing  programme  was  finalised  in  1999   and
          different  projects  have  been  launched  in   2000-01.   The
          programme  includes  23  housing  projects  in  rural   areas,
          comprising 22 448 subsidies/units to the value  of  more  than
          R355 million. A total of 1 655 dwellings have been constructed
          under this programme during the first six months of the  2001-
          02 financial year.

     5.  Individual subsidies programme

          The Housing Code allows individuals  to  access  subsidies.  A
          total of 9 524 individual subsidies  have  been  approved  and
          houses built to the value of R294,5 million.  A  total  of  25
          dwellings have been constructed under  this  programme  during
          the first months of the 2001-02 financial year.

     6.  People's Housing Process

          Five housing support centres have been  established  to  date.
          These centres  enable  local  communities  to  create  savings
          schemes from which dwellings  are  financed.  They  have  been
          supported financially by the Department to an amount of nearly
          R50 million, which includes  the  approval  of  3 324  housing
          subsidies. The People's  Housing  Process  has  completed  764
          units to date, which are, on average, 50m2 in size. This  year
          at least seven centres, especially in the rural areas, will be

     7.  Developer-driven individual subsidies

          This  programme  is  targeted  to  assist  SMMEs   and   small
          developers or contractors that are  in  a  position  to  build
          houses up to 100 units at a time. A total of 71 dwellings have
          been constructed under this programme  during  the  first  six
          months of 2001-02 financial year.

     8.  Hostel redevelopment programme

          This programme entails the conversion of  seven  hostels  into
          2 172 family units. A total  of  35  hostel  units  have  been
          converted into dwellings under this programme during the first
          six months of the 2001-02 financial year.

     9.  Human settlement redevelopment programme

          The intention is to ensure urban renewal where necessary.  Two
          projects to the value of R13 million have  been  completed  in
          Winterveld and Mafikeng.

     10. Housing projects for flood victims

          An amount of R8,1 million in the form of a  conditional  grant
          was   specifically   allocated   to    the    Department    to
          reconstruct/erect 501 dwellings damaged during the  floods  of
          February 2000. A total of 317 dwellings have been  constructed
          under this programme during the first six months of the  2001-
          02 financial year.
     11. HIV/AIDS

          The possibility of setting aside  houses  to  cater  for  AIDS
          orphans, people  living  with  HIV/AIDS  and  the  elderly  in
          conjunction with relevant welfare and  health  departments  is
          being explored.

     12. Women in housing

          The 10% target set by national housing has  to  be  met  by  1
          April 2003. At  the  moment  there  are  5,7%  women  who  are
          executing 10 housing projects comprising  5 270  subsidies  to
          the value of R134 million. In terms  of  the  new  procurement
          policy preference will be given to women developers.

     13. Presidential job summit - rental housing programme

          The national Department of Housing has set aside  funding  for
          the erection of 5 000 rental housing units  to  the  value  of
          approximately R250 million in North West, in respect of  which
          75% must be retained for rental purposes and only 25%  may  be

     14. Job creation

          The MEC has urged developers  to  address  the  issue  of  job

     15. Housing institutions

          The province is concerned at the fact that they  are  excluded
          from the benefits of different housing institutions.

 B.  Briefing by Mr E Sinovich

     Mr Sinovich briefed the delegation on the  new  policy  imperatives
     and challenges faced by the Department, as follows:

     1.  Increase in subsidy

          People's Housing Process beneficiaries will not  be  compelled
          to pay  a  contribution.  The  increase  in  the  subsidy  was
          effective on 1 April 2002 and  it  only  applies  to  projects
          approved after 1 April 2002. The Minister has  been  requested
          to consider the People's Housing Process as an exeption to the
          rule and let  the  effective  date  be  2  January  2002.  The
          Department is still waiting for her approval.

     2.  New procurement regime

          The housing MINMEC on 29 May 2000 approved a proposal  on  the
          procurement principles required to enable the housing  subsidy
          scheme to comply with the provisions of  section  217  of  the
          Constitution. Consequently, on 21  July  2000,  the  heads  of
          housing departments approved  new  procurement  procedures  in
          respect of the housing subsidy scheme. A new complete  process
          for  housing  development  will  be  introduced,   with   fair
          competition in all phases. Firstly, IDPs  will  be  finalised,
          needs  and  priorities  identified  and  suitable  areas   for
          addressing needs will be identified.  Municipalities  will  be
          invited to make provision in their applications for a  profile
          of the communities. Land offer calls will be  made  after  all
          information has been received from municipalities.  Land  will
          be accessed through negotiations with owners if it is  private
          land. Municipalities will conclude  land  purchase  agreements
          with landowners.

          Project description -  municipalities  will  have  to  compile
          project descriptions, which comprise the number of  subsidies,
          and  undertake  to  provide  services  and  land   acquisition

          In order to deliver, it is necessary to appoint a developer to
          manage the project, contractors to  install  services  and  to
          build houses. The developer will then decide how to  undertake
          a project best suited for local circumstances. It will  decide
          on how to construct houses (for instance, the design). It  can
          decide to engage in  the  People's  Housing  Process,  it  can
          execute the project itself or outsource the project.

          Most people prefer to build their own houses but  the  problem
          is they do not fall under the warranty cover  offered  by  the
          National Home Builders Registration Council  (NHBRC).  Another
          problem  is  that  it  takes  time  before  PHP  projects  are

          49% of developers in the North West are women, only two of the
          six women developers are emerging ones, the rest being  fully-
          fledged developers.

          Only  a  few  people   receive   free   basic   services,   as
          municipalities  have  no  authority  to  provide   water   and
          electricity. Water is provided  by  the  Department  of  Water
          Affairs and electricity by Eskom.

     3.  Recommendations
          (a) The People's Housing Process must not be excluded from the
              warranty scheme.

          (b) Policy should ensure that in a developer's contract it  is
              stipulated  that  local  small   contractors   should   be
              capacitated and utilised and that first preference  should
              be given to emerging women contractors.

 C.     Briefing by North West Housing Corporation (NWHC)

     After 1994 transformation took place  and  it  resulted  in  a  new
     company, the Housing Infrastructure  Development  Company  (Hidco).
     There were management problems within the  Company  which  emanated
     from before 1994 and continued after 1994. The role  of  the  board
     had to be changed before it became the NWHC. Until 1997,  the  NWHC
     received funding from the government.

     1.  Financial overview
          The NWHC has stock of R210 million. This include  R20  million
          (flats) and serviced stands (R39 million). All of them are  at
          book value, which on average is 50% below market value.

          Work in progress amount to R42 million
          Accounts receivable - R220 million
          Fixed Assets - R1 million
          Investments - R7 million

          Liabilities of the NWHC  are  mostly  historical  -  long-term
          loans of about R77 million (Public Investment  Commissioners),
          Winterveld Trust (R5 million), accounts payable by SA  Housing
          Trust (R22 million), and retention of about R1 million. It has
          stock worth R210 million.

     2.  Challenges facing NWHC

          (a) Policy and financial

              The transformation and repositioning process  still  needs
              to be completed and the legacy problems still needs to  be
              solved. The NWHC has to reduce its liabilities.

          (b) Housing delivery

              *   More units have to be delivered.

              *   The quality and size of the units constructed have  to
                   be improved.

              *    The  NWHC  has  to  offer  those  who  have   already
                   benefitted an  opportunity  to  improve  and  enlarge
                   their homes.

              *    It also has to improve access to housing finance  and
                   implement the  discount  benefit  scheme  and,  where
                   applicable, pass ownership.

          (c) Policy

              *     The  transformation  process  still  needs   to   be

              *    Transit to HIDCO also has to be completed.

              *    HIDCO has to be changed into a s21 company.

              *     All  operations  and  policies  based  on  the   old
                   dispensation still have to be eliminated.

              *    With the new mandate from the province, the NWHC  has
                   to  be  realigned  (e.g.   introduction   of   social

              *    The NWHC has to work  with  housing  institutions  at
                   national  level  through   co-operation   and   joint

          (d) Financial
              There is a need for the NWHC to:

              *      Access   short-term   finance   to   pay    current

              *     Collect   accounts   receivable,   especially   from
                   government institutions.

              *    Become a primary market lender.

              *    Resolve barriers related to work in progress:

                   - Proclamation R293

                   - Land transfer.

              *    Renegotiate terms  for  the  loans  obtained  in  the
                   past, if they cannot be turned into grants.

              The NWHC is requesting the intervention and assistance  of
              the Committee,  the  Department  of  Housing,  the  Social
              Housing Foundation, NURCHA and the NHFC in addressing  and
              solving the following problems:

              *    The transfer  of  land  among  government  spheres  -
                   there are houses that have  been  built  on  national
                   land - some of the land has been transferred  to  the

              *     Properties  in  the  Free  State  -  the  NWHC   has
                   properties  in  Thaba  Nchu  that,  under   the   new
                   demarcation, fall under the jurisdiction of the  Free
                   State. The NWHC want the  land  transferred  back  to
                   them. They need help with negotiations between  North
                   West and the Free  State  over  properties  in  Thabu

              *    Loans taken during the old dispensation  -  the  NWHC
                   requests  that  loans  taken  by  them  in  the   old
                   dispensation be turned  into  grants,  especially  in
                   view of the NWHC not receiving annual grants anymore.

          (e) Department of Housing

              The  NWHC  suggests  that  if  no  immediate   legislative
              solution to  the  problem  of  proclamation  R293  can  be
              found, it seeks the following:

              *    Co-operation of  the  Department  of  Provincial  and
                   Local Government, the State Attorney and the Surveyor-
                   General to speed  up  the  opening  of  new  township

              *    Intervention of  the  Department  of  Provincial  and
                   Local Government to  help  municipalities  take  over
                   basic services rendered by the NWHC.

              *    Guidance of the Department where a  discount  benefit
                   is given to  beneficiaries  while  the  NWHC  has  to
                   service loans and pay interest as well.

              *    Intervention from Provincial and Local Government  in
                   the matter of rent  collected  by  municipalities  on
                   behalf of the NWHC  but  was  never  paid  over,  for
                   example  R5,7  million  from  Temba,   Mabopane   and
                   Garankuwa alone.

          (f) Social Housing Foundation

              NWHC requests the Social Housing Foundation to:

              *    Utilise the NWHC's experience in rental housing

              *     Form  a  partnership  to  develop   capacity   among
              *    Turn some of the NWHC's existing  flats  into  social
                   housing projects and utilise  some  of  the  services
                   stands for the same purpose

              Arrangements are being made for the  NWHC  to  have  their
              first meeting with the Foundation.

          (g) National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency (NURCHA)

              The NWHC would like to have  joint  ventures  with  NURCHA
              for non-subsidy  projects  and  to  have  NURCHA  bridging
              finance for low-cost projects. Applications are  finalised
              for low-cost projects and one affordable  housing  project
              for the  short  term,  while  another  affordable  housing
              project is planned for the medium term.

          (h) National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC)
              The NHFC is  unfortunately  not  operating  in  the  North

              *     The  NWHC  approached  the   NHFC   for   short-term
                   financing of R10 million for operational expenses

              *    The NWHC needs to turn existing  instalment  purchase
                   agreements into loans and sell them to the NHFC

              *    The NWHC needs to form a joint  venture  with  NURCHA
                   to build houses for those on the  waiting  list  with
                   end-user finance and loans sold to the NHFC.

 D.  Meeting with Stinkwater Municipality

     The delegation met with the Mayor, the Council,  ward  councillors,
     the developer and members  of  the  community.  The  local  council
     informed the delegation that members of the ward committee was  not
     informed of the delegation's visit. They are  happy  with  the  top
     structure but are struggling to get clean water. The  water  supply
     is low and the capacity of the local dam is not great.

     The developer, Megacom Housing, briefed the Committee:

     1 267  houses  have  been  completed  and   are   ready   for   the
     beneficiaries to sign their happy letters. 1 307  units  have  been
     roofed but are not yet occupied. 1 348 units  (up  to  wall  paper,
     not roofed yet) have been built thus far. The  type  of  foundation
     built is approved by engineers before it can be built,  and  blocks
     used were approved by the CSIR. Local people were employed  in  the
     project and there are about 904 workers on site, 610  men  and  294
     women. Funds were not made available for  a  water-borne  sewerage.
     People  fetch  water  from  water  taps,  200m  away   from   their

 E.  Stinkwater rural housing project

     1.  Background

          Stinkwater township is situated on the remainder portion 6  of
          the farm Stinkwater, 15 km from Hammanskraal. It  is  adjacent
          to Dilopye (to the west) and on the  road  between  Temba  and
          Soshanguve. The contract for the development to  commence  was
          signed in May 2000. The project to build 200 units was started
          in May 2002, and the project is developer-driven.

     2.  Stakeholders involved

          The Stinkwater local development forum community-based partner
          Megacom Housing - developer
          The district council
          The RDP standing committee

          The main objective of the agreement was  to  provide  low-cost
          housing -  a  type  of  individual  house  acceptable  to  the
          community. The services level comprised graded roads.

     3.  Project execution

          The portion of  land  that  the  project  was  built  on,  was
          transferred from the national government to the North West  so
          that each  site  could  be  registered  in  the  name  of  the
          beneficiary. CMIP funding was also approved for the  provision
          of bulk water. Construction of internal  infrastructure  began
          in October 2000 and was completed in July 2001.

     4.  Project profile

          Internal services comprise a water tap in  each  yard,  a  pit
          toilet and graded roads. The units are 40m2  and  the  project
          value is R36 800. By the end of May 2002,  water  construction
          for  the  area  will  be  completed,  as  it  is   now   under
          construction. The houses consist of  three  rooms  with  three
          windows,  plastered  inside  and  outside  and  also   painted
          externally in a variety of colours. The blocks for the project
          are manufactured on site, thus  increasing  opportunities  for
          local labour and transporters. Sand was transported  by  local
          people and blocks were manufactured locally. The houses do not
          have bathrooms.

          Local-based labour  was  used  by  the  developer  to  promote
          training and skills transfer and to ensure  maximum  community
          involvement. The project created employment opportunities  for
          about 1 045 people, which included 189 women, 452 men and  404
          youths (under 30 years).

          The project is not yet complete. 1 307 units have been  roofed
          but not yet occupied. 1 267  units  have  been  completed  and
          ready for the beneficiaries to sign happy letters.

     5.  Problems experienced

          (a) Some women cannot access houses and some are  not  allowed
              to  sign  happy  letters.  According   to   one   of   the
              beneficiaries, it is only their husbands who  are  allowed
              to sign the happy letters. Her husband is  not  interested
              to stay in the house and she  is  worried  that  when  the
              title deed is given to the beneficiary, her  husband  will
              refuse to hand it over to her.

          (b) The municipality is not actively involved in Stinkwater.

          (c) Water supply is in demand in the area  and  the  community
              has some difficulty in accessing water,  as  the  capacity
              of the local dam is low. The community  has  been  without
              water for three weeks. The matter has been taken  up  with
              the Department of Water Affairs.

          (d) The approval of the project was delayed - the  application
              for the project was submitted in 1996 and the project  was
              approved in 1999.

          (e) Developers are accused of  not  empowering  subcontractors
              and only allowing them to do painting and installation  of
              window-panes. They employed local brick layers  and  local
              people as labourers.

          (f) Local and provincial governments were not allowed to solve
              the problems experienced with the developer.

          The provincial housing committee will revisit the area to meet
          the local people  and  the  developer,  Megacom  Housing.  The
          purpose of the visit will be to  find  out  exactly  what  the
          problems of the community are.

     6.  Recommendations

          (a) The  Department  of  Water  Affairs  should  expedite  the
              provision of water to the community.

          (b) Contracts signed by developers should stipulate that  they
              should fully empower local contractors.

          (c) The Department should see to it that the  municipality  is
              actively involved  in  matters  affecting  the  Stinkwater

 F.  Mabopane Unit U

     1.  Project profile

          This project is located in Mapobane and is referred to as Unit
          U. It is situated North of the Morula Sun and is  adjacent  to
          the Sand River. This project consists of 1 411  housing  units
          to the value of R259 624 000 and is developer-driven. To  date
          R231 537 35,50 has been paid over. The houses are 30m2  (on  a
          minimum size of 250m2). The houses  have  a  bathroom  with  a
          basin and toilet and one big room used as  a  bedroom,  and  a
          lounge and kitchen. Provision has been  made  for  a  bathtub.
          Eskom is installing meters for electricity  and  local  people
          are trained and were employed to assist with the installation.
          The developers had consulted the community before the  project
          was started.

          Each house has full water-borne sewerage and a water tap.  All
          internal roads have been graded  and  a  tarred  bus  road  is
          provided. Construction of the units commenced in May 2001  and
          the project was  completed  in  November  2001.  Training  was
          provided for the local people employed in the project, and  as
          such skills were transferred to them.

     2.  Stakeholders involved

          The project was successfully run  by  community  members,  the
          municipality, SANCO and the developer, Homes 2000.

     3.  Problems experienced

          (a) Some of the houses  have  structural  defects.  There  are
              cracks in the walls even though they were recently built.

          (b) Some subcontractors approached the developer but only  one
              was employed; the local people  employed  in  the  project
              were underpaid.

          (c) There are school children who own houses and  who  do  not
              qualify for  subsidies.  Of  the  1 411  houses,  200  are
              occupied illegally.

          (d) Some of the houses are used for business purposes.

          (e) Some of the houses are built along the  river  banks.  The
              MEC promised to look at the matter and to ensure  that  it
              does not happen again.

     4.  Recommendations

          (a) The Department should ensure that Homes  2000  repair  the
              cracks in the walls, caused by poor workmanship  on  their

              The Department should see to it that houses are  properly
              allocated and are occupied by the people who  qualify  for
              them. It should ensure that these  houses  are  used  only
              for residential purposes and not for business purposes.

          (c) The Department should investigate whether there are houses
              that are built below the flood line,  and  if  there  are,
              the occupants should be relocated elsewhere.
 G.  Garankuwa view

     1.  Project profile

          This project is situated north of Garankuwa's industrial area.
          It consists of 3 249 units to the value of R597  816  000.  To
          date R404 313 93,33 has been paid for the project. The  houses
          are 30m2 in size (on a minimum stand  size  of  250m2).  These
          houses have one room and a bathroom.  Each  house  has  water-
          borne  sewerage  and  one  water  tap  is  installed  outside.
          Electricity has not been installed.

          All internal roads have been graded and a tarred bus  road  is
          provided. Construction of the units commenced  in  April  2001
          and the project was completed in November  2001.  The  project
          has been successfully run by  the  steering  committee,  which
          consisted of the municipality, Homes  2002  and  the  CBP.  In
          phase 2 of  the  project,  935  houses  will  be  built.  Land
          identified for the project was an  industrial  area,  and  the
          developer is waiting for the municipality to allocate land for
          the project.

     2.  Problems experienced

          (a) It is very inconveniencing  for  beneficiaries  to  access
              water from the water tap outside.

          (b) There is no privacy in the house, as  there  is  only  one
              room where the whole family sleeps.

          (c) It is very dark in the road at  night,  as  there  are  no

          (d) School children have to walk about 15 km  to  the  nearest
              primary school.

          The developer is going to donate the show house to be used  as
          a clinic. Trees were also donated by the developer.

     3.  Recommendations

          (a) Provision should be made for a  school  bus  to  transport
              pupils until a school is built in the area.

          (b) The Department should in  future  ensure  that  developers
              build houses according to set norms and standards.

          (c) Streetlights should be installed as matter of urgency,  as
              the area is prone to crime.

 H.  Meeting with SA Homeless People's Federation

     The delegation met with councillors and members of the SA  Homeless
     People's Federation (SAHPF). The SAHPF briefed  the  delegation  as

     Most people in the  area  do  not  earn  enough  to  support  their
     families. Some are pensioners who have to support  their  families.
     The People's  Dialogue/Federation's  approach  to  savings  differs
     fundamentally from the conventional type of savings. The SAHPF  has
     moved away from set monthly savings and loan  repayments  required.
     Instead, there  are  treasures  that  are  trained  to  make  daily
     collections of loan repayments. These daily collections can be  any
     amount. Some people started saving as little as 20  cents,  because
     some people  are  unemployed  and  are  involved  in  the  informal
     sector. As soon as people have saved enough, they  are  grouped  in
     numbers of 10 and allowed to access Utshani Fund. Utshani  Fund  is
     a fund that provides  low-cost  finance  directly  to  the  savings
     groups affiliated to the SAHPF.

     The size of the houses built in Oukasie range between 56 and  72m2.
     The houses are built of cement  blocks  and  cost  about  R10  000.
     Building costs are reduced  by  using  voluntary  unskilled  labour
     from families that  are  building,  buying  material  collectively,
     negotiating low prices with local builders for the skills that  are
     needed, eliminating the profit  in  contractor  building,  re-using
     existing building material and  manufacturing  their  own  building
     blocks. This enables the community to extend their houses.

 I.  Oukasie People's Housing Process

     1.  Background to project

          Oukasie was owned by a farmer and was not  rezoned  for  human
          settlement. The  application  to  develop  the  570  sites  in
          Oukasie was submitted by the SAHPF. The project was  initially
          approved for 300 subsidies and was subsequently  increased  to
          570 as a result of the increase  in  demand  for  houses.  The
          community of Oukasie started saving for their houses  from  as
          little as 20 cents daily. Some of  the  people  are  poor  and
          others are pensioners who have to support their  families.  As
          poor people they met to find ways  of  assisting  each  other.
          Those who have been saving were allowed to access uTshani Fund
          and were shown model houses before their houses are  built  so
          that they understand exactly what their houses will be like.

     2.  Project profile

          The total value of the project is R4 845 000, and R263 500 has
          been paid. About 80 houses have been completed and handed over
          to beneficiaries. They vary in design and  size  -  there  are
          four-roomed, five-and-a-half-roomed and two-roomed houses. The
          sizes are between 56m2 and 72m2. The houses have big  windows,
          electricity, ventilation, and the  bricks  used  are  of  good
          quality. Material to build the houses is  also  obtained  from
          shacks that the beneficiaries were occupying  previously.  The
          cost  of  a  69m2  five-roomed  house  built  by  one  Patrick
          Matsimela was R12 000, and old material from an old shack  was
          used to build the house. In respect of each  house,  it  takes
          two weeks to build the foundation, two to three days to  build
          the top structure, and another two days to put up the roof.
     3.  Problems experienced

          (a) There were delays in the processing  of  the  transfer  of
              land and this has resulted in the Department  refusing  to
              release subsidies hence only 80 houses  were  built.  Most
              people  are  now  waiting  for  their  subsidies   to   be
              approved. According to the SAHPF developers  were  granted
              land yet they are refused access to land.

          (b) It is difficult to acquire title deeds and this results in
              subsidies  not  being  released  by  the  Department.  The
              People's  Dialogue   has   been   negotiating   with   the
              Municipality for three  years  and  the  Municipality  has
              promised to process the applications for title deeds.

          (c) Some people have built houses even though they do not have
              title deeds. SAPHF is proposing that they be  issued  with
              title deeds.
     4.  Recommendations

          (a) The Department of Housing should expedite the  issuing  of
              title deeds to the  community,  especially  to  those  who
              have already built their  houses.  The  issuing  of  title
              deeds will enable the community to access subsidies.


          The delegation  was  impressed  with  the  commitment  of  the
          community to own their own houses, the size and design of  the
          houses and the  quality  of  building  material  used  in  the
          Oukasie People's Housing Process. From  the  observation  that
          was made by the delegation, it is obvious  that  the  People's
          Housing Process is the way to go.

 J.  Meeting with Klerksdorp City Council

     The delegation  met  with  the  Council  and  was  briefed  by  the
     Executive Mayor, who gave an overview of the  challenges  faced  by
     the municipality.

     The Council has developed  a  strategic  document  in  response  to
     challenges facing the municipality, and is working hard  to  ensure
     that  these  challenges  are  met.   The   first   social   housing
     association will be set up before the end of June 2002. The  social
     housing foundation is supporting the municipality. Since  1994,  26
     housing projects have been built  and  90%  of  the  projects  were
     people-driven. Over 30 000 houses of 42m2 have been  built  in  the
     area.  The  municipality  has  prioritised  the  People's   Housing
     Process, as development has to be people-driven to  succeed.  Since
     2002, no projects have been approved. The Council wants  to  ensure
     that the projects create jobs and are labour-intensive.

     1.  Problems experienced

          (a) The manner in which the steering  committee  at  municipal
              level was set up, created  problems.  That  committee  was
              not trained to carry out its mandate and they do not  know
              where  their  responsibility  starts  or  ends.   It   was
              explained to them that they should give way  to  the  ward
              committee members.

          (b) Most  of  the  projects  that  are  developer-driven,  are
              incomplete. Some of the projects that were  paid  for  are
              not yet constructed - there are no  structures  in  place.
              The Mayor is aware of the problem and  will  be  assisting
              in rectifying it.

          (c) Women empowerment and poverty  alleviation  have  not  yet
              been achieved.  With  regard  to  black  empowerment,  the
              municipality is doing well and has received the  Mpumelelo

          (d) Building  material  in  some  cases  is  dumped  with  the
              beneficiaries,  and  these  beneficiaries  are  forced  by
              developers  and  contractors  to  sign  happy  letters  in
              respect of houses  that  have  not  yet  been  built.  The
              developers have been cautioned not to continue  with  this

          (e) There are serious backlogs  in  the  delivery  of  houses.
              8 000 people are on the waiting  list  for  stands  to  be
              allocated to them.

          (f) Most communities are still using the bucket system and  it
              is going  to  take  a  long  time  before  the  system  is

          (g) Some beneficiaries have disappeared and it is difficult to
              trace them.

          (h) Other allegations include the exploitation of historically
              disadvantaged communities and contractors in the  name  of
              black empowerment.

     2.  Recommendations
          (a) The Department should address the  bucket  system  problem
              and should ensure that programmes to  replace  the  bucket
              system with adequate sanitation are put in place.

          (b) The municipality should speed up the process  of  ensuring
              that houses left vacant by beneficiaries are occupied.

          (c) Developers engaged in illegal activities should be brought
              to book.

          (d) The housing backlog should be addressed  as  a  matter  of

          (e) Proper training in building skills should be provided  for

 K.  Kanana Hostel

     1.  Project profile

          R1,4 million was approved for the renovation of  the  project.
          Renovations were started in 2000 and are still not  completed.
          There are about 800 residents in the hostel, some of whom used
          to work in the mines, most of which have been closed down. The
          Council does not have the records  of  people  who  should  be
          staying in the hostel, and  residents  stay  free  of  charge.
          There are only three water taps in the whole hostel. According
          to the councillor in  the  area,  99%  of  the  residents  are
          unemployed; some are from Lesotho and Mozambique  and  do  not
          possess South African identification documents. This makes  it
          difficult for them to get employment.

     2.  Problems experienced

          (a) Delays in the awarding of tenders - Roofguard was  awarded
              the  contract  to  renovate   the   hostel.   Kanana-based
              building contractors demanded to be awarded the  contract.
              On 21 July  199,  the  Council  agreed  that  40%  of  the
              contract be awarded  to  local  contractors.  Construction
              commenced on 30 March 2000, but due  to  poor  performance
              by Roofguard the Council adopted a  resolution  to  cancel
              their  contract.  L  Construction   and   Ncedanani   were
              appointed to complete the work started by Roofguard.

          (b) Vandalism and theft - building  contractors  were  assured
              that units would  be  vacated  during  construction  work.
              This arrangement never materialised and some R25  000  was
              lost as a result of vandalism and theft on site.

          (c)  Delays  in   construction   -   significant   delays   in
              construction work were experienced  as  a  result  of  the
              presence  of  occupants  in  the  hostel  building  during

          (d) Poor payment of subcontractors by main contractors -  this
              resulted in disputes and work stoppages.

          (e) Lack of sanitation - there are no toilets in the hostel. A
              bucket system was previously used but  now  there  are  no
              buckets,  as  they  are  continuously  being  stolen.  The
              Council did not set aside funds for sanitation  and  water
              supply when they budgeted for renovation of the hostel.

          (f) There is a high rate of illnesses in the hostel - some  of
              the residents suffer  from  TB  and  sexually  transmitted

          The Klerksdorp Municipality inherited this  problem  from  the
          Orkney Municipality.

          According to the MEC, the Klerksdorp Municipality received  R7
          million, but only utilised R1 million. The project  to  remove
          the bucket system is under way,  but  the  municipalities  are
          fighting about who  should  be  awarded  the  tender  for  the
          projects. The Department tried to assist the Council, but  the
          Council was unable to carry out its  responsibilities  because
          most of the projects were implemented during the  transitional
          period when they the municipalities were  not  yet  in  power.
          Funds will be made available for the improvement of the Kanana

     3. Recommendation

          The Council needs to urgently improve the living conditions in
          the hostel and should also implement proper control of  access
          to the hostel.

 L.  Khuma Extension 2 & 3 - Stilfontein Housing Project

     1.  Project profile

          The project is situated near Orkney and  the  stands  are  all
          serviced with essential infrastructure. The entire project has
          477 units to the value of R8 228 250. To date  R7  412  131,50
          has been paid in respect of this  project.  Local  people  and
          local subcontractors were employed to build the top structure.
          The size of the units is 40m2,  and  7 000  houses  have  been
          built. The houses have waterborne sewerage and water taps.

     2.  Problems experienced

          Some of the houses are vandalised; 150 houses  are  unoccupied
          (without beneficiaries). 10% of the beneficiaries have  passed
          away and some people are illegally occupying their houses.

     3.  Recommendation

          People  on  the  waiting  list  should  be  allocated  to  the
          unoccupied houses and the illegally occupied houses.

 M.  Blydeville - Lichtenburg

     1.  Project profile

          The value of the project is R34  586  250  and  it  has  2 005
          units. R29 530 951,55 has been paid in respect of the project.
          The land where the project is situated, is a  portion  of  the
          remainder of portion 1 of Farm Rietdraai 51 -  1P.  Blydeville
          is located to the  south  of  Lichtenburg  and  was  a  former
          "coloured" township. With the exception of a  few  businesses,
          Blydeville is primarily a residential area.

          The Lichtenburg Municipality provides water and sanitation  to
          the beneficiaries at no cost. The  services  provided  include
          graded gravel roads, electricity, water  and  sanitation.  The
          land was made available by the municipality at no cost at all.
          The size of the houses is  32m2  and  the  stand  sizes  range
          between 250m2 and 450m2.  The  houses  have  one  room  and  a
          kitchen and are electrified. The Council is the developer  and
          the  Department  of  Local  Government  and  Housing  is   the
          subcontractor. Each house has waterborne sewage  and  a  water
          tap, the bathroom has a toilet and a basin, but  there  is  no

     2.  Problems experienced

          Some beneficiaries cannot afford to pay electricity and  as  a
          result electricity  supply  to  them  has  been  disconnected.
          Electricity supplied is not prepaid.

     3.  Recommendations

          (a) The Department should  assist  in  ensuring  that  prepaid
              electricity meters are  installed  in  all  households  to
              avoid non-payment of electricity accounts.
          (b) The  Department  together  with  the  municipality  should
              establish whether the  construction  method  used  in  the
              project is favourable for the units to be extended.

          (c) As there is plenty of space for a shower in the  bathroom,
              it is suggested that these should be installed.

 N.  Mathatheng Flood Reconstruction Rural Housing Project by Women

     1.  Background to project

          In 2000, Mathatheng and other neighbouring areas within  North
          West experienced  torrential  rainfalls,  which  left  a  huge
          number of people without homes. The government was  not  aware
          of the plight of the Mathatheng community.  It  was  the  SABC
          that brought this to the eyes of the government by producing a
          documentary  on  the  community.  The  Department   of   Local
          Government and Housing responded to this call by approving for
          an amount of R10,6 million to be allocated for  reconstruction
          in this area. R288 000 was allocated to 18  beneficiaries  and
          each received a relief fund amount of R16 000. There are about
          400 people living in the community of Mathatheng.

     2.  Implementation process

          Thaba  housing   support   organisation   was   appointed   by
          beneficiaries to render the following support services:

          (a) Capacitate beneficiaries in all aspects of housing.

          (b) Empower them through skills transfer.

          (c) Support and strengthen their capabilities  throughout  the
              reconstruction process.

          (d)  Offer  training  in  respect   of   indigenous   building

          (e) Train them in project management.

          (f) Assist them in the establishment of  the  housing  support

          The project was implemented in  terms  of  the  Rural  Housing
          Programme and the People's Housing Process.

     3.  Specifications - norms and standards

          The norms and standards were designed and put in place by  the
          Department, the Thaba housing  support  organisation  and  the
          beneficiaries. Structures not less than 45m2 ion  extent  were
          constructed by the beneficiaries themselves through the above-
          mentioned acquired skills. Toilets are  outside  and  are  pit
          toilets. Prepaid metres for electricity have  been  installed.
          The houses have different designs  and  the  number  of  rooms
          differs from house to house.

          Although 18 houses have been rebuilt, there  is  need  for  an
          integrated and sustainable rural  development  strategy.  With
          the skills  acquired,  beneficiaries  have  the  potential  to
          undertake  any  housing  development  process.  The  MEC   has
          approved the building of an additional 250 houses.

     4.  Problems experienced

          (a) Schoolchildren have to walk a long distance to the nearest
              school. There are no clinics or shops in the area and  one
              has to walk long distances for medical assistance and  for
              buying groceries. The Council is struggling  to  obtain  a
              mobile clinic.

          (b) There are no water taps in  the  area  and  the  community
              accesses water from bore holes.
          (c)  The  community  is  skeptical  of  the  People's  Housing
              Process. When it was launched, the  community  thought  it
              was one of those schemes where people are  conned  out  of
              their money.

     5.  Recommendations

          (a) The Department of Transport needs to assist  by  providing
              the children with a school bus until a school is built  in
              the area.

          (b) The Department of Water Affairs should assist in  ensuring
              that water is made available for the community.

          (c) The Department of Health is urged to come to the rescue of
              the community by ensuring that at least  a  mobile  clinic
              is provided in the meantime.

          (d)  The  People's  Housing  Process  programme  needs  to  be
              launched so that people can be informed  of  what  exactly
              it entails.

          Redevelopment of the houses in  Mathatheng  has  brought  back
          dignity to the beneficiaries whose houses had been destroyed.

 O.  North West Provincial Housing Policy Update Workshop

     The delegation briefly attended a workshop session  on  the  policy
     update. The workshop was organised  by  the  provincial  Department
     and was attended  by  approximately  200  delegates  consisting  of
     porvincial housing stakeholders.  Matters  discussed  included  the
     increase  in  subsidy  amounts  and  a  new   procurement   policy.
     Unfortunately the delegation could not  attend  the  whole  two-day
     session, as it had to leave on the first day.

 P.  Comments
     The North West Department of Housing is fully involved  in  housing
     development. There are many projects currently taking place with  a
     view of tackling the housing challenge and problems experienced  by
     different communities. The MEC is aware of  most  of  the  problems
     that are faced by beneficiaries in  different  communities.  He  is
     committed to addressing them and is  doing  so  in  line  with  the
     policies of the government.

 VI. Conclusion

     It is obvious that much has been achieved, but there is still  more
     that needs to be done to ensure that inhabitants  of  this  country
     are housed. The structure, vision, policies  and  legislation  that
     are now in place, create the platform  from  which  to  effectively
     move forward.

     Collective efforts are needed to  establish  a  productive  climate
     that will remove the  plight  of  the  homeless.  The  creation  of
     partnerships  between  the  various  spheres  of  government,   the
     private sector and the communities  is  fundamental  for  sustained
     delivery of housing. It assists in ensuring that different  parties
     accept their responsibilities and work together  in  unity  with  a
     common purpose.  By  meeting  the  housing  challenge,  the  social
     structures of this country will be rebuilt, thus  regenerating  the
     economy and integrating communities. These  integrated  communities
     should be  situated  in  areas  that  allow  convenient  access  to
     economic  opportunities  and   health,   educational   and   social
  1. Report of the Portfolio Committee on Provincial and Local Government on Study Tour of Spain, dated 20 June 2002:
 The Portfolio Committee on  Provincial  and  Local  Government,  having
 undertaken an intergovernmental relations study tour of Spain,  reports
 as follows:

 A.  Introduction

     1.  With the finalisation of the new  system  of  local  government
          (but for outstanding issues of local government finances), the
          Ministry and Department of Provincial and Local Government are
          beginning to increasingly focus on developing  our  system  of
          intergovernmental relations (IGR) and co-operative  governance
          in order to improve delivery and development. This is going to
          be a major pre-occupation of the Ministry and Department  over
          the next few years.

     2. In terms of section 41(2) of the Constitution,  legislation  has
          to be passed to:

          "(a)     establish or provide for structures and  institutions
                to promote and facilitate  intergovernmental  relations;

          (b) provide  for  appropriate  mechanisms  and  procedures  to
                facilitate settlement of intergovernmental disputes."

     3. The Department has for some  time  now  been  pre-occupied  with
          these matters  -  it  has  commissioned  reports,  sent  staff
          abroad, engaged with experts, and commenced an internal policy
          formulation process.

     4.  The Department intends  to  introduce  initial  legislation  in
          terms of Section 41 of the Constitution either late this  year
          or early next year.

     5.  In order to equip the Portfolio Committee more  effectively  to
          participate  in  the  process  of  developing   policies   and
          legislation on IGR, the Portfolio Committee undertook  an  IGR
          study tour of Spain from 7 to 14 December 2001.

     6.  Spain was specifically chosen because there  are  a  number  of
          features of the Spanish system of government that  are  either
          similar to those obtaining in SA, or which have a  bearing  on
          possible future developments here. These include:

          (a) The history of centralised or  autocratic  government  and
              recent turn to democracy.

          (b) The relative newness of the national constitution.

          (c) The constitutional recognition of at least three tiers  of

          (d) The presence of strong regional identities.

          (e) The  existence  of  a  diverse  set  of  intergovernmental
              relations mechanisms and structures.

          (f) The existence of a body similar to  our  intergovernmental

          (g) The internationally unique  intergovernmental  concept  of
              "asymmetrical devolution".

     7.   Those  who  participated  in  the  tour  were:  Mr  Y   Carrim
          (Chairperson, ANC), Mr J Kgarimetsa (ANC), Rev A Goosen (ANC),
          Ms C Lobe (ANC), Ms G Borman (DP), Mr  P  Smith  (IFP),  Ms  R
          Southgate (ACDP) and Mr C Sibanyoni (Researcher).

     8. The central government and the regions  (provinces)  of  Madrid,
          Andalusia, the Basque  Country  and  Catalonia  were  visited.
          These  included  visits  to  Madrid,  Seville,   Vitoria   and
          Barcelona.  Meetings  were  held  with   a   wide   range   of
          stakeholders,     including     national     and      regional
          parliamentarians,  local  government  councillors,  government
          officials, academics  and  representatives  from  the  Spanish
          Federation of Municipalities and Provinces.

     9. The study tour was very helpful  and  valuable.  It  might  have
          been useful to also have visited a relevant developing country
          to examine its IGR system and draw comparisons.
     10. The study tour was facilitated by the South African embassy  in
          Madrid. The Committee records its appreciation to the  embassy
          and in particular Ms D Viljoen, the political counsellor. Mr C
          Sibanyoni  is  acknowledged  for   his   assistance   in   the
          preparation of this report. The Committee is  also  especially
          grateful to its secretary, Mr L Brown, for the enormous amount
          of work he did to ensure the success of the study tour.

 B.  Background on Spain

     1. Spain has now experienced  some  23  years  of  democracy  after
          almost 40 years of autocratic and strongly centrist rule under
          General Franco. Since the adoption of its new Constitution  in
          1978, Spain has been  acclaimed  for  the  uniqueness  of  its
          constitutional system, premised as it is  not  only  upon  the
          asymmetrical allocation of powers and functions to  the  State
          (central  government)   and   Autonomous   Communities   (ACs)
          (provinces), but equally,  on  the  constitutional  method  by
          which these powers  and  functions  are  allocated.  Variously
          identified   as   asymmetrical   federal   or   asymmetrically
          decentralised,  Spain  is  a  parliamentary   monarchy   whose
          transition  has  been  long  and  complex  but   also   highly

     2.  A key political and constitutional  theme  in  Spain  has  been
          that of centrism versus regionalism, and more particularly, of
          centrism versus community autonomy, especially in those  parts
          of the country which have historical, linguistic and  cultural
          claims to being different to the rest of Spain - such  as  the
          Basque Country, Navarre, Catalonia and Galicia - and in  which
          secessionist sentiment exists. The Constitution "is  based  on
          the  indissoluble  unity  of  the  Spanish  nation,  ...   and
          recognises  and  guarantees  the  right  to  autonomy  of  the
          nationalities and regions that make it up, and the  solidarity
          between them" (Article 2).
     3.  During the constitution-making  process  there  were  different
          conceptions on what the political system in Spain  should  be.
          The parties on the right were in favour of a unitary state and
          they asserted that any  concession  to  the  nationalities  of
          Spain posed a threat to national unity.  The  parties  on  the
          left wanted federalism. The nationalists wanted greater  power
          and autonomy for the Basque Country and Catalonia than for the
          other regions. Consequently, the negotiating parties agreed on
          establishing three routes to autonomy. The regions that  voted
          in a referendum in favour of autonomy in the past were allowed
          to follow a relatively fast process towards full autonomy. The
          Basque Country, Catalonia and Galicia qualified to follow  the
          fast process.  Andalusia,  however,  followed  an  exceptional
          route towards full autonomy. The reason is  that  it  did  not
          qualify as a historic nationality but had a  majority  support
          for full autonomy. The other 13 ACs  followed  a  5-year  long
          route in order to achieve autonomy.

     4. In its change to democracy and in the  decentralisation  of  its
          system of government, Spain has  been  fortunate  that  socio-
          economic factors have strengthened rather  than  hindered  the
          process. In the first place, Spanish society was at  the  time
          of the 1978 transition, and  remains  today,  a  society  with
          considerable social equality, unlike South  Africa.  Spain  is
          indeed, a welfare state. Moreover, the  post-1978  period  has
          been  characterised  economically  by  significant  stability,
          diversification and growth, reducing the  prospects  of  civil
          unrest  and  increasing  the   legitimacy   of   the   system.
          Notwithstanding the much lower levels of  inequality  compared
          to South Africa, there is strong emphasis placed  on  reducing
          inequality between regions and within regions.  Membership  of
          the European Union (EU) is important in this  regard,  and  it
          was observed on several occasions that in a sense the  Spanish
          system is of four, not three, spheres of  government.  Spain's
          relations with the EU is a major preoccupation.

     5. Interestingly,  the  transition  from  a  centrist  state  to  a
          decentralised one is not quite complete - after over 20  years
          -  and  the  decentralisation  process  in  respect  of  local
          government has barely begun.

 C.  Evolution of IGR in Spain

     1. The drafters of the 1978  Spanish  Constitution  fudged  several
          contentious issues in favour of reaching consensus, leaving  a
          range of matters to be resolved in the future. One consequence
          of this is a division of powers and  functions  reliant  on  a
          process to be  fulfilled  rather  than  a  rigid  and  uniform
          constitutional enumeration of allocated  competences.  Another
          is  that  since  the  ACs  only  came  into  being  after  the
          Constitution was adopted, the Constitution makes no  reference
          to the 17 ACs making up the current territory of Spain.

     2.  But  importantly,  from  an  IGR  perspective,  this  purposive
          constitutional obfuscation resulted in what was  initially  at
          least, a highly litigious system in which the  State  and  ACs
          made extensive use of the  Constitutional  Court,  largely  in
          respect of  defending  their  respective  competences  against
          perceived encroachment. There have been some 800 cases  before
          the Constitutional  Court  over  20  years,  though  the  vast
          majority of these were in the early years of the transition. A
          view commonly expressed was that following the development  of
          a necessarily large  body  of  authoritative  and  politically
          accepted jurisprudence,  the  system  is  currently  far  more
          mature in that both ACs and the State operate in terms  of  an
          established understanding of the limits  of  their  respective
          competences. The result is far less conflict now than  in  the

     3. Another noteworthy feature is the extent to which  reliance  has
          been  placed  on  mechanisms  and  institutions  not  directly
          created  by  the  Constitution.  Instead,  a  combination   of
          statutory and  non-statutory  bodies  play  key  roles  in  an
          interlocking system in which negotiation plays a major role in
          addressing potential or actual conflict.

     4. As in any multi-sphered system with the same political party  in
          control  at  both  the  national   and   sub-national   level,
          governmental disputes are frequently mediated within the party
          rather than between governments. This  was  accentuated  by  a
          strong   Proportional    Representation    electoral    system
          strengthening the role of the political party  in  respect  of
          its public representatives, though it appeared that  the  left
          of centre parties permitted greater sub-national autonomy  and
          thus deviation from party policy than  did  the  centre  right

     5. A key theme was  the  length  of  the  transition.  Stakeholders
          often referred to the fact that the transfer of powers to  the
          ACs and the concomitant finalisation of  structures,  staffing
          and  finances  associated  with  AC  governance  is  only  now
          reaching its  conclusion,  while  those  ACs  wanting  greater
          competences saw the process requiring yet more time  to  reach

     6. Allied to this  23-year  time-frame  has  been  a  single-minded
          focus on completing the first  phase,  AC  governance,  before
          commencing on the so-called "second wave of  decentralisation"
          - to municipalities. This contrasts with South Africa in which
          the transition  is  commonly  conceptualised  as  a  far  more
          condensed process.

 D.  Powers and Functions of Central and Regional States

     1. The Spanish Constitution utilises a unique approach towards  the
          allocation of powers and functions between the State  and  the
          ACs. The focus is more on the constitutional process  than  it
          is about any a priori allocation of competences.  Indeed,  the
          essence of the system is one in which the Constitution  merely
          enumerates which competences an  AC  may  assume  whereas  the
          specific competences actually assumed reflect a constitutional
          negotiations process between the State and a particular AC.

     2. In general, the sequence is as follows: the State and the AC  in
          question reach  broad  agreement  on  the  competences  to  be
          assumed;  the  AC  drafts  its  "Statute   of   Autonomy"   or
          Constitution which is ratified by way of a referendum  and  is
          adopted by its Parliament; the State  Parliament  then  passes
          the statute - with a special  majority  -  as  a  law  of  the
          centre. The Constitution provided for  a  fast-track  approach
          (adopted by the historical communities) and a slower  approach
          (the other ACs). The actual  allocation  of  competences  over
          time reflects these  two  groups  of  ACs,  though  there  are
          differences, sometimes  significant,  within  each  group.  In
          addition to the enumerated functions an AC may assume, it  may
          also, with State agreement, assume competence  over  specified
          issues falling within  the  scope  of  non-allocated  residual
          competences.   The   Constitution   further   guarantees   the
          historical  position  of  specified  communities.   This   for
          instance, is why revenue collection in the Basque  Country  is
          completely different to the rest of the country.

     3. The AC competences are of  three  types:  exclusive,  concurrent
          and shared. Though the Constitution theoretically provides for
          an intervention or override mechanism, it appears  in  reality
          as though exclusive powers permit of no  State  competence  in
          that same field within the  AC  in  question.  The  nature  of
          Spanish concurrence differs from ours.  Whereas  in  our  case
          both national and provincial spheres have full  competence  in
          respect of any particular Schedule  4  functional  area,  this
          overrides being the means of resolving a dispute, in the  case
          of Spain, State competence is limited  to  setting  out  broad
          principles which the ACs are free to give effect  to  as  they
          see fit. Conflict over the extensiveness or otherwise of  what
          is permissible has been addressed by the Constitutional Court,
          in favour of a limited rather than extensive State competence.
          In respect of a shared competence, the AC is obliged to simply
          execute national legislation.  State  competence  is  likewise
          exclusive (enumerated) and  concurrent.  Residual  powers  lie
          with the State except in so far as any  particular  functional
          area has been allocated to an AC by way of agreement.

     4. As far as the classification of the system is  concerned,  there
          appear to be two firm views in Spain: one  group  claimed  the
          country was clearly federal in nature or that it  was  federal
          in all but a few matters, such as the structure of the senate;
          the second group felt the  system  was  simply  decentralised.
          Interestingly, these views tended to correlate with  political
          party affiliation: centre-right centrist parties, such as  the
          Popular Party (PP),  view  the  system  favourably  as  merely
          decentralised  while  socialist  parties   view   the   system
          favourably as federal, stating that Spain was simply incapable
          politically, of recognising this fact.

     5. The Portfolio Committee participants in  the  study  tour  noted
          the particular challenges posed by the specific  circumstances
          of the Basque Country and the role of the ETA  in  particular,
          but does not feel competent to make any  useful  observations,
          except to stress the need for negotiations to solve  political
          conflicts wherever they may exist.

 E.  Local Government

     1. At one level, local government seemingly occupies the same  type
          of constitutional position common to most three-tiered systems
          - it is subordinate to and is a creature of the national or AC
          governments. This is so because  it  derives  its  legislative
          competence from national and AC statutes and is  not  accorded
          original  powers   by   the   Constitution.   Indeed,   "local
          administration" is expressly listed as a competence  that  may
          be assumed by ACs. However, it would be simplistic  to  assume
          from this an exaggerated position of subordination.

     2. First, in  terms  of  human  capacity  and  financial  capacity,
          municipalities  do  not  on  the  whole   appear   to   suffer
          significant capacity constraints. Whilst  it  is  acknowledged
          that there are far too many (about 8,000  mostly  very  small)
          municipalities, the view was  commonly  expressed  that  local
          identity took precedence over the  need  for  rationalisation,
          and  that  despite  this  need,   local   government   worked.
          Certainly, State and AC capacity building did not  feature  in
          our discussions.

     3. Second, while in terms of  national  legislation  municipalities
          are required to provide a minimum set of services according to
          the population of the municipality in question, they appear to
          enjoy considerable freedom in respect of how they give  effect
          to what is a nationally-determined  framework.  For  instance,
          municipalities provide for service  delivery  via  a  host  of
          mechanisms equivalent to those provided for in  Chapter  8  of
          our Local Government: Municipal Systems Act.

     4. Third, the larger municipalities have competences  that  in  our
          country reside with national and provincial governments - such
          as social  services  and  housing.  These  municipalities  are
          seeking  more  competencies.  Many  of  the  service  delivery
          functions preoccupying us are delivered not  directly  by  the
          municipality but by what in Spain is called  a  Province.  The
          Province  is  indirectly  elected  by  municipalities  and  is
          superficially similar to our District. Though acknowledged  as
          a tier of local government,  it  is  not  expressly  termed  a
          municipality. The larger municipalities visited exercised more
          than the minimum competences, having negotiated  the  transfer
          of further powers. A view was  expressed  that  the  ACs  were
          sometimes too remote from local communities and  too  inclined
          to provide services in a manner incongruent with the views  of
          the local community, necessitating that municipalities  expand
          their delivery role.

     5.  Fourth,  there  are  two  constitutional  guarantees   of   key
          significance. On the one hand, the Constitution provides  that
          municipalities must be  guaranteed  the  funding  required  to
          carry out their services; the existence of  unfunded  mandates
          did not appear to be a major issue  in  Spain.  On  the  other
          hand, and most  important,  the  Constitution  guarantees  the
          "autonomy"  of  municipalities.  This  appears  to  be  of  an
          institutional    form    in    particular,    including    its
          administration, and has the effect of reducing  State  and  AC
          intervention in the manner provided for in  our  Constitution.
          The only intervention mechanism available to the State and  AC
          appeared to be the courts. Interestingly, it appears as though
          municipalities cannot be compelled to accept new  competences,
          even if funded, but have the  discretion  to  accept  or  deny

     6. A recurrent issue raised  was  that  with  the  first  phase  of
          centralisation now almost over, from State  to  AC,  Spain  is
          shortly to commence the next phase  in  the  process,  of  the
          transfer  of  further   competences   to   local   government.
          Constitutionally,  this  is  not  a  solely   State-determined
          process, but requires AC co-operation. Although various  State
          stakeholders saw AC resistance to having to hand over some  of
          its competences as a serious impediment to the success of  the
          process, a number of AC representatives viewed the process  as
          inevitable and desirable.  Municipalities  have  achieved  low
          levels of development. For  historical  reasons  priority  was
          given to ACs rather than to local government. Local government
          wants more powers but the progress is very slow. The  ACs  are
          reluctant to devolve some of their powers  to  municipalities.
          To address this, the Socialist Party  and  the  Popular  Party
          have signed an agreement 4 years  ago  to  devolve  powers  to
          municipalities. All stakeholders recognised that  the  process
          will take a long time and will require extensive negotiations.

     7.  There is a Federation of Municipalities and Provinces in  Spain
          that unites local government. Of about 8  000  municipalities,
          about 6 000 belong to the Federation of Municipalities. The  6
          000 or so municipalities account for 94% of the population  of
          Spain. Out of 50 provinces in Spain, 49  are  members  of  the
          Federation of Municipalities. The existence of the  Federation
          of Municipalities is not recognised in the Constitution -  but
          the central government does engage with it. The Federation  of
          Municipalities has been promoting the devolution of power  and
          expenditure to local government - but is  not  satisfied  with
          progress so far.

 F.  Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations

     1.  ACs  are  not  only  guaranteed  political  autonomy   by   the
          Constitution,  but  also  financial  autonomy:  Article  156.1
          provides that "the Autonomous Communities will enjoy financial
          autonomy  for  the  development   and   execution   of   their
          competences ...".

     2.  The  Spanish  system  is   complex.   Since   the   "historical
          communities" had their historical  rights  guaranteed  by  the
          Constitution, this has resulted in a measure of asymmetry.  On
          the one extreme, and unique to the relatively  wealthy  Basque
          Country, almost all taxes including income  tax,  Value  Added
          Tax (VAT) and excise duty are collected by the AC  which  then
          pays over to the State its agreed share.  The  State  collects
          none of these itself. The share paid by the AC to the State is
          intended to reflect the cost of state services provided in the
          Basque Country as well as a  pro  rata  share  of  other  non-
          territory-based State expenditure such as foreign affairs  and
          defence. It also includes a "solidarity" component - funds  to
          be apportioned to the poorer ACs as part of the State's inter-
          AC financial equalisation efforts.  Typically,  costing  these
          State services is a complex, lengthy and contentious  process,
          entailing considerable  negotiations.  The  Basque  government
          emphasised that it, rather than the State, carried  the  risk,
          since the sum to be paid to the State was  fixed  irrespective
          of  actual  revenue   collection   and   underlying   economic
          performance. Importantly, agreement reached between the Basque
          Country and the State is enshrined in a freshly-negotiated and
          updated "Economic  Agreement",  enjoying  high  political  and
          contractual status,  equivalent  indeed,  to  its  Statute  of

     3. Other historical communities such  as  Catalonia  are  likewise,
          though not as extensively, differentiated from what is  called
          the common tax regime system to be found elsewhere in Spain.

     4. In terms of the common system, there are  three  groups  of  tax
          resources to be divided between the State and  the  AC.  First
          are the "financial  sufficiency"  finances.  This  is  revenue
          provided by the State from tax revenues intended to cover  the
          cost of transferred functions. From specific  taxes  collected
          by the State in the territory of the AC, and especially income
          tax and VAT a percentage of each is apportioned to the AC  for
          this purpose, to which  is  added  "own-taxes"  collected  and
          managed by the AC. Costing of services transferred and thus of
          revenue transferred is not zero-based or  need-based,  but  is
          based on the  cost  at  the  time  of  transfer  adjusted  for
          necessary increases. Moreover, should  there  be  a  shortfall
          between the cost of  the  services  rendered  and  the  fiscal
          capacity of the AC, the Financial and Fiscal Board comes  into
          play to facilitate the transfer of further  funding  from  the

     5. The second group covers self-government,  and  is  sourced  from
          specific AC taxes. The application and extent of  this  taxing
          power is limited by a number of factors such  as  EU  rulings,
          State prescripts regarding  market  unity  and  macro-economic
          stability, and the like.

     6. The third group is centred on so-called  "solidarity",  being  a
          geographical,  basically  AC,  compensation  fund  or  minimum
          balancing or equalisation fund aimed at equalising the quality
          of  services  for  all  Spaniards  regardless  of   residence,
          especially in respect of education and health.

     7. The allocations take place in terms of a "Quota  Law"  providing
          for a formula-based  quota,  negotiated  for  5-year  periods.
          There are currently attempts being made to  make  the  formula
          permanent. Interestingly, Spain has reverted  to  the  present
          system of AC entitlement to individual  taxes  raised  by  the
          State after experimenting with and rejecting a pooling system.

     8. For the ACs in the common system, transfers from the  State  are
          thus critical, since "own" revenue is limited between 12%  and
          15% of revenue, EU transfers excluded. In most instances these
          transfers are unconditional.

     9.  Local  government  raises  some  60%  of  its  own  revenue  on
          aggregate, the balance comprising State transfers via the ACs.
          The level of financial autonomy is less than that of the ACs.

     10. EU transfers  have  been  extremely  important  in  respect  of
          promoting development  in  the  poorer  ACs.  The  quantum  of
          transfers is based on the extent of AC deviation from  an  EU-
          determined standard of living  norm,  and  is  of  two  types:
          infrastructural grants (especially  transport),  and  specific
          programmes (such as job creation). Among the key EU funds  are
          the European Regional Development Fund, European  Agricultural
          Guidance and Guarantee Fund, and European Social Fund.

     11.     Intervention measures by the State  in  respect  of  AC  or
          municipal mismanagement is  virtually  non-existent,  and  the
          State is thus reliant on the courts to secure compliance.

 G.  Institutions and Mechanisms of IGR

     1. Typically, the Constitution of Spain does not expressly  provide
          for the full range of IGR institutions and processes  utilised
          by IGR roleplayers. Some of the  more  important  institutions
          are referred to below.

     2.  Senate: According to the Constitution,  the  Senate  represents
          the interests of  the  ACs.  In  practice  it  does  not.  But
          political parties are trying to address  this.  The  Socialist
          Party wants the Senate to play a role  in  mediating  conflict
          between central government and the ACs. To achieve  this,  the
          Socialist Party wants the Constitution to be amended. However,
          the Popular Party does not want to  change  the  Constitution.
          According to the Popular Party, it is better not to change the

     3. Council for Fiscal and Financial  Policy:  There  is  a  special
          Council for Fiscal  and  Financial  Policy,  composed  of  the
          Minister of economics and finance from the central government,
          and his or her counterpart in each region and the Minister  of
          Public Administration. The Ministry of  Public  Administration
          is directly charged with overall intergovernmental  relations,
          co-operation, and capacity-development, but in  practice  this
          is shared with many functional ministries.  This  consultative
          body provides an intergovernmental forum for debate. The  body
          is also concerned with the co-ordination of  policy  regarding
          the distribution of state resources to the regions, as well as
          public investment, the costs of services and public debt.

     4.  Multi-sectoral  Conferences:  There  are  sectoral  conferences
          similar to MinMecs.

     5. Bilateral Commission: There are also bilateral meetings  between
          central government and some of the ACs.

     6.  Political  Party  System:  Political  parties   contribute   to
          stabilising IGR by mediating differences between ACs  and  the
          center and between ACs through party political structures.

     7. It would seem that there is no forum which  bring  together  all
          tiers of government on a regular and organised basis.

 H.  The European Union

     Currently, there is a debate regarding  the  participation  of  the
     ACs in the European Union (EU). Some ACs want to be represented  in
     the EU institutions. For example, the Basque  Country  argues  that
     since it basically has its own  fiscal  system  it  should  have  a
     chance to defend itself in the EU. However, the central  government
     argues that the EU is a union of states.  In  addition,  the  State
     asserts that foreign relations is a non-transferable competence  of
     the Central Government.  EU  policy  falls  under  foreign  policy.
     However,  a  counter  argument  is  that  the  process  of  the  EU
     integration is not, in any way, a foreign relations issue, for  the
     central government is giving its powers and those  of  the  ACs  to
     the EU. The ACs,  for  example,  have  competences  in  respect  of
     agriculture. But decisions and policies on agriculture are made  at
     Brussels. Thus, the EU impinges on ACs competences.

 I.  Conflict Resolution

     1.  The  Constitutional  Court  plays  a  vital  role  in  conflict
          resolution. This is more so, because the Spanish  Constitution
          is unfinished. When the Constitution was drafted it  was  left
          flexible and some of  the  clauses  are  vague.  This  created
          particular challenges. In the 1980s many cases were  taken  to
          the  Constitutional  Court.  The  implication  is   that   the
          Constitutional Court, which is not elected, has to finish  the
          draft by clarifying the vague  clauses  in  the  Constitution.
          However, the Basque Country has raised a concern regarding the
          Spanish Courts. The Basque Country has decided not to use  the
          Spanish Courts, for in 90% of cases they have taken  to  court
          their powers were reduced.

     2. The Audit Tribunal reviews and adjudicates public accounts.  The
          Audit Tribunal tries to resolve an issue before it is sent  to
          the Constitutional Court.

     3.   Besides  these  mechanisms,  there  is  another  mechanism  to
          resolving conflicts between the State  and  the  AC.  In  this
          process the central government negotiates with  an  AC  for  3
          months. If an  agreement  is  not  reached,  they  go  to  the
          Constitutional Court for extension. The  Constitutional  Court
          can extend the period of negotiation up to 9 months.

 J.  Overview of Lessons for South Africa

     1. Closer to  the  time  that  the  Department  begins  to  further
          develop  its  IGR  policy  and  legislation,   the   Portfolio
          Committee will discuss this report in some detail,  especially
          for the lessons it offers to our own country. The lessons have
          already been suggested in the way the report  has  focused  on
          issues taken up above.  Below  is  a  brief  overview  of  the

     2.  It is important to locate the Spanish system within a  uniquely
          Spanish context. For instance, Spain was fortunate in that its
          transition to democracy  took  place  within  the  context  of
          relative social stability  and  a  growing  economy.  It  was,
          moreover, a society with relatively low levels  of  inequality
          within and between regions. These conditions do not  apply  to
          South Africa. They point though  to  the  challenges  our  IGR
          system  confronts,  especially   given   the   huge   material
          disparities  within  our  country.   These   disparities   are
          reflected not just between provinces and  municipalities,  but
          within the population as a whole. We have  among  the  highest
          income inequalities in the world. The need for  redistribution
          partly explains  the  relatively  strong  national  sphere  of
          government we have, and the system of co-operative  governance
          we have opted for.

     3.  One of the striking lessons of the Spanish  experience  is  how
          long it takes to develop a stable IGR  system.  It  has  taken
          Spain some 23 years to implement  a  national  and  provincial
          system which is only now being acknowledged as  reaching  some
          sort of finality. There are a number of reasons for this,  the
          most important of which may be unique to Spain, especially the
          post-constitution process-led  asymmetrical  establishment  of
          the ACs and negotiated conferral of powers and functions.  But
          stakeholders made it clear  that  this  time-frame,  far  from
          being a hindrance,  has  contributed  positively  towards  the
          evolution of the system. In  our  country  there  has  been  a
          certain tendency to expect too much progress  too  soon.  Some
          key practitioners have even called for a fundamental review of
          our provincial system or our new model of local government  or
          our co-operative governance system  generally,  as  relatively
          new as  they  are.  While  these  systems  must  be  regularly
          reviewed, surely it is far too soon to contemplate fundamental
          changes.  The  allocation  of  yet  further  powers  to  local
          government in South Africa should also be dealt with gradually
          and sensitively.

     4.  Constitutional asymmetry is  not  in  itself  unique,  but  the
          extent and manner of  its  application  in  Spain  surely  is.
          Though the  reasons  for  this  are  largely  historical,  its
          adoption as  a  constitutional  mechanism  is  viewed  by  key
          stakeholders in Spain as successful. In South Africa, however,
          there is little support for asymmetry. There are many  reasons
          for this. This includes the  need  to  create  national  unity
          following the deep divisions created by apartheid;  the  acute
          inequalities between the provinces; the lack  of  sufficiently
          strong regional identities; the need to create stability;  and
          the establishment of a simple provincial system. The  majority
          of the participants in the study tour felt, as much  as  there
          were many useful lessons to draw, that the Spanish  system  of
          asymmetry was not suitable for South Africa, at least  not  at
          this stage. The minority felt  that  consideration  should  be
          given to asymmetry in South Africa based in  part  on  lessons
          drawn from the Spanish experience.

     5.  Each level of government plays an important  role  in  revenue-
          collection. This is, however,  less  pronounced  in  the  non-
          historical ACs which seem to collect only between 12% and  15%
          of their own revenue. The State and the ACs divide  individual
          taxes between themselves rather than disbursing revenues  from
          an undifferentiated pool. Of course, in South Africa provinces
          rely on the constitutional provision of an  "equitable  share"
          The Constitution provides for legislation  to  be  passed  for
          provinces to have further revenue-raising powers -  but  there
          is no significant step  in  this  direction.  There  are  many
          reasons for this. In the main, they revolve around the  nature
          of our co-operative governance system and the early stages  of
          it that we are in at present. Some limited  form  of  revenue-
          raising powers are not to be ruled out altogether,  especially
          if they do not undermine the objectives  of  creating  greater
          social equality in the country overall.

     6.  While by no means  unknown  in  Spain,  unfunded  mandates  are
          seemingly not the problem as they  are  in  South  Africa.  In
          Spain,  both  AC  government  and   local   government   enjoy
          constitutional and statutory entitlement to  adequate  revenue
          as  well  as  protection  against  unfunded  mandates.   Local
          government in South Africa is particularly vulnerable- and  it
          might well be necessary to provide stronger safeguards for  it
          against unfunded mandates, beyond to what is provided  in  the
          Constitution and the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act.

     7.  Whether Spain is federal or decentralised  is  a  question  not
          unfamiliar  to  South  Africans.  Interestingly,  left-leaning
          parties  in  Spain  support  federalism  while   right-leaning
          parties support a more unitary approach. This is the  opposite
          of the situation in South Africa. Both ACs and  municipalities
          enjoy considerable legislative, executive and fiscal autonomy.
          The central government enjoys  fewer  intervention  mechanisms
          than is the case in South Africa. In many senses, the ACs have
          more power than our provinces. In some sense, local government
          in Spain also has more power, but in  other  senses,  it  does
          not. Unlike in South Africa, local government  in  Spain  does
          not  have  original  powers  and  functions  set  out  in  the
          Constitution. Key stakeholders  in  Spain  were  impressed  to
          learn about our system of local government, and were struck by
          how advanced our vision and framework for local government  as
          set out in the Constitution, legislation and policies is.

     8.  As is common in many federal or  quasi-federal  systems,  there
          are a myriad of institutions managing IGR in Spain.  Of  note,
          however, is that most are not expressly provided  for  in  the
          Constitution. Rather, they have evolved over time  to  reflect
          the exigencies of IGR within a particular period. Furthermore,
          they are even then not necessarily creatures of statute.  This
          re-emphasises the need to avoid unnecessarily  regulating  our
          system of IGR, especially as it is so new.

     9.  It was instructive to see how political parties  contribute  to
          stabilising IGR by dealing with differences  between  ACs  and
          the center and between the ACs through  their  internal  party
          structures. This is, of course, also the case in our country -
          and obviously more so because of the strength of the  majority
          party. Clearly, political parties in this country have a vital
          role to play in stabilising our system of IGR.

     10. The Portfolio Committee was very stimulated by its  study  tour
          of Spain and would like to pursue the issues  raised  in  this
          Report further through various means.